I saw the pinned post about problems with NVIDIA graphics cards. But it just said 'there is a known problem' and supposedly it was fixed a couple of years ago. So sorry if this is a dup. I recently purchased the NVIDIA card mentioned in the subject line. The card works fine as far as dual monitors for Windows 11 goes. I downloaded the NVIDIA app and it installed the supposed latest driver (32.0 15.6636). But here's the situation: I have a video image in the video viewer. When I click to show on ext monitor, the ext monitor goes black, the button I clicked turns blue and stays blue. Vegas completely locks up, and I have to force it closed. I've got the latest Windows 11 with the massive 2025 update just installed. Processor is an 11th gen Intel core i9 11900K @ 3.50GHz. 32GB memory, and several 10TB+ hard drives. So I don't think anything is getting resource starved. Is this the same symptoms that were addressed in the pinned post? Are there some setting that need to be adjusted (I turned off all of the GPU type options with no change). Is the problem that Vegas Pro 22 simply doesn't support this particular model graphics card? BTW... I can undock the viewer window, drag it to the other monitor and expand it. Works fine that way. But I'd really like to get back to the 'correct' way of using the 2nd monitor with Vegas. (Vegas 22 with latest updates). Thanks for any advice on how to proceed with this.