Final straw for me was that Win 10 won't run Flight Sim X properly. Direct X 12 issue.
Add to that strange audio issues and recording problems in Vegas and today I'm reverting to Win 7 64-bit. Guess I'll have to also run NEVER10 so I don't get automatically upgraded like last time...
Thinking "let Win 10 get mature before installing it" I waited until the very last day for free updating my Win 7 Ultimate.
Since then I have spent several hours a day googling for help in many, many issues.
Today there are still too many issues - and since I can not go on using so many hours on Win 10 - I just ordered a second SSD for installation of an Acronis copy of my good old Win 7 system.
Then I can double boot - and will come back to Win 10 in from time to time to see if it has become usable - or if it still is the greatest prank of all times for hundreds of thousands of innocent users.
I had an issue where it downloaded the anniversary update, which I had no idea it was doing, and it froze at 73 percent. Rebooted and said update failed and rolling back to previous version all by it's lonesome. Thank goodness. Win 7 was solid I wish I never updated to 10 and yes audio problems on a restart almost always.
This thread (and consequent further research into the matter) made me download the Anniversary update :) and all went without a hitch.
All my apps still work the same way, which includes Vegas 12 and Vegas 13 and a few other vital ones such as a Wacom tablet and TVP animation software, Norton and Malware subscriptions, plus a few minor apps such as gadgets. I am told that Defender now works as would be expected for those who want a free protection app -- I don't -- yet, and there seem to be no problems with that but this is a bit too early to know any such thing for sure. It's good to know I have a choice now.
My Skype with a pretty old webcam works seemingly with no changes or surprises.
My Carbonite backup software seems to have improved dramatically in speed and that's about all I have to report.
Thanks for informing me about this obviously useful update.
Thinking "let Win 10 get mature before installing it" I waited until the very last day for free updating my Win 7 Ultimate. Since then I have spent several hours a day googling for help in many, many issues.
Today there are still too many issues - and since I can not go on using so many hours on Win 10
The problem with the Win 7 or 8 to 10 upgrade is that sometimes the upgrade messes up some of the system files.
Try running a sfc /scannow from an admin command prompt see steps 3 - 11 in this tutorial originally written for Magix software issues after upgrading.