EntertainmentAilment wrote on 12/29/2024, 6:15 PM

I have already made a thread about this recent problem I'm having (started a few months ago, I haven't changed anything on my end) but since nobody could provide answers I decided to create a new topic explaining this glitch a bit better.


1 - Performing the split clips action after a certain number of times.

2 - More frequently, right clicking on a cut section of the MP3 audio (to rename it for example) causing the options to blank out, the Master Volume Slider to turn blue or black in color and glitch lines begin to appear everywhere. The fade sections of the clips will appear black with numbers and letters in them, all out of place. The more actions you continue performing, the more limited you become, until you can't do anything besides Alt+F4. Attempting to save will present you a blank box with no options, attempting to click on the X (top-right) will do the same.

Up above you have a link to a video I made, showcasing this glitch. In that video you will see me cycling through 3 different projects, the longest one that I keep opening is the corrupted file. As you can see, in the other 2 projects I'm able to cut clips, adjust fade without anything moving (everything stays where it's supposed to).

I tried reinstalling Vegas and resetting everything as I said I would but this glitch keeps happening on this project (I had an earlier clean version saved on a USB that I copied onto this PC to give it another shot).

Once the project becomes entirely corrupted, you can no longer work on it in any way, everything is frozen no matter what you click.

In order to continue editing this project, I need to do it "gently": I perform one basic action such as cutting, I save. Another cut, I save. Rinse and repeat. If the next action makes weird lines appear, I don't save, I close without saving and reopen the last save. If you're suffering from this problem, you need to make sure you turn off autosave, as it might kick in at the wrong time, because believe me, if the project happens to be saved as those weird lines appear, everything is going to end up F*CKED.

Thank you for your interest, please only comment if you have helpful feedback. Once again, watch the video it shows the error report at the end. And no, it's not a nahimic driver issue or whatever.


EricLNZ wrote on 12/29/2024, 7:15 PM

Looking at your earlier post there are two things that I wonder about:

  1. You have "32Gb Of Ram (12 being allocated to Vegas when editing)". Why and how is Vegas being restricted to 12?
  2. Mp3 audio files. They are not great for editing due to the nature of their compression. They're okay if you are just playing them intact, such as background music. But if you start cutting them strange things happen as they don't cut where they should. At least that was my experience years ago. You mentioned they came from Audacity. Try exporting from Audacity as wav or convert your mp3 to wav.
RogerS wrote on 12/29/2024, 11:53 PM

Did you file a support request? Did they have any feedback?

How did you capture the media? Perhaps it's possible to do a workaround here.

For others reading this, the YouTube video also states the hardware:

  • RTX3080 Graphics Card (with my all my drivers up to date)
  • 32Gb Of Ram (12 being allocated to Vegas when editing)
  • Intel i9 CPU]
EntertainmentAilment wrote on 12/30/2024, 8:55 AM

Hi @EricLNZ what I meant by allocating 12GB of ram to Vegas is the dynamic Ram thingy (the slider, in the options set to about 40 percent). I used to have that at 0 because I hear leaving it like that makes the program draw however much it needs.

And I gotta say, your theory confirmed some of my suspicions. I had a feeling it had to do with the MP3 files, because unlike other projects I've edited, this one has the biggest MP3 file yet and I've cut it a lot. I find that actually interesting how you say MP3 files can get weird, do you really think WAV files are the way to go?

Regardless, a mere basic action of cutting such common file extensions as MP3 shouldn't be causing issues on a $500 software...

Hi @RogerS thanks for integrating the specs in here, I forgot. And yes, I contacted support the same day I made the initial thread (0 answers).

I used my bought version of Bandicam to record my videos and I can say there's no issue with it, never had any problems on that end. I really think this has something to do with the MP3 file, I had expressed my doubts about that on the original thread replies, I asked if it were somehow possible that the file in question be the culprit since everything started going south since its addition to the project (the symptoms took a while to appear though).

