Urgent Help! Audio is cutting out..(Solved)

Julius_ wrote on 11/13/2015, 9:21 AM

I have another rush...everything works well for years then it rains on you...
I opened my not complicated project that I've been working on and just by pressing the play button from the timeline, my audio plays for 2 seconds then mutes...nada..nothing....I didn't change anything from yesterday..

I then created a new V12 and V13 project, add 1 simple wav or mp3 song, press play from timeline, and same thing happens....Outside of vegas everything works. I can play mp3 in vlc, windows media and from the web and I can hear sound.
I also tried putting a video clip with sound (mov or m2t) and still nothing..It plays for 2 seconds, and I see the master audio control working, then nothing..the video is still playing but no sound....

I opened a few previous projects and same thing happened!!! The audio is fine outside of vegas....I rebooted twice and don't know what else to try.
This happens in V12 or V13 on the simpliest of clips. This started happening this morning first thing (when it worked late last night)..and no I didn't install anything...help! help!!


Note1: The clip and audio plays fine in the trimmer, but when I "add" it to the timeline, i get 2 seconds of audio then mute


Julius_ wrote on 11/13/2015, 9:33 AM
going nuts....I found a file called version.dll in my sony folder that was created last night....I think it was my backup that put this file there (why, I'm not so sure and need to look into it)..anyone know what this file is used for? I renamed it and now I got my audio back!!!
john_dennis wrote on 11/13/2015, 9:39 AM
With hidden and system files visible, the only version.dll I find on a search is in C:\Windows\System32. It was modified on 2009-07-13 on Windows 7 Professional on two machines.
Julius_ wrote on 11/13/2015, 10:05 AM
I had turned on an old drive last night that took a drive letter that is used by my backup..and the vegas folder was set to synchronization. My old drive had my vegas V12 & V13 program backups and in there is a file called version.dll how it got there and what it does, I don't know (maybe from a plugin, who knows).
So when my backup ran at night, it copied over this version.dll file.

Since I have renamed the file, everything is still working well.

A few lessons learned....turn off synchronization for programs (in my backup program), and don't use (or caution) when plugging other drives into the same usb port of your backup drives.

Thank you John for looking into it.
john_dennis wrote on 11/13/2015, 10:20 AM
You're welcome.