Video Track on import will only play at 30 FPS in Vegas 22

congrote wrote on 11/22/2024, 5:14 PM

Hopefully someone can help I'm going crazy here 😂

So basically, I have a Vegas 14 project file that I have imported into Vegas 22. Not sure if that in itself is a iffy thing to do, but I have one track that no matter what will only play and render in 30 fps although the video has been 60fps (it plays and renders perfectly at 60 in Veg14). The track in question is myself greenscreened out. I have checked the project settings, re-encoded inside of Handbrake to change the video file to be CFR just in case, Have disabled all effects and plugins, have readded the track. Nothing works. No matter what, it is just 30 FPS. and it states that the imported video file is 60 fps as well.

Am I just being silly? Is there some obvious setting I'm missing? or is it unadvised to import such old versions of Vegas into newer versions? Also I should state that I am heavy editing a Youtube video that I cannot restart for. My project file for Vegas 14 is corrupt and crashes on render, Vegas 22 is my only option.

Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated. If more information is needed,


EricLNZ wrote on 11/22/2024, 6:56 PM

The fact that the VP14 project file is corrupt indicates a problem.

Please provide MediaInfo on your problem 60fps file

Also your project and render settings.

3POINT wrote on 11/23/2024, 1:06 AM

We had a similar issue here a few weeks ago that 60fps media was interpreted by VP22 as 30fps media, at the moment I can't find that thread...

mark-y wrote on 11/23/2024, 9:13 PM

I'll wager that your native video is 60i Interlaced Fields, which resolves to 30p Progressive Frames.