3POINT wrote on 12/30/2024, 9:28 AM


Regardless, a mere basic action of cutting such common file extensions as MP3 shouldn't be causing issues on a $500 software...

Is that what you did pay for your "Sony" Vegas Pro 20 Version...$500? Come on....!

john_dennis wrote on 12/30/2024, 9:35 AM


"...MP3 uses lossy compression to encode data using inexact approximations and the partial discarding of data, allowing for a large reduction in file sizes when compared to uncompressed audio."

Because of the above, I have refused to use MP3 since I read about the development of the format in the Wall Street Journal long before there was a portable music player.

The damage to the sound is done to your MP3 file, but you could convert to LPCM in a WAV wrapper and replace the media in Project Media. That might save some editing hassle.

An Aside

  1. I have never owned a camera that records audio in a compressed format.
  2. I use LPCM when I do screen captures, though I would never allow anyone to hear my voice.
  3. I can no longer hear the difference, but I don't need editing hassle.
RogerS wrote on 12/30/2024, 9:44 AM


Regardless, a mere basic action of cutting such common file extensions as MP3 shouldn't be causing issues on a $500 software...

Is that what you did pay for your "Sony" Vegas Pro 20 Version...$500? Come on....!

@3POINT Please leave accusations of piracy for moderators or VEGAS staff as we can see if users have registered products or not. We want to create a positive, welcoming atmosphere on this forum.

3POINT wrote on 12/30/2024, 10:58 AM

@RogerS I do not accuse anybody of piracy, I just tried to react funny on repeatedly wrong naming Vegas Pro by user and also giving a wrong price indication of Vegas Pro...

EricLNZ wrote on 12/30/2024, 3:00 PM

I find that actually interesting how you say MP3 files can get weird, do you really think WAV files are the way to go?

@EntertainmentAilment Yes, as @john_dennis explained. Wav are uncompressed and can be accurately cut. You've nothing to lose by trying and it might solve your problems. The only downside is that wav files are larger.

EntertainmentAilment wrote on 12/31/2024, 5:00 PM

Hi @3POINT, it's the second time I've seen you on the two threads that I've ever created on this platform and you managed to be unhelpful in both of them, adding nothing new besides your childish comments that we could've all done without. I urged people like you to refrain from commenting if they don't have any input. And yes, I've purchased a full license for Vegas Post 20, got the CD key through mail within a week of the order, and it wasn't 500 dollars, it was 499 euros, which is roughly more than 500 bucks, if you must know.

Thank you everyone else for your ideas, I've decided I'll start everything from scratch (3rd time's the charm) but this time I'll use wav files for audio editing. I hope you're right. I'll let you know if the problem persists.

Happy New Year and best wishes.

3POINT wrote on 12/31/2024, 7:34 PM

@EntertainmentAilment happy editing in 2025. At least you now know you're editing with Vegaspro and not with S..y.

ps when you look at my threads, I have been helpful many I'm sorry not being helpful for your issues...

EntertainmentAilment wrote on 1/14/2025, 6:20 PM

My bad, I came out strong maybe because the first post I made you were the first reply saying I made a mistake calling Vegas, "Vegas Pro"... like ok? Can we like, stay on topic? If people have no input to give, then all this secondary stuff isn't welcomed, it's irrelevant to the issue I'm having.

With that said, I've logged into my account after another 2 weeks work in my project (which I said I was gonna start from scratch), so this is an update on the situation:

Things were going really well for the most part, I thought I was gonna come back here with a solution but I was deluded.

The video was all edited and now I had roughly 1/3 of the audio left to cut and edit (a 40 minute WAV file, as opposed to the MP3 format, which people mentioned was wonky) when it happened again. I'm here to report that the audio's file format made absolutely no difference, the glitch started appearing again on basic actions such as cutting or accessing the properties of an audio portion.

