Threadripper 1950x + rtx 2080 : Poor Render Time on Vegas Pro Plugins


TheRhino wrote on 4/30/2019, 11:20 AM

Results from RED CAR Test after $1,350 USD of upgrades to an aging Xeon...

($500 9900K currently @ 4.9ghz, $200 open-box Asus Z390 WS, $350 refurbished, but like-new liquid cooled Vega64, $160 32gb DDR4, $140 H150i cooler)

100% QUIET. CPU & GPU both have radiators w/quiet fans...
INTEL 9900K = modest OC to 4.9 all cores. It does 5.0 but radiator fans spin-up...
AMD VEGA 64 Liquid Cooled @ Stock Speeds. Can't hear radiator fan...

Render with VCE = 0:33s …...............................Hevc VCE = 0:34s

Render with QSV = 0:17s ………………………..Hevc QSV = 0:23s
(6/13/2019 = 14s @ 5.0 ghz, 13s @ 5.1 ghz)

Render with Cpu =  0:52s ......………………...Hevc HDR10 = 0:45s

Interestingly, before I installed the Vega 64, I ran the CPU & QSV test & only got 0:44. According to Task Manager the AMD GPU is still doing some work when QSV is selected... Entire system pulls 300W during QSV, 260W during VCE, and 360W during CPU-only with CPU pegged at 100%. Task Manger shows 80% CPU & 28% GPU useage during QSV, 42% CPU & 52% GPU useage during VCE, and 100% during CPU...

Last changed by TheRhino on 6/13/2019, 3:42 PM, changed a total of 3 times.

Workstation C with $600 USD of upgrades in April, 2021
--$360 11700K @ 5.0ghz
--$200 ASRock W480 Creator (onboard 10G net, TB3, etc.)
Borrowed from my 9900K until prices drop:
--32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3200 ($100 on Black Friday...)
Reused from same Tower Case that housed the Xeon:
--Used VEGA 56 GPU ($200 on eBay before mining craze...)
--Noctua Cooler, 750W PSU, OS SSD, LSI RAID Controller, SATAs, etc.

Performs VERY close to my overclocked 9900K (below), but at stock settings with no tweaking...

Workstation D with $1,350 USD of upgrades in April, 2019
--$500 9900K @ 5.0ghz
--$140 Corsair H150i liquid cooling with 360mm radiator (3 fans)
--$200 open box Asus Z390 WS (PLX chip manages 4/5 PCIe slots)
--$160 32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3000 (added another 32GB later...)
--$350 refurbished, but like-new Radeon Vega 64 LQ (liquid cooled)

Renders Vegas11 "Red Car Test" (AMD VCE) in 13s when clocked at 4.9 ghz
(note: BOTH onboard Intel & Vega64 show utilization during QSV & VCE renders...)

Source Video1 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 on motherboard in RAID0
Source Video2 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 (1) via U.2 adapter & (1) on separate PCIe card
Target Video1 = 32TB RAID0--(4) 8TB SATA hot-swap drives on PCIe RAID card with backups elsewhere

10G Network using used $30 Mellanox2 Adapters & Qnap QSW-M408-2C 10G Switch
Copy of Work Files, Source & Output Video, OS Images on QNAP 653b NAS with (6) 14TB WD RED
Blackmagic Decklink PCie card for capturing from tape, etc.
(2) internal BR Burners connected via USB 3.0 to SATA adapters
Old Cooler Master CM Stacker ATX case with (13) 5.25" front drive-bays holds & cools everything.

Workstations A & B are the 2 remaining 6-core 4.0ghz Xeon 5660 or I7 980x on Asus P6T6 motherboards.

$999 Walmart Evoo 17 Laptop with I7-9750H 6-core CPU, RTX 2060, (2) M.2 bays & (1) SSD bay...

Former user wrote on 4/30/2019, 12:13 PM

Red Car...

Corsair i9900K, Graphics card Nvidia, MSI GTX 1080 z, 32gb. g.skill ram,  Asus Maximus XI Code Z390 m/board, Corsair H150i cooler, VP16, build 307. These are the PC specifications when tested last year. Small OC in brackets (OC). The only Hevc test was O/C in brackets {Hevc}.

