I have been using Vegas for many years at this point and for the most part, its been a very intuitive and smooth experience
but yesterday I started to experience an issue that has seemed to persist no matter what I've been doing.
Usually whenever I download a video file from youtube, twitter etc. its then as simple as draggin and dropping it into Vegas but now when I do I just get the crossed out sign from the curser and it won't let me drop it.
If I then manually click import and select the file, Vegas gives me the following message
Warning: An error has occurred while opening one or more files The file could not be opened. Make sure the file exists and that you have access to the file/folder
When I record something through OBS or download a file through the DownloadHelper extension, the file will import just fine and any of my older downloaded movie files will also still import just fine.
It's only with any of the new ones that I download.
Here we have what is essentially the same file, one of them I just downloaded through Chrome, the other I used the DownloadHelper extension but it almost seems to be in a state where Vegas can't see it.
I tried downloading through Edge too just to see if it was a Chrome-exclusive bug but the error seems to persist.
One thing I DID notice before this issue started popping up.
I accidentally clicked on a file from the download list in Chrome instead of the "open location folder" shortly before this happened and instead of opening in the VLC player, it opened in Windows Photo Viewer.
I don't know if it's important tho.
One cumbersome workaround that has worked a little is that if I open one of these movie files in Photo Viewer and trim the very first part, I can then suddenly import the trimmed file into Vegas.
However, that process itself seems to be really buggy and doesn't at all work consistently.
But every movie file I download online seems to not be accepted and it's extremely frustrating.
The only other thing I can think of is that I recently did a big backup of everything to my external harddisk but I have yet to actually delete anything after that
Another weird thing is that if I take a movie file that I've trimmed and that is now working and go to
online-video-cutter .com and edit it but turns on "No Re-encoding" then download it, that downloaded file will also work in Vegas. But anything else I try to download refuse.
I am using an older version of Vegas 13 and was actually considering finally upgrading but if it wouldn't make much sense to do so if Vegas suddenly is unable to work with any of the files I feed it.
I have never had this issue with the program before.
And I find it really weird why any of my older downloads just work with no hiccups like they always have but everything I've downloaded since yesterday refuses to be recognized by Vegas.
Image files can still be both downloaded and imported with no issues
I'm running Windows 10 on an older computer but
Still, I've never had this issue before and I can't tell if the error is on Vegas side or if my downloads are somehow getting corrupted during download. They all play and work just fine outside of Vegas it would seem and all the meta data seems to be there. It's only Vegas that seem to have developed this issue with recognizing the videos' locations all of a sudden.
I really hope someone here can shed some light on this issue and possibly giving me some pointers as to what is causing this.
Thanks in advance