Transferred Vegas Pro to new PC but won't open existing project files

Marwood wrote on 8/9/2024, 12:36 PM

Hi, I bought Vegas Pro 9 when it was the current version and have been using it ever since on a Windows 7 PC.

That computer has been sluggish lately on rendering so I installed Vegas Pro successfully from the original disc on my Windows 10 PC which has twice as much RAM. I put all the files from my latest project on an external hard drive and moved them to the Win 10 computer. Sony Vegas opens fine but will not open any of the project files.

"An error occurred while loading the project file. An error occurred reading the file."

The win 7 pc is 64 bit, but for some reason I installed Vegas as 32 bit when I bought it. I have installed 32 bit and then the 64 bit versions of Vegas on the 64 bit win10 PC but neither will open any project file.

I'd be grateful for any thoughts where I'm going wrong. Thanks.



jetdv wrote on 8/9/2024, 5:10 PM

Move all the media files to a different folder. Open the project and tell it to ignore missing files. Does it load then?

If yes, the problem is not the VEG file, it's one or more of the media files. Now try adding the media files back in one at a time until you find the/a file it doesn't like. Then it becomes time to figure out why it doesn't like that file.

Marwood wrote on 8/9/2024, 5:59 PM

Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately the veg file still wouldn't open after I'd moved all the media files. I tried a couple of other project files in that way and none would open. I got the same error each time.

DMT3 wrote on 8/9/2024, 6:48 PM

Did you try running as administrator?

john_dennis wrote on 8/10/2024, 1:44 AM


I wanted to install Windows maintenance on my Windows 10 starter image, so I installed Vegas Pro 9 after I finished. Download and watch this video. Maybe you'll see something that helps.

Download from this location

Marwood wrote on 8/10/2024, 5:51 AM

I checked I'm running it as administrator, also watched the video but didn't find anything I'd done wrong..

I can import media (jpeg and mp4 etc) into Vegas (on the win 10 PC) and play it back though I cant seem to drag and drop anything into it. But it will not open any veg file from the win 7 PC.


john_dennis wrote on 8/10/2024, 9:03 AM

How did you move the files to your new PC?

Look at the Properties of the .veg files. Are the files blocked by your security software?

Marwood wrote on 8/10/2024, 10:48 AM

I moved the files on the external hard drive I use as a backup for Vegas work on the win7 PC.

I was really hopeful when I saw your security unblock check box suggestion, but alas my veg file properties does not have that option! I looked at my security software activity and it doesn't show it's been blocking anything. I can't actually see how to turn it off anyway.


john_dennis wrote on 8/10/2024, 11:10 AM

Upload a few .veg files to a cloud share site (OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.) share and post the link here.

Media files are not necessary.

john_dennis wrote on 8/10/2024, 2:36 PM

Your files opened ignoring missing media on my media server with Vegas Pro 14 on Windows 10. I won't be able to try Vegas Pro 9 until much later in the day, if at all.