HW Acceleration = Nvidia

Render with Nvenc ....... 0:21s ... (19s) ... ({0:20})

Render with QSV .......... 0:18s ... (15s)

Render with Cpu only ... 0:59s ... (53s)

@TheRhino Thanks for doing these tests TheRhino. This is at last a good benchmark for anyone looking at the benefits or otherwise of deciding between Amd/Nvidia gpu's, using an Intel system.

Theres not much in it render time wise, but the Amd gpu's are still far better value.


mintyslippers wrote on 4/30/2019, 12:59 PM

It does seem NVENC on nvidia is faster but the absolute winner is QSV. Hard to think the tiny little bit of GPU processing in that chip does better than an entire graphics card :)

And while the AMD cards are getting a higher utilization than our Nvidia the performance is lower.


OldSmoke wrote on 4/30/2019, 1:17 PM

For some reason HEVC is not available in VP16 with my Fury X although it does support VCE 3.0. I do get 18sec on the Red Car project with the Magix AVC encoder on my aging 3930K with the Fury X.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

john_dennis wrote on 4/30/2019, 1:18 PM


"Hard to think the tiny little bit of GPU processing in that chip does better than an entire graphics card :)"

QSV hardware is a lot more intimate with the other processor components than any graphics card could possibly be over a PCIe interface.

TheRhino wrote on 4/30/2019, 3:36 PM

Ok, I did a trial render 10-12% enough to get an accurate eta in CPU only and QSV.

Nvenc       33m:30s full test previously.

QSV          33m36s

CPU only   35m:22s

...So there is something about this project that defeats the benefits of hardware rendering?

ParrallaZ Rock 01 Test to MAGIX AVC/AAC MP4 Internet HD 59.94 fps
(9900K @ 4.9ghz & Vega 64 LQ stock)

QSV = 29:17... full test..(49% CPU, 5% GPU, 10:33fps)
VCE = 30:45..................(57% CPU, 8% GPU, 9.83fps)
CPU = 34:16 ......….......(69% CPU, 3% GPU, )

Can someone post their Threadripper numbers since this is a CPU-dependent test that does not benefit as much from QSV or GPU?



Workstation C with $600 USD of upgrades in April, 2021
--$360 11700K @ 5.0ghz
--$200 ASRock W480 Creator (onboard 10G net, TB3, etc.)
Borrowed from my 9900K until prices drop:
--32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3200 ($100 on Black Friday...)
Reused from same Tower Case that housed the Xeon:
--Used VEGA 56 GPU ($200 on eBay before mining craze...)
--Noctua Cooler, 750W PSU, OS SSD, LSI RAID Controller, SATAs, etc.

Performs VERY close to my overclocked 9900K (below), but at stock settings with no tweaking...

Workstation D with $1,350 USD of upgrades in April, 2019
--$500 9900K @ 5.0ghz
--$140 Corsair H150i liquid cooling with 360mm radiator (3 fans)
--$200 open box Asus Z390 WS (PLX chip manages 4/5 PCIe slots)
--$160 32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3000 (added another 32GB later...)
--$350 refurbished, but like-new Radeon Vega 64 LQ (liquid cooled)

Renders Vegas11 "Red Car Test" (AMD VCE) in 13s when clocked at 4.9 ghz
(note: BOTH onboard Intel & Vega64 show utilization during QSV & VCE renders...)

Source Video1 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 on motherboard in RAID0
Source Video2 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 (1) via U.2 adapter & (1) on separate PCIe card
Target Video1 = 32TB RAID0--(4) 8TB SATA hot-swap drives on PCIe RAID card with backups elsewhere

10G Network using used $30 Mellanox2 Adapters & Qnap QSW-M408-2C 10G Switch
Copy of Work Files, Source & Output Video, OS Images on QNAP 653b NAS with (6) 14TB WD RED
Blackmagic Decklink PCie card for capturing from tape, etc.
(2) internal BR Burners connected via USB 3.0 to SATA adapters
Old Cooler Master CM Stacker ATX case with (13) 5.25" front drive-bays holds & cools everything.

