Sony Creative Software is a sad sad joke


Cliff Etzel wrote on 12/20/2009, 11:21 AM
Well, hopefully someone at SCS is monitoring this thread and will bring it to the next staff meeting.

IMO, it would go along way in raising the level of professionalism that SCS is apparently trying to create in the eyes of its users and potential new customers.

I'm running into the same stonewalling from Cineform at the present time - following proper procedure and I"m left without either the current version of Neo Scene functioning, nor getting the previous version to activate on either of my Win7 x64 machines.

Very frustrating indeed...

Cliff Etzel
Videographer : Producer : Web Designer
Desktop: OS: Win7 x64 | CPU: Q6600 | Mobo: Intel DG33TL | 8GB G.Skill Dual Channel RAM | Boot/Apps Drive: Seagate 160GB 7200RPM | Audio Drive: Seagate 160GB 7200RPM | Video Drive: WD 640 7200RPM Black Series | Vid Card: nVidia GT7200LE

Laptop: Dell Latitude D620 | C2D 2.0Ghz | 4GB G.Skill RAM | OS: Win7 x64 | Primary HD: WD 320GB 7200RPM | Video HD: WD 250GB 7200RPM
Grazie wrote on 12/20/2009, 12:38 PM
You are saying that Suppport told you?:

"We noticed that you chose "Windows 7" as your operating system. This particular Sony Creative Software program, "

And this from the SONY site here?:

System Requirements

I'm confused?

Rob Franks wrote on 12/20/2009, 1:12 PM
That's Vegas 9

He's using 8 which does NOT support windows7
Grazie wrote on 12/20/2009, 1:44 PM
Thanks Rob. My mistake, apologies.


goshep wrote on 12/20/2009, 2:32 PM
You mentioned you were going back to Premier. Perhaps it would be best if you stayed with Premier. I'm not trying to be insulting. I've read your history as someone mentioned earlier and I have to agree with them. You demonstrate a pattern of silence followed by tirades. Each time you threaten to move on yet you return. If you find your work flow is more efficient in another application, why not stay with it?

I have had problems in the past with Vegas and each time I have (correctly) assumed it was an error on my part or an issue with my system. Why? Because there are numerous professionals on this forum who have forgotten more about editing than I'll ever know. They all manage to churn out some amazing stuff with little or no problems. What known problems there are with Vegas have been worked around for the time being.

There seem to be a few here who periodically (due to boredom, creative block, lack of business, etc.) cry out for attention. Stop wasting the time of the people who volunteer to help if you've found a solution in Premier. What's the point of these periodic rants? What do you hope to accomplish?
John_Cline wrote on 12/20/2009, 2:44 PM
Sebaz, I'd really like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
Sebaz wrote on 12/20/2009, 2:59 PM
Goshep, I couldn't care less if you have a poor opinion of me, I will keep on posting questions when I have questions and rants when I have situations like this such as not being able to launch Vegas and work on a project because SCS goes home for the weekend and don't have a single person on call to solve these activation issues.

And I will keep on using Vegas because as I pointed out several times, as far as interface goes, it's my favorite NLE, and in general I consider it better than Premiere and Final Cut Pro, with some exceptions. Since somebody in another thread posted that the AVCHD bug 9 had is gone, and there's that deal of upgrading for $150, I might download the trial and if the bug is indeed gone, I might upgrade and all.

As upset as I am over this, Vegas has a lot of usability advantages, it would be senseless of me to quit using it because I don't like SCS as a company. I would happily use FCP and I don't like Apple as a company either.
lynn1102 wrote on 12/20/2009, 3:12 PM
Sebaz, Have you tried a restore point from a few days ago. I can't cause any more problems than you're having now. And if it works, Your blood pressure will come back down.
I've never had a problem or lost any material when doing a restore.

apit34356 wrote on 12/20/2009, 3:41 PM
"Sebaz, Have you tried a restore point from a few days ago." that may work. But I'm not studied Win7 data structures enough to be sure if data changes in data app files are restored too; meaning if vegas set an error flag for registration in the app data files, will be be cleared too; you may should delete the vegas app data files associated with user id, but I'm assuming vista and win7 are similar dealing with apps.
ReneH wrote on 12/20/2009, 3:57 PM
I seriously doubt Vegas is the culprit in this instance. There is either a soft Windows issue, some registry orphaned files, or perhaps an impending hardrive problem. When your files go a missing, some data gets corrupted because the drive is failing.

Another possibility, did you overclock your drive? is it overheating? Again, I do not think Vegas is the issue, more than likely its a user related problem.
Sebaz wrote on 12/20/2009, 5:21 PM
Another possibility, did you overclock your drive? is it overheating? Again, I do not think Vegas is the issue, more than likely its a user related problem.

Again, you're missing the point. I never thought the file missing was a Vegas related issue, I simply told the story of how I got to the situation where I cannot use Vegas for the whole weekend because SCS takes off for the whole weekend without any employees on call to solve serious problems like this. Even if Vegas would have deleted the file (which would be impossible), if I would have uninstalled Vegas and then installed it back, and it would work, I would not care at all about this, I wouldn't have posted my rant if the activation would have gone smoothly. I didn't overclock anything, nothing's overheating, and even it that was the situation, I couldn't care less, as long as SCS would have provided me with a quick solution for the activation rejection.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 12/20/2009, 5:42 PM

So then it's NOT a software issue, as stated in the subject heading, is it?

lynn1102 wrote on 12/20/2009, 5:46 PM
"along with the pathetic reliability of their software"

From your original post you sure seem to blaming Vegas for you problems. In the real world not everyone is available 24/7. Even India takes a day off now and then.
Ever try to get a doctor on a weekend - they tell you go go to the hospital. In this case, your hospital is Premier.
Do a restore like you've been asked to do several times. It won't hurt your files or programs, but it just might help.

