select events to end - possible for all tracks ?

DaveM2 wrote on 8/5/2009, 11:48 AM
Now I have searched for this and haven't found anything on it - and I hate asking questions that have been answered 100 times....

BUT..... during edits I liked being able to open up a section of the timeline to place a series of new clips to see if I liked them there - and to open up the timeline I am used to selecting all events on all tracks after playline, move them down, do what I need to do, and then move them back.

So far, it seems like I can only "select events to end" for events that fall on or relate to the track the event I use to "select" events to the end - and not all the events on all the tracks.

Perhaps I just need to use a different method - like selection tool and lasso everything - but on a long timeline that seems somewhat cumbersome - so I just thought I would ask if there is a way to select all avents on all tracks after a certain event ?


jetdv wrote on 8/5/2009, 11:51 AM
That was the exact reason why I wrote the Select Events tool in Excalibur.
Terry Esslinger wrote on 8/5/2009, 12:09 PM
Which is probably the tool that I use the most in that program!!
Thasnks Ed
Chienworks wrote on 8/5/2009, 12:21 PM
How about the menu option Insert / Time? As long as you have either no tracks selected, or all tracks selected, it will insert an empty spot in all the tracks, effectively moving everything after the cursor over to the right. Conversely, highlighting a section across all tracks and pressing Delete will reverse the process, moving everything after that section back to the left.
DaveM2 wrote on 8/5/2009, 12:33 PM
I would have thought that would have just been a normal tool inside Vegas - but apparently not.

Now I am also having some trouble navigating around the timeline - such as going to "next" and "previous" event or marker. The trouble seems to be that somehow in my editing style (whatever that is - which I guess I am trying to develop as I play with this project), the focus seems to inadvertently move to different tracks - and so when I use the Ctrl+Alt+ arrow keys to move up and down the track to various edit points, I end up going to the very beginning or end of the timeline instead of the next edit point.

Now is that just me and my non-nimble fingers, or does Excalibur help simply moving around the timeline more efficiently ?

And while I am asking, is there an easy way of seeing the name of the event you are focused on without having to go to properties or reveal in project manager - I would like to see the name on the clip itself if possible.
Chienworks wrote on 8/5/2009, 12:46 PM
Ctrl+Alt+arrows look for breaks in events on the current track so it can seem a bit odd if the current track isn't the one you think it is. I usually click on the track i want to use first, then move around.

View / Active take information. This will paste a little label with the clip name right on top of each event.
DaveM2 wrote on 8/5/2009, 2:24 PM
Some of it I am sure is just getting used to it. I downloaded the Excalibur trial .

The file name helps a lot - thanks. I have tried to also have the event's length in time show up in the event infolike the clip name - but best so far is just the beginning and ending time based on the parent clip. Is there any way to show on the clip info the length of the particular clip (event) on the timeline ?
Chienworks wrote on 8/5/2009, 2:46 PM
No, but if you double-click an event to select it, the duration of the event (not the clip) will show up in the 3rd of the three time indicators under the right-hand corner of the timeline.
JJKizak wrote on 8/5/2009, 4:16 PM
Select auto ripple (set it for all stuff) drag on the spot you want to open up. Done deal. Miller time.
DaveM2 wrote on 8/5/2009, 5:15 PM
"you double-click an event to select it, the duration of the event (not the clip) will show up in the 3rd of the three time indicators"

-- very nice to know, thanks

and to Terry or anyone on "Which is probably the tool that I use the most in that program!!
Thasnks Ed" - referring to "select all after playline" in Excalibur....

What other specific tools in Excalibur (along with "select all after playline" do you consider the "most" useful ?
blink3times wrote on 8/5/2009, 6:59 PM
I programmed 'select events to end' into one of my mouse buttons. Now I just right click an event and hit the button.... it's fast!
Former user wrote on 8/5/2009, 7:27 PM
I don't know if this helps, but this is from the HELP menu. Apparently you can choose ALL EVENTS TO END on multiple tracks

"Select all events to the end of a track
Right-click an event and choose Select Events to End from the shortcut menu. The event and all subsequent events on the same track are selected.