Workstations A & B are the 2 remaining 6-core 4.0ghz Xeon 5660 or I7 980x on Asus P6T6 motherboards.

$999 Walmart Evoo 17 Laptop with I7-9750H 6-core CPU, RTX 2060, (2) M.2 bays & (1) SSD bay...

TheRhino wrote on 5/1/2019, 2:54 PM


A+ . Bring bring on. I am more then happy to run rendering and TL performance test against 9900k.. a y way or form you wish me to do and I will do it. I really wanting to see what other system out there can do better then mine.. Intel vs mine is prefered.

Bruce, have you run this test:

ParrallaZ Rock 01 Test to MAGIX AVC/AAC MP4 Internet HD 59.94 fps

9900K @ 4.9ghz & Vega 64 LQ stock ($1350 USD for CPU/MB/DDR/GPU/H150i Cooler)

  • Intel QSV = 29:17... full test..(49% CPU, 5% GPU, 10:33fps)
  • VCE = 30:45.........................(57% CPU, 8% GPU, 9.83fps)
  • CPU = 34:16 ......…..............(69% CPU, 3% GPU)


  • OC'd 9900k to 4.9 ghz… QSV = 0:17s…..Hevc QSV = 0:23s
    (Render w/Intel QSV (but shows AMD very active in Task Manager...)
  • OC'd 9900K to 5.1 ghz and achieved 14s on Red Car on 3/4 tests. One was 13s...
  • OC'd 9900K to 5.0 ghz and achieved 15s on Red Car on 6/8 tests. Two were 14s...

I plan to keep system at 5.0 ghz, not 5.1, for daily paid work. 5.1 makes my radiator fans spin-up & I prefer a quiet system since the GPU is also liquid-cooled...

Last changed by TheRhino on 5/1/2019, 7:05 PM, changed a total of 3 times.

Workstation C with $600 USD of upgrades in April, 2021
--$360 11700K @ 5.0ghz
--$200 ASRock W480 Creator (onboard 10G net, TB3, etc.)
Borrowed from my 9900K until prices drop:
--32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3200 ($100 on Black Friday...)
Reused from same Tower Case that housed the Xeon:
--Used VEGA 56 GPU ($200 on eBay before mining craze...)
--Noctua Cooler, 750W PSU, OS SSD, LSI RAID Controller, SATAs, etc.

Performs VERY close to my overclocked 9900K (below), but at stock settings with no tweaking...

Workstation D with $1,350 USD of upgrades in April, 2019
--$500 9900K @ 5.0ghz
--$140 Corsair H150i liquid cooling with 360mm radiator (3 fans)
--$200 open box Asus Z390 WS (PLX chip manages 4/5 PCIe slots)
--$160 32GB of G.Skill DDR4 3000 (added another 32GB later...)
--$350 refurbished, but like-new Radeon Vega 64 LQ (liquid cooled)

Renders Vegas11 "Red Car Test" (AMD VCE) in 13s when clocked at 4.9 ghz
(note: BOTH onboard Intel & Vega64 show utilization during QSV & VCE renders...)

Source Video1 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 on motherboard in RAID0
Source Video2 = 4TB RAID0--(2) 2TB M.2 (1) via U.2 adapter & (1) on separate PCIe card
Target Video1 = 32TB RAID0--(4) 8TB SATA hot-swap drives on PCIe RAID card with backups elsewhere

10G Network using used $30 Mellanox2 Adapters & Qnap QSW-M408-2C 10G Switch
Copy of Work Files, Source & Output Video, OS Images on QNAP 653b NAS with (6) 14TB WD RED
Blackmagic Decklink PCie card for capturing from tape, etc.
(2) internal BR Burners connected via USB 3.0 to SATA adapters
Old Cooler Master CM Stacker ATX case with (13) 5.25" front drive-bays holds & cools everything.

Workstations A & B are the 2 remaining 6-core 4.0ghz Xeon 5660 or I7 980x on Asus P6T6 motherboards.

$999 Walmart Evoo 17 Laptop with I7-9750H 6-core CPU, RTX 2060, (2) M.2 bays & (1) SSD bay...