Suggestions for Vegas 4.0


wcoxe1 wrote on 7/31/2002, 9:39 PM
I'd like to second that motion. Please, SF, do it also with Print Video to DV Tape.

Another option I would dearly love to see. A preference choice that would let the program automatically enter Print Video to DV Tape mode, with stored settings, if there is no other activity for a specified time, say 3, 5, 10 minutes. It should also exit immediately on keyboard or mouse activity and go back to being the standard ole VV.
Chienworks wrote on 7/31/2002, 11:06 PM
DrWho, after the render is complete, the total time will be displayed in the lower left corner of the screen where the render status bar was while the render was in progress. Unfortunately this number disappears as soon as you do anything else with Vegas.
mfranco wrote on 8/2/2002, 8:33 AM
I would like a toggle switch that enables the key-frame ruler in the plugin windows to display either the event time OR the actual project time. A right-click on the individual ruler would be helpful. Right now it only displays the event time.
randyvild wrote on 8/2/2002, 9:44 AM
I would love some sort of device that recognizes your bad audio takes then deletes them into your trash Bin. This is time consuming. Once you do a sweep of all the unused takes in Vegas it seems it would be easy for Vegas to recognize the bad takes in your storage folder.
magicman wrote on 8/2/2002, 1:17 PM
I know this has been brought up on other posts, but here goes. I would like to see better insert editing capabilities. It would be nice to have the capability of dropping/removing a clip and have Vegas automatically move everthing to accomidate it on one or all tracks (set up as an option), without having to us the copy/paste method. This would also come in handy if you want to increase or decrease the time duration of the clip by a couple frames. Also, I would like to see (maybe it already has it, but I can't see it) an indication of selected clip duration displayed on the workspace.
salad wrote on 8/2/2002, 4:21 PM
Yes, Vegas seems to have left out a simple "Ripple style - rolling edit tool" like in Premiere.
It seems like too much trouble to use that selection bar, then do the cut or delete.

The Region Selection bar thing is about the only way to see the clip duration. You should be able to see it by just selecting it.
lynj wrote on 8/2/2002, 4:47 PM
How do you change the priority to HIGH in XP? I've seen this mentioned several times and I guess I'm still too much of a novice to know.
nlamartina wrote on 8/2/2002, 11:26 PM

This will do the trick.

- Nick
Cheesehole wrote on 8/3/2002, 5:43 PM
>>>Also, I would like to see (maybe it already has it, but I can't see it) an indication of selected clip duration displayed on the workspace.

First turn on your Edit Details window: View | Edit Details

Then 'dock' the window so it isn't in the way. Choose 'Selected Events' from the drop-down menu.

you should see all the information you could ever want about the selected clip. you can customize the columns by dragging the column headers left, right, or off of the page to delete them. and then you can save the layout as a preset with the floppy diskette icon. make a preset with the info you are interested in and whenever you select a clip you can see it.

by the way - you can also modify the numbers in the Edit Details window to change the clip's length or end time or just about anything else. if you change the Time Format by right clicking one of the time displays in Vegas (to seconds for example) the data will be displayed in that format. I think it's easier to work in seconds sometimes.
salad wrote on 8/4/2002, 11:05 AM
Thanks cheesehole!
That edit details window IS pretty cool!
You can reisize/slip it under the Audio mixer when you don't need it. I like that!

I was wondering why that "Selection Length" (time read out)window couldn't double as a "Clip Length" window, when you click on an individual clip when the selection/loop region bar isn't active.

Cheesehole wrote on 8/4/2002, 12:04 PM
>>>when you click on an individual clip when the selection/loop region bar isn't active.

you could always double-click on the clip, setting the loop region to the clip length.
Cheesehole wrote on 8/4/2002, 12:05 PM
>>>How do you change the priority to HIGH in XP? I've seen this mentioned several times and I guess I'm still too much of a novice to know.

you can do this manually through the task manager. right click on one of the running processes and you'll see.
salad wrote on 8/4/2002, 8:18 PM
True indeed!
Good point.

Blackout wrote on 8/5/2002, 8:29 AM
i would like to see batch rendering.

oh...and frameserving capabilities!

Trichome wrote on 8/6/2002, 8:00 PM
can we add live low latency REALTIME fx process on tracks armed to record!!!!!!!!!!
Maverick wrote on 8/7/2002, 10:06 AM
Not sure If I've suggested this before;

I'd like to see the ability to select any frame from within a clip in the media pool to represent that clip. You could then choose a more meaningful frame rather than the first frame which is often just black.
Shredder wrote on 8/7/2002, 10:23 AM
I second that!
supercoco666 wrote on 8/7/2002, 2:34 PM
What about an option to capture from analog devices to DV format. I have no idea how optimized for real time encoding is Sonic Foundry DV Codec but it should be possible with nowadays multi-Ghz machines. Would be a nice & cheap software-only analog-to-DV solution for non-professional work.
SonyDennis wrote on 8/7/2002, 6:21 PM

I'm curious, when you say "frame serving", do you mean exposing a Premiere-like rendering interface that a handful of programs (like VirtualDub) know how to use, or do you mean making a small "magic" AVI file that can be read by any AVI-compatible program, that serves uncompressed frames on-demand as that program reads from the AVI file (of course, only while in "serve" mode). For the life of me, I can't figure out which people are asking for.

Clyde200 wrote on 8/7/2002, 7:43 PM
I have not seen this (maybe I missed it) but I'd like to see a suspend rendering feature. I only have one machine and sometimes during long renders I'd like to be able to suspend rather than cancel (sometimes over night isn't long enough to finish the job).
Trichome wrote on 8/7/2002, 9:07 PM
is there currently ability to send to render farm???
might consider that as well...

Silver & Digital wrote on 8/7/2002, 10:12 PM
Project Backup to CD or DVD

I would love to see a save project to media (CD/DVD). Like the ‘Save as…’ option that include all the source files as it does now, however with an additional option that burns them all to CD.

I know this could be a little tricky in the case where a AVI is larger that CD size – however I am sure this could be overcome by splitting the AVI and flagging it as linked and rejoined upon restore.

I burn all my projects source to CD – I put too much handwork and develop too many techniques just to destroy it, after the project is complete. At the moment, it is a pain juggling files to optimise each CD write. Note: I also limit my capture size to 730Meg so everything will always fit onto 80Min CD’s

This feature would save a great deal of time and make it easy to preserve my project.

PS it would also need the ability to store non VV files as I always save Photoshop files of CD & VHS Tape Labels and often a word doc or text file with notes regarding the project etc
Sr_C wrote on 8/7/2002, 11:46 PM
I would find it very helpful if Vegas could do my dishes and clean up my kids' room.

Also if VV4 could print legal tender, that would be very helpful!

...........Sorry, had to ;)
SonyDennis wrote on 8/8/2002, 12:39 AM

Why would you want to suspend or pause a render? You can always use your machine for other things while it's rendering, and if you need to use Vegas, just fire up another instance.