You can also use this command with events selected on multiple tracks."

blink3times wrote on 8/5/2009, 7:46 PM
"You can also use this command with events selected on multiple tracks."

Sure can. Just highlight one track, go to your last track, hold the shift button and highlight that track. All tracks in between will be highlighted. Rightclick that last track and "select evnt to end" this will affect all highlighted tracks. You can also use the control key to select certain tracks while omitting others.
DaveM2 wrote on 8/6/2009, 8:46 AM
"Rightclick that last track and "select evnt to end" this will affect all highlighted tracks. You can also use the control key to select certain tracks while omitting others."

Haven't been able to get that to work. Where on the last track are you right clicking to get the menu option? Seems like I have hover on a selected (focused) event to get the menu option "select events to end" to show up, and then even with all the tracks selected, choosing it only selects those events (or grouped events if applicable) related to the track the focused event is on. Maybe I am missing something there.
CClub wrote on 8/6/2009, 9:00 AM
I'm with Terry up at the top... I use the Select Events in Excalibur throughout a project. It's the little things that drive you crazy in editing. I'm sure there's a way around many of these things, but when I run into an annoying hurdle, right away I check the Excalibur and Ultimate S Pro tabs, and most of the time, they've already put in a script that I didn't even know I had available to me.
JJKizak wrote on 8/6/2009, 9:13 AM
Auto ripple is still the fastest way. (IMHO)
DaveM2 wrote on 8/6/2009, 9:50 AM
Auto ripple is still the fastest way. (IMHO)

Whenever I try the auto ripple, it seems like for me anyway it does not always ripple ALL tracks. Unless I have some preference setting wrong - I just turn on auto ripple, add a clip to a track - and for sure all the clips on that track auto ripple, but my title track does not.
winrockpost wrote on 8/6/2009, 9:50 AM
try select events from curser script,, use it more than any other script..thanks to jr i think.
DaveM2 wrote on 8/6/2009, 10:02 AM
select events from curser script,,,,,

are you talking about from Excalibur ? If so, that works great. Or are you talking about a different script ?
winrockpost wrote on 8/6/2009, 10:16 AM
its just a standalone script
DaveM2 wrote on 8/6/2009, 10:45 AM
I haven't played around with scripting yet. I did do a search of the vegas scripting forum - and didn't find a reference to it - and I looked at tools/scripting in Vegas and didn't see it there.

Did you create it, or if not, where did you find it ?

And by the way, is there a way to reverse the display for this forum's postings ? I would like to have the most recent on top - but I didn't see that option.
JJKizak wrote on 8/6/2009, 11:02 AM
When you select auto ripple it will show three selections. Select all and it will stay that way. Then on the timeline anything to the right of the cursor will always shift and stay in alignment weather you insert new events or drag and drop the formost event. Undo will put evreything back the way it was.
rs170a wrote on 8/6/2009, 11:04 AM
DaveM2, here's the script you want.
Hope it works for you.


* Program: SelectEventsFromCursor.js
* Description: This script will select all the events on all tracks that are
* under the cursor position and to the right of it.
* Author: Johnny (Roy) Rofrano
* Date: March 24, 2004

import Sony.Vegas;
import System.Windows.Forms;

// step through all the tracks
for (var track in Vegas.Project.Tracks)
// Step through all events
for (var evnt in track.Events)
// Check to see if event is under or to the right of the cursor
if (-1 == Vegas.Cursor.CompareTo(evnt.Start + evnt.Length))
evnt.Selected = true;
catch (errorMsg)
MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
DaveM2 wrote on 8/6/2009, 2:25 PM
Mike - worked fine - one more thing to look at - as if there is not enough ! But Thanks.

And jjk - I've just been toggling auto ripple on and off - didn't notice the drop down - so I guess I just gotta keep my eyes open for those options - thanks for the patience.
altarvic wrote on 8/6/2009, 8:51 PM
"Sure can. Just highlight one track, go to your last track, hold the shift button and highlight that track. All tracks in between will be highlighted. Rightclick that last track and "select evnt to end" this will affect all highlighted tracks"

Instead of tracks you should select the first event on each track and then click "select event to end"