Dear community,
We have the first Update for VEGAS Movie Studio 16 (build 108 & 109) ready. This update should be installed through the new auto update feature we have implemented with the release of VEGAS Movie Studio 16.
What's your take on the release and our first update? Let us know in our general discussion thread.
Here are the patch notes for this update:
- An Update Timeline button on the first screen of the Guided Video Creator (GVC) tool enables the user to update the timeline to match the GVC without leaving that screen
- A visual indicator makes it easy to see where you are dropping a thumbnail when rearranging media in the first screen of the GVC
- A warning dialog gives you the chance to confirm that you really want to exit the GVC
- It is possible to properly dismiss the Project overwrite warning dialog box
- Improved text on the first screen of the Guided Video Creator helps the user better understand how to proceed on that screen
- The floating Project Media window in Add/Arrange Media Mode properly supports a 4K display
- The floating Project Media window in Add/Arrange Media Mode properly adjusts to VEGAS window size changes
- The storyboard properly shows when it is out of sync with the timeline and properly performs auto syncing when that option is active
- Main Timeline storyboard In and Out points changed with the I and O keyboard shortcuts properly update the timeline
- The Add Missing Stream context menu again works properly
- Multiple lines of text added in the GVC now properly align around the center of the text line
- The Video Media Generators window properly docks when using Add Graphics Elements mode
- Choosing the option to delete your video at the end of the Guided Video Creator and start over now clears the timeline
- The end of events added to the timeline after setting an out point with hoverscrub in the Project Media window and then adding the file to the timeline are now properly quantized
- The application no longer freezes the next time you open it after quitting while the Guided Video Creator is open
- Improved performance and stability of reordering storyboard placeholders and other generated media
Best regards,