Titler Pro Update

jetdv wrote on 12/16/2013, 1:03 PM
For anyone still having an issue with Titler Pro, a new update is now available. You can open Titler Pro and go to "Check for Updates". Or you can download the updates directly:

Titler Pro

Titler Pro 2


Grazie wrote on 12/16/2013, 4:53 PM
Enjoying the new "Video In Preview" feature. Good work.


monoparadox wrote on 12/17/2013, 12:57 PM
Is there a reason I'm getting the plug-in window opening along with the Titler window? Every time I change focus to the timeline, the Title window closes and the plugin window remains open. Using Title v.1 with Vegas 12 x64 OFX version.

As noted by others, it's called the "Video Media Generators" window. Very clumsy and annoying.
Kit wrote on 12/17/2013, 2:17 PM
What is it? Where is it? Thanks!
Kit wrote on 12/17/2013, 2:23 PM
I'm also seeing the Plugin Window opening up every time I open up this new version. It's really annoying. I'm also having screen redraw issues that I didn't have with the previous version. I was hoping it was going to be easier to edit the position of text by typing numbers rather than using the up and down mini-arrow keys but it isn't. If anyone knows a trick for how to edit the position exactly please let me know.

The whole interface feels smaller/squashed. Am probably going to go back and wait for the issues I've noted to be sorted out.

EDIT: should say I'm using Version 2 with Vegas 12
ECB wrote on 12/17/2013, 3:11 PM
I am seeing 2 windows each time I add a title to a track. One is the Titler Pro 2 window and the second is 'Video Media Generator window with the option to launch title pro 2 (which is already open)

One additional problem. I use Win 7s 'Auto hide the taskbar' and when I add a title to a track windows will no longer unhide the taskbar. I had to disable 'Auto hide the taskbar".

Edit: Vegas 12 build 770

Ed B
CCArt wrote on 12/17/2013, 7:52 PM
it looks like I'm missing something, or I misunderstood that feature, "Video in Preview" I can't find it, please explain.

skeeter123 wrote on 12/17/2013, 11:59 PM
hmmm. "Can't use Titler Pro 2.0 due to low GPU capabilities" error....previous build worked just fine...grrrr. Gotta roll back the TItler now....grrrr...

Emailed NB....yet again...

jetdv wrote on 12/18/2013, 1:08 PM
Yes there is. To improve stability, Titler Pro now opens in it's own process which means that it will not be inside the Vegas VideoFX dialog but in it's own dialog so you do get two dialogs open now.
jetdv wrote on 12/18/2013, 1:09 PM
CCArt, the video in preview will only be when you are using it as a video FX on a video event.
NormanPCN wrote on 12/18/2013, 1:23 PM
To improve stability, Titler Pro now opens in it's own process

Might I suggest that NewBlue rename the host process from TestHost to something with the NewBlue name in it. Otherwise someone might think it is some virus infection.

How about NewBlueFxHost or NewBlueTitlerHost.
jetdv wrote on 12/18/2013, 2:32 PM
Thank you for the suggestion, Norman.
videoITguy wrote on 12/18/2013, 2:51 PM
Since I learned a long time ago that stability of the Test Host window was a lot better than the plug-in of TPro1 opened inside of the VegasPro 9.0 app...I have exclusively used this practice with previous versions of TitlerPro1. I generate the title within the test host, audition it briefly in the VegasPro Timeline, then generate a title render, but do not save it within the timeline per se. Then reopen VegasPro, import the rendered title, and away to final edit.

How does this new version achieve something different than what I have been doing in the past?
Kit wrote on 12/18/2013, 4:58 PM
Sorry, this doesn't make any sense to me. Why do two dialogues appear if Title Pro is using it's own dialogue? Having a giant Video Media Generator dialogue open with a button to open the Titler which I have already opened is a horrible waste of space and very cluttering. I wouldn't be able to use this new version at all if I didn't have two monitors. Also, can you please give me a tip about how to type in numbers exactly into the Position and rotation boxes - it's so fiddly I must be doing it wrong. Thanks.
CCArt wrote on 12/18/2013, 5:16 PM
1- regarding the 2 windows, I'm having the same trouble and don't like it, I think there should be a better approach to stability than 2 windows each time, or at least have the option to choose in settings. The ONLY positive thing about it that I see for now, is when you save your preset inside that second window, you can recall those preset without opening TP, just scroll down to your preset and apply it, and if needed you open TP2 from that button. But again you can drag and drop those presets from the window.

