Red Giant Magic Bullet 2 for Vegas is out


Grazie wrote on 10/2/2011, 5:05 AM
So, Leslie,:

* No Sync with T/L

* No utilization of the FADE Diamonds in the Fx T/Ls

* No Realtime Previewing from within MBLs of the Vegas T/L

* No Markers showing up from T/L

Here's that quote again, from RG:-

Users simply apply Magic Bullet Looks to a clip or effect chain within the Vegas Pro software timeline to instantly create immersive looks for sequences.

I suppose I've got it wrong? Is there something in the use of the word "similar"?

Oh yeah, I get to keep the villa in Tuscany!

Their strap line is: "Red Giant creates an ever-expanding universe . . "

I was under the impression that a red giant was formed as a result of a dying star just prior to going supernova and thence collapsing to a black hole . . . ? Maybe I got it the wrong way around.

And to reiterate - I bought MBL! And I love it!


paul_w wrote on 10/2/2011, 6:13 AM
Has anyone got the MBL external preview display to work? My workstation has 3 displays from cuda cards and I cant select any of them.
What exactly do you get on the preview monitor? Just a bigger version of the preview within MBL or do you see real time movement?

Grazie wrote on 10/2/2011, 8:27 AM

So, can we add that to the list?

And yes, I bought the upgrade.


Marc S wrote on 10/2/2011, 9:57 AM
"Has anyone got the MBL external preview display to work?"

Yes and no. I'm using a black magic intensity card to view to my component inputs of my pro Sony SD monitor from within the MB Looks interface. The problem I'm having though is that the black levels jump about 7.5 IRE so the picture look washed out until you return back to Vegas. I also use MB Looks from within After Effects and it does not have this problem.
paul_w wrote on 10/2/2011, 11:18 AM
@Marc_S, I see. So the preview in the external monitor for MBL does work but is sounds like its only for certain video cards / devices and not just a windows secondary or third display. Would that be correct?. And it also sounds like something is going on in your case with Studio RGB / Computer RGB conversion. Like the preview monitor is displaying computer RGB ( looks more washed out) instead of Studio RGB. I use the setting "Use Studio RBG" in Vegas preview monitor settings to fix this, but i dont see this tick box in the MBL settings. Wonder if thats the problem there.

mark-woollard wrote on 10/2/2011, 12:40 PM
Just bought the upgrade. It seemed to install fine. After adding MBL to the effects chain, when I click "edit" I get an error message (see below) and the MBL interface closes. Anyone else have this happen? I sent a support inquiry to Red Giant but don't expect to hear back till Monday or Tuesday at the earliest.

"An OpenGL error occurred while attempting to load the frame (fragment shader at -1:).

paul_w wrote on 10/2/2011, 12:48 PM
Mark, this may be the same problem i was having except i got no error message, just the crash on clicking Edit.
Please see my post half way up from here, hope this helps.

mark-woollard wrote on 10/2/2011, 8:05 PM
Thanks Paul. Your suggestion half way up the thread has helped a lot. I get the same error message the first time I click Edit. But when I close the error message and hit Edit again, the interface opens, and lets me work.

I'll post any further solutions, if any, from Red Giant.
Grazie wrote on 10/3/2011, 12:05 AM
Reproed here.

I got this AFTER I attempted to pump the output out through my DV<>AV converting PANASONIC deck - this is the same one I've used for SD tape captures AND external monitoring. Closing and rebooting doesn't cure the unwillingness of MBLs to allow me to edit. It's as if me attempting to switch this in Preferences has banjaxed the workflow. If this is correct, this is a serious bug. This is in 64bit, 32bit still works. Which means I can't use the extra RAM for high speed previewing!!! Kinda counterproductive to getting the upgrade....

And yes I bought the upgrade.....


mark-woollard wrote on 10/4/2011, 2:57 PM
Red Giant support figured out the fix. I needed to upgrade my GeForce GTX 285 video card to the latest driver: 285.38 beta.

No more error message.
Soniclight wrote on 10/4/2011, 8:33 PM

Soniclight? I didn't buy the suite? I upgraded my MBLs for $99.

Pardon late reply. I've spent so much money this year on new system and major software upgrades that I have to zip my wallet shut for a while. I'll just work with the previously in-Vegas Movie Looks HD via my 32-bit Vegas (8 or 10) that I have for now and if/when I sense it is worth it, possibly upgrade to the "real" version as you suggested :o)

dlion wrote on 10/5/2011, 8:23 AM
bought the $99 upgrade.

does this work differently than the old version? there you could see all the looks within vegas.

now, when i drag the only "looks" icon from the fx bin, i get a box with an edit button. i click it and another window opens up outside vegas. i see no way to apply the fx there without saving. it doesn't make any sense to me. what am i missing?
paul_w wrote on 10/5/2011, 1:20 PM
when you click Edit, you see all the effects available, and you can customise too. You pick the look you want then click Finish at the bottom. That effect is now applied to the event.

dlion wrote on 10/5/2011, 4:20 PM
that's what's supposed to happen, ok.

not what happens for me. when i click edit, looks like the full stand-alone version of looks opens up in a new windows window. but there's no button or anything linking this to the vegas instance.
paul_w wrote on 10/5/2011, 4:27 PM
"looks like the full stand-alone version of looks opens up in a new windows window"

Yes, thats what i see too, it looks like a application window with all the effects to select from on the left , then by clicking Finish, it gets applied to the timeline event or track you opened it from.
Maybe i dont understand, sorry.

dlion wrote on 10/5/2011, 4:35 PM
got it. i uninstalled/reinstalled and now there's a finished button, wasn't there before. thanks.
paul_w wrote on 10/5/2011, 4:44 PM
ah cool, glad it works.
I also noticed that if you open the Looks application in the program folder, ie. not from within vegas, you do get a stand alone application with no Finished button because then its not referenced to the Vegas timeline. I think this is more of a look designer because you can audition the look you want and then save it. But it can't be applied to the timeline this way. You only get the 'Finished' button if opened from the Vegas timeline.
Will add a shortcut to the app on the desktop - handy.
