Vegas 4.0

McLeanAB wrote on 3/3/2013, 11:21 AM
Hi all,

I'm new here but I have Vegas 4.0 that I used YEARS ago to record audio. It also makes great video clips... I recently threw it back on my computer, re-registered it. The manual said it should accept .mov files in addition to a host of others...

However, it won't recognize .mov files from my iPhone. I import them to my desk top, then I try to drag and drop or open the file in Vegas and it says:

"The file format plugin for the specified format was not properly initialized."

Any idea how to fix this, or is my version of Vegas just too damn old?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated... please shoot me an email at

Thank you!


Hulk wrote on 3/3/2013, 11:30 AM
I'm pretty sure you must have Quicktime installed.
john_dennis wrote on 3/3/2013, 2:44 PM

I loaded Vegas Pro 4.0 on a machine recently just to see what I could see.

See this link.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/3/2013, 3:07 PM
It depends on what OS you are running. If it's Windows XP then all you need is to install QuickTime. If it's Windows 8 then it won't work no matter what you do.

GenJerDan wrote on 3/3/2013, 6:17 PM
HD video from the iPhone?

Does Vegas 4 even do HD?
JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/3/2013, 6:27 PM
> "Does Vegas 4 even do HD?"

Yup. I installed Vegas 4 on a Windows XP virtual machine this afternoon to answer this questions and once I installed QuickTime, Vegas 4 played back my iPhone 4S footage at full frame rate in an HD 1920x1080 project without any problems! I was rather impressed.

GenJerDan wrote on 3/4/2013, 8:50 PM
bakerja wrote on 3/5/2013, 3:22 PM
Maybe we should go back a few versions. I remember when VV was bulletproof!

JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/6/2013, 5:34 AM
> "I remember when VV was bulletproof!"

That was in the land of SD DV up to Vegas 6. Once HD came out, everything when down-hill fast. DV = 1 format. HD = 1,000,000 formats. It's no wonder we're in the state we're in and this is with all NLE's not just Vegas. The lack of "real" standards in the video industry is killing us.
