Problem with NVIDIA GeForce 1060 6GB

Jerry-Malcolm wrote on 1/19/2025, 10:35 PM

I saw the pinned post about problems with NVIDIA graphics cards. But it just said 'there is a known problem' and supposedly it was fixed a couple of years ago. So sorry if this is a dup. I recently purchased the NVIDIA card mentioned in the subject line. The card works fine as far as dual monitors for Windows 11 goes. I downloaded the NVIDIA app and it installed the supposed latest driver (32.0 15.6636). But here's the situation: I have a video image in the video viewer. When I click to show on ext monitor, the ext monitor goes black, the button I clicked turns blue and stays blue. Vegas completely locks up, and I have to force it closed. I've got the latest Windows 11 with the massive 2025 update just installed. Processor is an 11th gen Intel core i9 11900K @ 3.50GHz. 32GB memory, and several 10TB+ hard drives. So I don't think anything is getting resource starved. Is this the same symptoms that were addressed in the pinned post? Are there some setting that need to be adjusted (I turned off all of the GPU type options with no change). Is the problem that Vegas Pro 22 simply doesn't support this particular model graphics card? BTW... I can undock the viewer window, drag it to the other monitor and expand it. Works fine that way. But I'd really like to get back to the 'correct' way of using the 2nd monitor with Vegas. (Vegas 22 with latest updates). Thanks for any advice on how to proceed with this.


RogerS wrote on 1/20/2025, 1:01 AM

That's not a known problem with NVIDIA GPUs. It was for mobile GPUs where the preview wasn't updated until you closed the Fx.

There's no particular compatibility issue I've heard of with 10XX NVIDIA and VEGAS (I had a 1050 mobile until recently). Everything newer than 9XX 4GB VRAM is supported.

Are there other NVIDIA apps/overlays you could temporarily disable and see if it helps?

Jerry-Malcolm wrote on 1/20/2025, 10:59 AM

Thanks for the quick response, Not sure what you mean about other NVIDIA apps/overlays. I just installed the card and installed the NVIDIA controller app to get the driver. I don't do gaming. What type of apps/overlays might there be? I'm a software developer. So I can do debug. But unfortunately, not much I can analyze when there's nothing but a freeze and a restart. I guess I could try uninstalling Vegas 22 and reinstalling. But I suspect that would only have an effect if the Vegas install does selective install based on the detected graphics card model installed. Is that the case? Other than that, it's 'format drive c and reinstall windows....'. But I'm obviously not a fan of that answer... Any other ideas? Thanks again.

andyrpsmith wrote on 1/20/2025, 12:32 PM

You could look at the GPU log file which will tell you what Vegas finds when testing GPU compatibility. It is a long file and you need to look through each line.
C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VEGAS Pro\22.0\gpu_video_x64.log

(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

Jerry-Malcolm wrote on 1/20/2025, 11:20 PM

Hi Andy, Thanks for the suggestion. I was optimistic. But I really didn't see anything that looked like errors. Lots of success messages. Unfortunately, I can't attach log files or zip files here. I can post to dropbox or google drive if anybody would like to see the logs. PM me a link.

Being a seasoned developer, my goal was to start changing things around and see if the problem changed or stayed...

1) I borrowed and installed an AMD Ratheon card from a different machine. Exact same problem. So it's definitely not a problem with the NVIDIA card or driver.

2) I decided to unplug one of the monitors and go to single monitor. I know it's not a good way to edit, but if you click the 'ext monitor' button on the view window while on a single monitor, the video takes over the single monitor. When I did that (both with the AMD and NVIDIA cards) the video displayed correctly on the single monitor. So it's only a 2nd monitor problem.

3) I have an old Vegas 12.0 still installed on this machine. Never used it in double-monitor mode. But I decided to try it. Same problem as with Vegas 22.0.

4) I completely uninstalled Vegas Pro 22.0 and did a full reinstall. Then I used the option to reset all Vegas settings to factory. That was a fun hour or so.... End result. Same problem exists.

5) I went through the list of installed apps on Windows and removed anything that was not needed or had anything in its name that remotely implied it could affect the graphics card. Still no change.

So, it's appearing fairly obvious now that there's something wrong in this specific machine. Probably some random flag that is set incorrectly in the Windows registry. Burning the house down to kill a spider may work. But then you have to rebuild the house. So I'm not quite ready to take the nuclear option. If there's any way I can debug and find this thing without formatting drive C: , I am willing to continue research. I can install debug versions of dlls or anything else you can offer.

One last thing on the symptoms... I realized wasn't quite accurate in my original description... I said the 2nd monitor goes black when I click for the external monitor display. It does. But it's "video black" (not a dead monitor). The task bar disappears and the screen goes dark. But the mouse still displays on the monitor. And when I click anywhere on the screen, I get a Vegas response popup on that monitor "Vegas Pro is not responding". So Vegas is definitely getting far enough to take over the display and just display video black.

