Suggestions for Vegas 4.0


John_Beech wrote on 9/14/2002, 4:24 PM
Good ideas - in any case, it was just a spur of the moment query thinking lots of folks were following this thread and maybe . . . well, I don't really have a dog in this fight, I was just curious what folks thought. I was kinda interested in the idea if it was feasible) since having hardware would eliminate the rendering steps (or so I hoped) which would make things more immediate. I was thinking perhaps existing DPS users would then flock to buy VV - since the Velocity interface sucks.
EW wrote on 9/15/2002, 11:49 PM
Another nice thing to have: if you double-click an entry in the Marker View, the cursor could jump to that point.
Trichome wrote on 11/10/2002, 8:46 PM
5.1 surround mix... can't say it enough!!!!
I need .ac3 encoding on an app of this quality
much better to cut with video your surround mix, I find using Acid for this to be bothersome.
who's with me?
Trichome wrote on 11/10/2002, 8:56 PM
tjburton wrote on 11/12/2002, 8:04 AM
When you are backing up, are you manually trying to group your files so they fit to the 730 meg size? If you are... you should consider using WinRAR. You can select a whole directory (or multiple directories) and it will archive your files into whatever size chunks you need. You can also choose to compress or not to compress the files. RAR has been around for years and is very reliable.

I do agree that it would be nice to have a backup strategy from SF though. I would like to see the ability to write data back to DV tapes. This would be way cheaper and quicker than DVD since Digital8 could hold about 20GB. I know of a few people that are trying to play with this concept.... it would be a very quick and cheap backup strategy - if it is reliable.
DataMeister wrote on 11/12/2002, 8:31 PM
After capturing a whole tape to disk I would like to have a way of previewing the clips from within the renaming box. Somtimes its hard to distinguish between the thumbnails in order to name certain clips. And it's a huge pain to try and do it after they have been inserted into the media bin. Also being able to delete a clip before it is ever saved to the media bin would help improve the work flow, but only if you know which ones you want to delete.

Trichome wrote on 12/5/2002, 12:20 PM
There are so many good user requests in this thread and it must be close to time to wake up and work on Vegas 4 in Wisconsin...
I remember 3 years ago about this season, when I was very interested in SoFo's company. Am I the only one who has looked at the stocks for the company?
I think that a release of a superior app like Vegas 4 in connection with other industry partnerships and an appropriate media campaign could blow the charts up for another peak.

Looking forward to more features, more fx, more fun!!!