Description of the glitch:

Everything gets delineated by these colorful lines, the more I act, the more it gets corrupted, I start losing control of prompt boxes (they appear white or blacked out), I can't select clips any more, before this happens all I can do is edit 1 thing at a time and save, if I cut and notice those lines appear, I Ctrl+Z and then close the program WITHOUT SAVING only to reopen it again (rinse and repeat).

What's worse is that this glitch began affecting my browser. I went on YT and the page glitched out, I had shapes appear, triangles, squares, text with missing pixels. I googled the issue and I saw a thread with a picture that perfectly matched what I experienced. Reading on it, they mentioned a GPU issue. Could this glitch be due to a faulty, or dying GPU? I got an MSI RTX 3080, barely 3 years old. I've restarted the PC and it fixed the browser glitching but if my GPU is dying, how come I can play games on high settings without any issues, no lag, no missing pixels, amazing graphics... no, the issue lies with Vegas.

Could it be a GPU acceleration problem?

Relevant notes:

-I've only started editing the audio the past 5 days (on/off). I had no problems cutting the video itself, it's the audio manipulations that seem to be causing this problem.

-I've noticed the time it took for me to save my project as I advanced on it went from 0.5ms to 5 full seconds (although I think that's because of all the cut audio portions).

I've recorded this footage months and months ago and I've restarted this project from scratch 3 times now.

I don't know what or how to fix this.

I wonder if I can simply open another blank project, copy and paste the audio left to edit into it, try my luck there (see if it doesn't glitch out in a new project) and when it's finished, copy and paste the edited audio back to the original (bugged project). I can move clips around the bugged project as long as I don't right click on any of them or cut anything I'm good.


EntertainmentAilment wrote on 1/19/2025, 6:25 PM

Hi everyone, there's been a development and I thought I'd share in case anyone encounters this glitch.

First of all, I think it's a RAM issue. Out of frustration, the other day I was looking at the options and happened upon the Dynamic Ram slider and I noticed something that really pissed me off.

Out of 32GB of RAM, only 1 GB was being used for the program. I CAN'T for the worst of me, figure out HOW it got set to 1% but I immediately changed that valued to 16GB. Once I did that I thought I fixed the problem but when I copy-pasted a large portion of audio I had been editing on another project into the main one, it bugged out again.

The next day when I started up the computer and opened Vegas the problem magically disappeared. I guess I was supposed to have restarted the program for it to take effect. Now I can say I've been editing comfortably for the past 5 days and each time I discard pieces of audio I no longer have use for, and save, I noticed the save is going from 5 seconds all the way to 2, and by the time I finish it's gonna be 1 second.

As a test, if anyone reading this is using Vegas 20 Build 411, I propose you set your Dynamic Ram slider to 1% and see how it affects your program, to see if it shows the same issues I've experienced, so we can formally identify the cause.

As a means of prevention, I also recommend using a 3rd party program to cut your audio (such as Audacity, which I used to record the track), remove the undesired portions before importing it to Vegas, which apparently can't handle a 40 minute audio sample cut into 200 pieces. TL;DR: The less you cut audio, the better... also less lag.

VEGASDerek wrote on 1/20/2025, 6:21 AM

I do not believe you understand what the Dynamic Ram Preview Max setting is for.

EntertainmentAilment wrote on 1/20/2025, 7:45 AM

I'm sorry I was under the impression that setting controlled how much RAM the software is drawing from your PC when you're editing... if not, then enlighten me please.

Regardless, we can both agree that having this option at 1% is bad for you. Given how upon having changed it, my problem disappeared.

VEGASDerek wrote on 1/20/2025, 7:54 AM

The default setting should easily suffice. Unless you really understand Dynamic RAM Preview (and actually use that feature), you should never change that setting (which I believe is set to 5%).

EricLNZ wrote on 1/20/2025, 7:17 PM

@EntertainmentAilment Info on Dynamic Ram Preview is here

That's assuming you can access it. It's actually from VP21 Help but I expect VP20 is the same.