So I uploaded my 8 min 720p interview, to vimeo, only to see it run as a stuttering, partly even out of sync (!) mess...what on earth is going on there??
I mean really...
quicktime file plays jut fine on my PC...people told me yesterday this video is stuttering excessively on vimeo . Haven't had a look at others' yet.
edit...I just tried something else...let it fully load, play it once, let it rest, play it .But I mean there should be no such need for workarounds.
I have upload four 1080p videos of the last 10 days. Vimeo seems to default these to playback at 720p, which is fine. No playback problems encountered or reported by others.
I did notice that if I forced the default playback to 1080p, then A/V playback was out of sync
Vimeo playback has gotten better over the past six months at my end.
Flash version and HW acceleration within makes a big difference. Try it both ways.
I agree. Vimeo was stuttering so badly for me a few months ago that I almost left the service, but lately it has been great. If anything, much smoother than usual on both my cell phone and home Internet connections.
FWIW .. I had a similar issue a couple of days ago with a video that has been on Vimeo since last December. It was not playing smoothly and the talent's voice was out of sync.
I rebooted the computer which had been up for about three days and the issue went away.
Another thing that "might" help, especially if you have a busy home network, is to turn on IGMP at the router. I'm not an expert.
Also, if you have two routers, double NAT translation (when you plug the LAN from the first router into the WAN on the second router) is a baddie, hands down. Getting the second router to act only as a switch and/or WAP can be a bit tricky, however. I do have a bit of experience with this one.
thanks everyone,
dunno if it's a geographical issue, I'm in Luxembourg on optical fiber, should be real smooth. I'll try a YT upload later and see how it compares. Maybe my mp4 file was too heavy or something? Although they do recompress anyway I reckon.
Flash Player wants to upgrade seemingly daily on my computers. Sometimes after the update the palyer on Youtube and.or Vimeo gets squirrely and the next update it's back to playing smooth as silk again.
USA here... noticed glitchiness the other day also. assumed it was their network, or mine. My system runs fine. Could be flash updates as mentioned above also.
Internetz: ya get what ya pay for