Vegas crashes on startup if there's over 20 sub folders

pete-g wrote on 10/4/2019, 6:04 AM

Hi there,

I make weekly video content that sticks to a certain format, so to speed up its creation I use a template.

Within this project file I have multiple project sub folders I've labelled from 1 - 20, this helps me when I need to lay images out in chronological order. Sometimes I need to use more folders however.

In the latest version of Vegas the project will crash on startup if I go over 20 sub folders. This was never an issue before.

Here is a video with a demo to show you how it freezes (Bonus sad piano music in background coz thats how I feel right now haha!)

Any ideas how I might fix this?

(Some system info if required: Intel core i7-6900k cpu @ 3.2GHZ, 64G Ram, Windows 10 64bit, AMD Radeon R9 Fury 4GB. Plugins: New Blue Total FX 7... although in this project its not in use)





NickHope wrote on 10/4/2019, 8:31 AM

I can reproduce this here. This bug, which appeared around VP11-12, was fixed in VP14 (Build 161), and still fixed in VP16 (Build 424), has returned in VP17. Project opening time roughly doubles with each extra media bin.

I'll update my old support request to inform the VEGAS team that the issue has returned, and add it to the Known Issues post.

NickHope wrote on 10/4/2019, 10:35 AM

I had to submit a new support request because the old one had been closed. Unfortunately according to the email response it has been lumped into [Ticket#2019100217002991] along with my other recent support requests.

You can see the reference to the old bug being fixed in the release notes for VP14 (Build 161):

"Fixed a bug that could cause the application to become unresponsive in projects that contain a large number of bins in the Project Media window."

pete-g wrote on 10/4/2019, 12:31 PM

Thanks for the quick response and the information Nick! Interesting. It's strange to see a bug like this return, but hopefully they can implement a solution soon based on whatever they did last time to fix it!

NickHope wrote on 10/9/2019, 4:51 AM

Reply from Support:

"...I was able to confirm this issue. In discussing this with some of our developers it was also confirmed that this is a recently discovered problem that we are currently looking into resolving and should be implementing a solution for in upcoming updates."

Dee wrote on 10/10/2019, 5:51 PM

Thanks for your feedback, the issue has been determined and a fix will be in a future update.

stephenv2 wrote on 10/10/2019, 10:11 PM

Yes, this just bit me hard and trying to open a massive project and having troubles - like an hour to open and just found this is the answer. Fingers crossed I can open it and fix.


stephenv2 wrote on 10/11/2019, 4:23 PM

Just follow up, after waiting an hour or more, I got the project open, removed all custom bins, now opens in 15 seconds.


stephenv2 wrote on 11/20/2019, 9:31 AM

This is fixed in VEGAS Pro 17 Update 2 (build 353).


This is excellent news. I have a big short film edit that I need to resort in custom bins.