
videoITguy wrote on 4/11/2015, 11:50 AM
Just an FYI - a PSD file is NOT a PSD, and still not a PSD. In other words this is a format that has grown over many interations and years to become something evolving.

Generally it can also have features within different versions. A smart PSD editor can do what we call a back version save, but it is most difficult to do by the garden variety user.

What this means is that you can take a late version of Photoshop and save to an earlier version (read that simplified format) for most compatibility. For this reason alone I use a version of Photoshop on Windows that is almost twenty years old.
SecondWind-SK wrote on 4/11/2015, 12:50 PM
videoTguy.... Good to know. I have to save Word and Excel projects from my 2010 version to 2003 formatted files, because several of my clients are very slow to upgrade what's working for them. Can't blame them.
john_dennis wrote on 4/11/2015, 1:01 PM
I have used Photoshop Elements of various versions to create and edit text. Incidentally, it's not my favorite thing to do. While it gets the job done, I have not edited text in diverse file versions created by others in different versions of Photoshop.
SecondWind-SK wrote on 4/11/2015, 1:20 PM
john dennis...
Different versions. Hmmm? There's the rub. I can work it out with the marketing guy, where I am most affected by this.