Sebaz wrote on 12/20/2009, 6:38 PM
So then it's NOT a software issue, as stated in the subject heading, is it?

My subject is "Sony Creative Software is a sad sad joke". Where does it say in the subject that it's a software issue?
Sebaz wrote on 12/20/2009, 6:43 PM
Do a restore like you've been asked to do several times. It won't hurt your files or programs, but it just might help.

Why would I do a restore when the problem of the missing file, as I made very clear in my first post, was solved by uninstalling and reinstalling Vegas?
deusx wrote on 12/20/2009, 6:43 PM
>>>See, these kinds of situations, along with the pathetic reliability of their software is why Vegas Pro is not a real Pro product<<<<

Have you tried installing FCP on Windows ( any version ) to see how reliable that was? Or even AVID?

Gone are the days when Vegas would work on anything, but t still works on a lot more machines than the other NLEs, so I wouldn't blame Sony. Everybody has some minimum hardware and OS requirements, Sony is not unique here. Use a supported OS and good hardware and you should be fine. I've never had any problems with Vegas.

If you are serious about editing, you should not even have your editing machine connected to the internet or use Anti virus softare on it. This is actually almost a requirement by AVID.
Sebaz wrote on 12/20/2009, 6:52 PM
Have you tried installing FCP on Windows ( any version ) to see how reliable that was? Or even AVID?

Well, I would love to install FCP on Windows if it were a Windows program, but it's only a Mac OS X program, so unfortunately I can't. And I don't like AVIDs interface, for what I've seen at editing stations, since I've never had it.

Everybody has some minimum hardware and OS requirements, Sony is not unique here. Use a supported OS and good hardware and you should be fine. I've never had any problems with Vegas.

What does this have to do at all with my issue? Even if I had weak hardware (which I don't), how would SCS rejecting an activation for no good reason have anything to do with my hardware and supported OS? People should read the complete post before replying something that has nothing to do with it.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 12/20/2009, 7:20 PM

"So then it's NOT a software issue, as stated in the subject heading, is it?"

The word Software may have had something to do with it. And it may have had something to do with your ranting about software, files, etc., in your first post, too. But obviously I'm not the only one who read your posts that way.

It's not the company, it's the lack of customer support that you're raving about.

You aren't the first. You won't be the last.

srode wrote on 12/20/2009, 7:21 PM
If you really need the system running tonight to do some important work - use a restore point and it will probably take off an run for you fine. You can undo the restore point later if it doesn't work. If not, you could buy an upgrade to 9 and be running fast too. Unfortunately if you don't want to do either of those you are stuck waiting until tomorrow.
Sebaz wrote on 12/20/2009, 8:24 PM
If you really need the system running tonight to do some important work - use a restore point and it will probably take off an run for you fine.

I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Why the hell would I do a restore when I already made very clear that the missing file is not missing anymore, and that my problem now, while it may have started from that missing file, is SCS's absolutely pathetic customer service??? And yet people keep posting, "do a system restore" and repeating the same thing over and over.
deusx wrote on 12/20/2009, 8:42 PM
I did read it and this is what you said:

>See, these kinds of situations, along with the pathetic reliability of their software is why Vegas Pro is not a real Pro product and most pros don't take it seriously.<

Vegas and Flash have been 2 of the most reliable apps I have ever used. I don't know when one of those two gave me any problems so I don't know how you can say reliability is pathetic. Over the years I've had it on a few laptops and a few desktops and going all the way back to version 2 or 3 ( don't remember when I started exactly ) I don't remember if Vegas ever crashed on any of those machines.

My point is: just like you have to have a Mac and OSX to run FCP and follow AVID's strict guidelines there are some ( less severe ) limitations on what you can run Vegas these days.

As for customer support, I've never needed it, so I don't know whether they are good or bad. I do know that Sony wants you to buy customer support. If you did and still can't reach them then you have every right to complain about that part of the issue, but if you didn't then not really. Support costs money. There is a reason I have to pay yearly maintenance on other software I use and there is a reason why stuff like Fusion is $5000, a lot of it has to do with support.
CorTed wrote on 12/20/2009, 9:46 PM
Sounds to me you are unable to activate your copy at this time due to too many installs, and it is ridiculous to blame SONY for this on a weekend!
Ranting on and on because YOU have to get service because of this seems wrong to me.

Just wait untill tomorrow or why don't you download V9.0 trial and you can possibly get your work done before Monday.....
FilmingPhotoGuy wrote on 12/20/2009, 10:03 PM
It's times like this when I miss Blink3T the most. The verbal jousting between Sebaz and Blink were, as Ritsmer puts it entertaining to say the least. I wasn't a fan of Blink with his flamming rants but at the same time he sometimes added some raves in between.

C'mon Sebaz, there some be something good about Vegas that makes you upgrade everytime?
Sebaz wrote on 12/21/2009, 6:24 AM
As for customer support, I've never needed it, so I don't know whether they are good or bad. I do know that Sony wants you to buy customer support. If you did and still can't reach them then you have every right to complain about that part of the issue, but if you didn't then not really.

Oh, really? So I don't have the right to use the software that I paid for because I didn't purchase their support? Your reasoning is impeccable!

Sounds to me you are unable to activate your copy at this time due to too many installs, and it is ridiculous to blame SONY for this on a weekend!

Again, I installed it three times this year, one with the Win 7 Beta, then with the RC and then with the RTM. And as far as I see it I can install it whenever I want, as many times as I want because I paid for it. The only thing I cannot do is go to a friend's house and install it there too for him or her to use. As long as I install it in a machine that belongs to me, I'm entitled to install it as much as I want.