I'm at your mercy... I can talk "software dev tech" as deep as necessary with any developers if someone would like to help me resolve this. I think I just need one log entry where Vegas actually recognizes that something went wrong.

(Sorry for the long post...) Thx.


RogerS wrote on 1/21/2025, 12:54 AM

Thanks for the quick response, Not sure what you mean about other NVIDIA apps/overlays. I just installed the card and installed the NVIDIA controller app to get the driver. I don't do gaming. What type of apps/overlays might there be? I'm a software developer. So I can do debug. But unfortunately, not much I can analyze when there's nothing but a freeze and a restart. I guess I could try uninstalling Vegas 22 and reinstalling. But I suspect that would only have an effect if the Vegas install does selective install based on the detected graphics card model installed. Is that the case? Other than that, it's 'format drive c and reinstall windows....'. But I'm obviously not a fan of that answer... Any other ideas? Thanks again.

It sounds like you've already gotten ahead of this but NVIDIA came with GeForce Experience and now a new tool. I just recommend the driver only without the extras. You can get rid of them with add/remove programs or NVIDIA's cleanup tool: (have to reinstall a driver if you use that).

VP 22 should re-detect the GPU on startup. You could try a reset which gets rid of the cache.

Beyond that... to get a proper error report you could hold shift, go to the options menu and click on internal at bottom. Type in "hang" for hang detection and change it to true. When you get an error message click on the details and paste it in here.

I'm wondering if Windows is properly finding your displays under device manager? Anything unusual about the resolutions or refresh rates?

You might submit a report to the developers vs here on the forum as I don't recall seeing this issue before.

Jerry-Malcolm wrote on 1/21/2025, 1:33 PM

Hi Roger,

Latest steps and results

1) I downloaded the NVIDIA clean-up tool and then redownloaded the driver.

2) I went through the installed apps and removed everything Vegas/Magix related (a single-button clean-up app would be a nice addition

3) I went into c:\users\...\AppData and erased everything that was Vegas/Magix related

4) I went to the registry and cleaned out all entries I could find that were Vegas/Magix related

5) I then reinstalled the entire package from scratch (ditto on request for a single button install-everything app so users don't have to babysit the install forever periodically clicking continue and accepting license agreements... but that's not relevant to the matters at hand...)

6) After all of that... no change.

7) I set the 'internal-hang' flag, exited, restarted, and tried it again. It hung as expected. I just let it sit. After maybe a minute, there was a popup that said "Vegas is working.... vegas is working". Then after maybe another minute, I got the standard "Vegas has stopped working" popup. The only text of any use in the details of that popup might be the build number. The reinstall picked up the latest VP22 build version from a couple of days ago. I then went to the ...\AppData\Local\Vegas Pro\ErrorReport folder. There are 4 files there. Two VEGASApp#####.erpt files, MachineHash.dat, and None of these are pure text files. So no way to copy/paste. Is there another way I can get those files to you?

You asked about Windows finding the monitors in Device Manager. I had already gone down that path. Everything looks perfectly normal in the Device Manager. And all expected functionality appears to be there. I can duplicate monitors, I can extend monitors. I can make either one primary and the other one becomes secondary. So at this point, I believe Windows is perfectly happy with the graphics card setup. Probably doesn't matter... but the displays themselves are identical as well.

I'm still not thrilled about formatting drive c. But I guess it's to the point of needing to determine if it's a motherboard issue vs. Windows software. So I think I'll pull the current c drive and save it away, then find an old unused drive to wipe off and install as C:, do a clean Windows install and Vegas install, and see what happens.

I'll also open a formal ticket with support.

Thanks again for your help. Jerry


RogerS wrote on 1/21/2025, 9:33 PM

If the hang detection triggers you should get an option to terminate Vegas and that should bring up the reporter dialog with the show problem details checkbox.

The error reports will hopefully be of use to support.

Jerry-Malcolm wrote on 1/23/2025, 3:07 PM

Follow-up to my ordeal. I opened a problem ticket with support. The support people have been wonderful! We have been trying a hundred things in an attempt to get the problem to go away. Nothing. The problem persisted. Finally I got a suggestion to disable "Nahimic" Service. Never heard of it. Google says it has something to do with Audio. I guess it got loaded with all of the ASUS drivers. No clue. But I went to "Services" and found Nahimic, stopped it, disabled the service, and voila, success. I'd still like a little more data on what Nahimic is, what I just lost by disabling it, and if this is a permanent incompatibility with VP or if it can be addressed in a future VegasPro release. But unless disabling Nahimic has now broken something else important, for the first time on this machine, I now have an external monitor 😁

J-Toresen wrote on 1/23/2025, 3:09 PM


Searh Nahimic in this forum.