But what I can't figure out, why don't they list the update history changes on their website with explanation at least for the new features like " video in preview" which was explain to me by "jetdv" (thank you)
2- regarding the undo ctr Z have you guys tried it?
I drag a titler pro 2 into timeline, and CTR Z to remove it as I use to, but all what I get is the window opens again, and again and again for at least 6 or 7 times before it undo it, anyone else has noticed this? or only my problem?

The latest release 131.217 didn't solve the undo problem
NormanPCN wrote on 12/18/2013, 9:08 PM
I think the two dialog/pane/windows is necessary.

If used as video fx
One is the video fx window which shows the video fx chain. This must be there to control the order of various effects in the chain. This is the Vegas UI. In this window, titler pro now only has a button to open the titler pro window. The titler pro window cannot handle the video fx cahin actions since that is a vegas function and not something a video effect controls.

If used as media generator.
Same thing, Vegas itself opens and creates the media generator window. The top parts of that window are controlled by Vegas. The remainder is done via the particular media generator.

Now that NewBlue has separated themselves from the Vegas GPU conflict world, and put themselves in their own process, they cannot have their stuff display in another process window. Actually they can but that adds complication. More compilation than the separate inter process communication n they now have to do.

Making OpenCL and OpenGL coexist is an issue. They can and do, but coexist without issues is the key. The Vegas and Premieres of the world have gone OpenCL to use GPU compute, but a lot of others like NewBlue and Boris went OpenGL. Long term the NewBlues of the world need to seemlessly integrate with NLEs and that means converting to OpenCL.
skeeter123 wrote on 12/18/2013, 9:08 PM
...and geeez. That "no op" window is a pain...takes up most of my laptop screen and ya can't hide it....this needs to be re-thunked....

jetdv wrote on 12/19/2013, 8:29 AM
videoITguy, you should be able to run this one inside Vegas just fine. However, your current workflow would certainly continue to work.
jetdv wrote on 12/19/2013, 8:31 AM
Kit, the dialog with the "Open Titler Pro" button is Vegas' process window. The other window that opens in Titler's process window. That's why there are two.

Vegas opens its window because you opened an effect or generated media.

Titler opens in a separate window because it opens in a new process.
jetdv wrote on 12/19/2013, 8:34 AM
Previously many people using "Mobile" video cards had to adjust the driver settings to allow the card to stay in "Full Power" mode when Vegas was running. Now that Titler Pro is in a separate process, it is important that "TestHost.exe" is also set the same way in the driver settings.

Here's the full paths if needed:

Titler 1.0:
64 bit - C:\Program Files\NewBlue\Titler Pro for Windows\TestHost.exe
32 bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\NewBlue\Titler Pro for Windows\TestHost.exe
Titler 2.0:
64 bit - C:\Program Files\NewBlue\Titler Pro 2.0 for Windows\TestHost.exe
32 bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\NewBlue\Titler Pro 2.0 for Windows\TestHost.exe

jetdv wrote on 12/19/2013, 8:39 AM
CCArt, I must be doing something different as I'm not seeing a CTRL-Z issue. No windows are opening for me when I press CTRL-Z. I do notice it appears I have to hit it twice, though.
jetdv wrote on 12/19/2013, 8:43 AM
Skeeter, I just added Titler Pro 2 to the timeline, go the two windows, and can easily resize/move the background window just fine. So just size it smaller. It doesn't need to be "hidden" - plus you need it to see the other Vegas options. If you want it totally out of the way, you could always dock it.
NormanPCN wrote on 12/19/2013, 10:35 AM
If you want it totally out of the way, you could always dock it.

That is what I have. I heard this complaints about two windows and I thought what two windows. We still have two windows to close to clean up. Maybe there is a way for NewBlue to tell Vegas to close the media generator window also when its window is closed. Possibly do the same for the video fx window.

Bottom line is, NewBlue choose to make this separate process move and changes have consequences. In this case a user interface annoyance and UI annoyances are never good for your customers.
VidMus wrote on 12/19/2013, 1:23 PM
Is Titler Pro really worth all of those head-aches?
MikeyDH wrote on 12/19/2013, 1:40 PM
I like it. I have to take an aspirin now and then, but problems are rare. I had issues to start, (when first installed) but thanks to jetdv they are pretty much gone.