Vegas 14: Why is my video cropped?

Longardia wrote on 1/26/2018, 4:17 AM

I don't really understand what is causing this. The preview for the video and the video thumbnails in the project media section are cropped. The bottom and right hand side of the video to be specific.

I pulled up the original recording for refference. As you can see, it's missing part of the original video.

What could I be doing wrong? I appreciate any and all help.

I am new to this program...


Marco. wrote on 1/26/2018, 4:27 AM

Shadowplay sometimes uses some incoherent frame size meta data which then makes NLEs cropping the frame. It usually works when re-wrapping such clips.

Grazie wrote on 1/26/2018, 4:31 AM

You need to post fuller details of your Timeline with the media clearly being shown.

Longardia wrote on 1/26/2018, 4:37 AM

How would I "re-wrap" the clip? Is that something I do prior to recording? or within Sony Vegas?


Marco. wrote on 1/26/2018, 4:42 AM

Tools like FFmpeg offer re-wrapping. Within Vegas Pro it is possible if you have Vegasaur installed.

Longardia wrote on 1/26/2018, 4:52 AM

Wow, this looks complicated. I assume I need to pay for vegasaur? I have FFmpeg downloaded and unzipped. Does it not have a launcher?

NickHope wrote on 1/26/2018, 5:04 AM

Take a look here and the link it points to for the general idea:

If you can't get that working, please post MediaInfo for your footage and maybe a sample (e.g. on Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive,, or

Vegasaur is not free.

Marco. wrote on 1/26/2018, 5:25 AM

In your FFmpeg folder there is a "bin" subfolder. You could unzip and move this batch file into that bin folder. Then copy your clips into that folder and drag the clips onto the "remux" batch file. It then will rewrap and rename the clips.

Longardia wrote on 1/26/2018, 5:40 AM

Nick Hope. I have looked at the sample file the other guy posted. How would I find this information using my software. I am just using the Nvida Shadowplay.

Marco. I do not see a "bin" subfolder. I have the batch file, but I cannot find where to place it.

Sorry, for making this complicated. I am very new to this.

Marco. wrote on 1/26/2018, 5:47 AM

If you've downloaded FFmpeg (for Windows) from a proper location and unzipped there definitely should be a "bin" subfolder in the FFmpeg main folder. I have dozens of FFmpeg versions installed and each of them has a "bin" subfolder. In this "bin" subfolder there is the "ffmpeg.exe" file.

Former user wrote on 1/26/2018, 8:44 PM

Try changing your preview to BEST AUTO instead of BEST FULL (just a test)

Longardia wrote on 1/30/2018, 6:44 AM

Well... I found a fix, but it isn't through an alternate program. As long as I set my recording to 1920 x 1080, the recording appears as expected in Vegas. I have to up the resolution of the recording and it's fine. I appreciate the help, but I suppose I will go with this until I have to force myself how to use these external programs. Thanks Again!