Please restore "memory" in Color Curves

Radomir wrote on 11/8/2016, 1:54 PM

Few versions ago, Vegas can remember if I want to see all channels in "Color Curves". I don't exactly understand, why this is not working now. It's only one checkbox in this video fx. Can you restore "memory" to this checkbox? Or default setting? Im using this tool all the time and this is very annoying to click it after opening window....

This can't be hard to do....


gary-rebholz wrote on 11/8/2016, 3:29 PM

Thanks Radomir. That's a bug. I've entered it into our backlog and we'll fix when we can.

Radomir wrote on 11/8/2016, 3:38 PM

Thank you very much. It isn't bug from 14 version. It's older. But still - if it can be fixed, it would be great.

NickHope wrote on 11/8/2016, 9:20 PM

This changed somewhere between VP10 and VP12. "Show all channels" used to default to being checked but defaults to unchecked in VP12, 13 and 14. Much better for it to default to checked in my opinion.

gary-rebholz wrote on 11/9/2016, 12:32 PM

This probably broke way back when the effects we're converted to OFX. I've noted your preference, Nick.

Radomir wrote on 11/30/2016, 9:10 AM

Build 201 don't repair this unfortunately. I'll be waiting further :)

NickHope wrote on 12/21/2016, 6:11 AM

This is fixed in VP14 build 211. Thanks a lot! πŸ‘

Radomir wrote on 12/21/2016, 6:31 AM

It's working!! Thank you! Also for comment there - and notify me.

NickHope wrote on 3/25/2017, 5:32 AM

There is still a problem with this. It's remembering the channel as well as the "Show all channels" status, even for a brand new Color Curves FX.

In my opinion, every new Color Curves FX should start with RGB selected, not whichever individual channel was selected on a different previous Color Curves FX that you were editing. I'm constantly having to set the Channel back to "RGB" before I start color correcting.

I recommend keeping it simple and just have every new Color Curves FX start with RGB and "Show all channels" selected, like it used to work in the past. If you want the program to remember, then just have the settings remembered for specific existing Color Curves FX instances that you've already edited previously.

NickHope wrote on 9/4/2017, 7:02 AM

I reported this because, as a hard core Color Curves user, it's doing my head in. [Ticket#2017090417006659]

NickHope wrote on 10/2/2017, 11:06 PM

I received a reply from Support that included this:

"Thanks for the heads up on this.Β  We have escalated this to the DEV team to be resolved in a future update."

Grazie wrote on 10/2/2017, 11:18 PM

I’m not a β€œpower user” of CCurves, but when I do use it I’d assumed that this is how life is and did the RGB Tango. Yes, Gary, it would be good for this to be changed πŸ˜‰.

NickHope wrote on 10/27/2018, 3:24 AM

This issue is fixed in VEGAS Pro 16 Update 2 (build 307).

New Color Curves instances now come in with all channels showing and the "Show all channels" status checked. And the previous state of those is remembered for that specific instance of the FX (even after restarting Vegas).

This makes me happy πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ’ƒπŸ™Œ