VEGASDerek wrote on 1/23/2025, 4:36 PM

Hello Jerry...

The support team contacted me about this and made the suggestion about the Nahimic service. This has been problematic with VEGAS (and other applications) for many years due to the fact that it holds on to some very specific GPU resources without ever releasing them. In VEGAS is cause havoc with the parts of the GUI which are GPU accelerated. In recent versions of VEGAS, we automatically detect if the Nahimic service is running, and turn off the GPU acceleration of the GUI, however, this was the first report of the service actually affecting the external preview.

I noticed in the files you sent in to us that indeed Vegas had detected the Nahimic process which gave me a clue here. The external preview was unable to launch properly (resulting in the black screen) and when you exited the previews, VEGAS hung because the external preview window was in a stuck state and was unable to receive the command to close.

The service is extremely problematic to the point that many people consider it malware. Nahimic is used with audio drivers to supposedly enhance audio output.

Thanks for you reporting this. This will not be easy for us to resolve as the external preview is extremely dependent on the resources that the Nahimic service is hijacking, but we are now aware of this and can provide other users the workaround which we provided to you.

J-Toresen wrote on 1/23/2025, 4:48 PM


I'm a little curious. Since we, the users, can disable the Nahimic service manually, Vegas must also be able to disable the service - possibly with a warning.

Jøran Toresen

VEGASDerek wrote on 1/23/2025, 4:57 PM

No...we will not kill off a process from another, commercially distributed piece of software. That would not be an ethical thing for us to do. The best thing to do is to contact the distributors that install this service and complain. On our side, we will try to adapt our software to deal with the problems this service creates.

Dexcon wrote on 1/23/2025, 5:00 PM

For anyone wanting to manually disable Nahimic via Services in the Task Manager, the following process was given in a forum post many years ago:

  • Just stopping Nahimic in Task Manager/Services is not enough as it starts running again on rebooting the computer. To properly disable Nahimic, R click NahimicService in Services and then select Open Services. A new window opens. R click Nahimic service and click on Properties in the window that opens. In the context box that then opens, select Disabled in the Startup type field, then hit the Stop button and click Apply and OK. All done. Nahimic now remains disabled on rebooting the computer.

This process is still applicable today.

Cameras: Sony FDR-AX100E; GoPro Hero 11 Black Creator Edition

Installed: Vegas Pro 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22, HitFilm Pro 2021.3, DaVinci Resolve Studio 19.0.3, BCC 2025, Mocha Pro 2024.5, NBFX TotalFX 7, Neat NR, DVD Architect 6.0, MAGIX Travel Maps, Sound Forge Pro 16, SpectraLayers Pro 11, iZotope RX10 Advanced and many other iZ plugins, Vegasaur 4.0

Windows 11

Dell Alienware Aurora 11:

10th Gen Intel i9 10900KF - 10 cores (20 threads) - 3.7 to 5.3 GHz

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER 8GB GDDR6 - liquid cooled

64GB RAM - Dual Channel HyperX FURY DDR4 XMP at 3200MHz

C drive: 2TB Samsung 990 PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 PCIe SSD

D: drive: 4TB Samsung 870 SATA SSD (used for media for editing current projects)

E: drive: 2TB Samsung 870 SATA SSD

F: drive: 6TB WD 7200 rpm Black HDD 3.5"

Dell Ultrasharp 32" 4K Color Calibrated Monitor



Dell Inspiron 5310 EVO 13.3"

i5-11320H CPU

C Drive: 1TB Corsair Gen4 NVMe M.2 2230 SSD (upgraded from the original 500 GB SSD)

Monitor is 2560 x 1600 @ 60 Hz

RogerS wrote on 1/23/2025, 8:41 PM

This got me worried so I searched my ASUS Zenbook but there is no Nahimic service here so apparently it's not bundled with all ASUS models.

J-Toresen wrote on 1/24/2025, 4:20 AM


Another option is to inform users that Nahimic is the cause of the issue when it occurs in Vegas. This will make it clear that the error is not caused by Vegas. Users can also be directed to the forum here to find a solution.

Jøran Toresen

VEGASDerek wrote on 1/24/2025, 7:51 AM


Another option is to inform users that Nahimic is the cause of the issue when it occurs in Vegas. This will make it clear that the error is not caused by Vegas. Users can also be directed to the forum here to find a solution.

Jøran Toresen

We may go this route.

animagic wrote on 1/24/2025, 11:10 PM

Nahimic causes major problems in many instances. I had audio dropouts with my Focusrite interface and found that Nahimic might be the cause. It is an unnecessary audio add-on and apparently badly implemented, but getting rid of it can be a challenge. By googling I found the following guide: .

I hope it will be of use for some. It is also relevant for non-MSI motherboards that have the same software installed.