[iCoursedesign, my question to you required only a :no" or "yes"[/i]
Apit, just admit it. You were flame baiting. Twice.
As for Apple laying off 40 offsite people (not programmers) in L.A. and Austin, it is possible that this was deadwood. I don't know them, so I can't say.
Apple is famously secretive, but when asked recently their "main birdy" said, "Don't worry about it," with a smile.
This has been interpreted by those who have followed Apple for a far longer time than I have as meaning that there is an FCS4 coming either this year or next (based on Apple's standard life cycles). Additionally, analysis of the code of the current FCS3 release shows whole sections written in Cocoa, Apple's new framework, with the code showing specific signs of being part of a completely new code base, with these parts shimmied into FCS3.
The FCS3 code is so old, it is creaking. Still, it works very well for those who use it full time to create TV shows and movies (although Avid is nipping at their heels now in a way they weren't able to do only a few years ago, when they were struggling to restructure the company from top to bottom. As I have said here many times before, Avid provides the best "elbow editing" by some margin, and I think their new MC5 hits it out of the park by merging some features from trim mode into their segment mode).
I know you see Apple as primarily a gadget company, but they have successfully fed the computer business from iPhone customers, and FCP is so far ahead of any other NLE in volume that it wouldn't make any sense for them to kill their profitable hardware business (a claim few manufacturers can make after a long race to the bottom that Apple avoided), by letting FCP fall by the wayside.
I've just finished rendering a huge project that I have to deliver at the end of the day today, and I need to focus 100% on checking every detail of it. After that I have another monster that will be consuming most of my waking hours for a long time.
I don't write for myself, or to show off any kind of knowledge, or to promote any production-related manufacturer's goods and services, because I have no stake in any of them.
Elsewhere, in a surprise to many, Bill O'Reilly has become the voice of reason at Fox (in a world of Hannity and Beck crying on air), aiming to provide "a spin-free zone." In spite of that, many people of course complain that he is biased. It isn't easy for him (I think that unlike Beck, O'Reilly is honest about what he says and I respect him for that), but he keeps going (and is of course paid well for it). Everybody finds that it is only possible to please some of the people some of the time, and that's all anyone has been able to do throughout human recorded history.
I'm not paid to provide either my facts or my opinions here, and both seem to provide discomfort to a few old-timers here.
With a thank-you to those who said they appreciated my writing, I'll bow out and let the forum focus on Vegas Pro 9.0d.
So take a deep breath and enjoy the most well-rounded NLE forum on the web, which this surely is.
My point has been that for quite some time you have posted nothing but Apple related drivel (look it up, it's a good and appropriate word.) This drivel rarely had anything to do with video production or Vegas.
}Apit, just admit it. You were flame baiting. Twice." Actually, no, but I was concern that my question would be considered an open door by others for you. This was my reason about being so narrow focus on the question, I thought you would "key-in" in on this and I would get a meaningful answer and you would not get "slapped".
This is why I didn't bring up staffing also in the first question but was going to wait for "good" opening.later.
Of course, Coursedesign, I do think of you as an Apple spinster with true love in your eyes as you hug your iPhone with the major of your posts.... but I think your smarter than most fanboys and your answers have value...... sometimes...... and only if its agrees with me...... even if I didn't know...... ;-)
"If you think PP CS4 is so great, why are you still using Vegas?"
You see... this is EXACTLY what I mean. Please show me ANYTHING that states I think CS4 is "great". I never said ANY such thing. In fact what I think is it, along with its bugs stink for the price I paid.
You have a nasty habit of taking a few words, interpreting them badly, and twisting them into things they are not. How can I make this any clearer for you?!?