I wasn't sure what a .MTS file was so I did not ask SFAS 17 to 'convert' it to .MP4. Instead I looked at what tools Vegas had.
I listened to the file first in (Windows) Media Player and it had audio.
I used the Render dropdown menu item to produce an MP4 file. The result has no audio in Vegas, SFAS 17 or Windows (10) Media Player. The original .MTS file still plays audio.
Did I use the wrong tool/function in VPS 21? I am new to VPS, having used SFAS before I got Vegas. I had been having unexpected results in SFAS 15 like saving an .MP4 file as .MP4 after editing tools processes to alter audio only. In SFAS 15 I had trouble finding an MP4 save-as profile that maintained the video 'resolution' (sorry, not sure what other term to use...maybe bit rate).
After rendering .MTS to .MP4 I did some audio editing (processing) in SFAS 17, which came with VPS 21 and seemed to successfully save it as .MP4 again with satisfactory video properties. In other words, SFAS 17 seems to be more flexible in allowing preferred save-as profile/properties.
I used a camera for the first time for video that can produce .MTS and .MP4 files. I created both to study the camera behavior. The .MP4 4files did not lose their audio after SFAS edit/process actions.
Any solution or correction of my method to offer?
Thank you