Video editing to the beat for Movie Studio and Vegas Pro

FocusOnVegas wrote on 1/2/2017, 2:27 PM

Video editing to the beat of the music is time consuming.
I developed a tool (Music Video Sync V2) and workflow to edit video to the beat of the music with less effort and time.

More info, video and download:



FocusOnVegas wrote on 1/6/2017, 9:51 AM

I have just published "Music Video Sync V2".
See for more info the link in the first post.

In enclosed in the download a "Quick start guide" that I made.


FocusOnVegas wrote on 3/16/2019, 8:16 AM

I have updated Music Video Sync to version 2.1.

Music VideoSync (MVS) can analyse music files (songs) and generates Marker files with “beat positions” of the music files. The Marker files can be imported in Vegas Movie Studio or Vegas Pro. This makes it easy to edit your videos on the beat.

With version 2.1 you can select multiple input music files and process these in one sequence.  MVS ‘ll analyse each music file and ‘ll write one or more Marker files with the beat positions. Great to quickly experiment with multiple songs to discover what works with your video.
You can select a range for the beat interval value and for the beat offset value and generate multiple Marker files at once.

More info and download: