What is proven not to work in VP12b726 ?

Christian de Godzinsky wrote on 9/24/2013, 9:11 AM
We urge SCS to get Vegas back to a rock-stable state. With the help of others I have promised to compile here a combined list of issues that are reportedly still not working properly in b726. This compiled list could help SCS to check that they have done everything in their power to guarantee a successful upgrade, or help a new great bug fix release…

I will edit your short and concise answers as a comprehensive list here under. I strictly add issues only, not requests for new functionality, nor complaints about already existing features.


Update: Changed build to 726 - not listing new errors from older builds

This post is edited weekly and is updated with your input - please contribute.

Known issues (confirmed by several users) in VP12b726:

1) Problems with AMD 7xxx(7950) series video cards
AMD 7xxx(7950) series video cards are NOT supported by the Mainconcept AVC OpenCL encoder. Old 5850 card works just fine in the same installation. Reported to support a few builds ago. No acknowledgement my report can be reproduced. I have gotten confirmation from others on the web that it appears to not be just me.

2) OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines
They don't work in Titles and Text. Legacy text, protype and NewBlue titler all work with these fonts. Reported a few builds ago, and acknowledged as a known bug to be fixed in a future build.

Reply by: NormanPCN 9/24/2013 6:20:25 PM

3) No render output in a DVD Burn to Disc from Timeline operation, unless a Loop Region is set on the Timeline
The Burn DVD Disc from Timeline default operation should be: The entire timeline is rendered to DVD Disc, irrespective of whether or not a Loop Region is set up on the timeline. Accordingly, there ought to be a user-selectable checkbox: [ ] Render Loop Region Only to provide the user this option, added to the Burn DVD dialogue panel, such as we currently have in the pleasantly more comprehensive Burn Blu-ray dialogue panel.

Reply by: VegasUser 9/25/2013 12:23:22 AM

4) The rectangular marquee is still invisible
When using the eye dropper in the Color Corrector etc the rectangular marquee still invisible? That bug spanned at least V9 to V11 so I suspect may still be there?

Reply by: Nick Hope 9/26/2013 8:08:27 AM

5) Views stored - especially 2 or 3 monitor views - will not function as in Build 714.
They have to be rebuilt and saved again. When moving the cursor on TL to a new position Preview monitors in GUI would disappear and TLwould move to top of screen

Posted originally by: John Lewis 10/4/2013 11:17:39 AM, replied by videoITguy 10/4/2013 11:57:19 PM

6) Failed Audio playback large USB 3 Drive
This is still a bug with a fairly recent build of 12 (I may not have tried it on the most recent build). It is a Vegas problem and acknowledged by SCS. The specific problem is with WAV files from very large 3-4 TB drives. The one's I tested were external USB 3. I've since altered my production process / encoded to FLAC as described above.

Reply by: DavidMcKnight : 6/17/2013 9:17:14 PM, repeated by videoITguy 10/7/2013 7:11:44 PM

KEEP THEM COMING.... The list is incomplete...

Unclear bugs - need you kind help to confirm if these are still issues in build 726:

A) Did the nested downscaling interlace bug actually get fixed?
ForumAdmin said it would in the first V12 update, but I can't see a notification of a fix in the release notes.

reposted by Grazie 9/28/2012 7:46:00 AM

WIN10 Pro 64-bit | Version 1903 | OS build 18362.535 | Studio 16.1.2 | Vegas Pro 17 b387
CPU i9-7940C 14-core @4.4GHz | 64GB DDR4@XMP3600 | ASUS X299M1
GPU 2 x GTX1080Ti (2x11G GBDDR) | 442.19 nVidia driver | Intensity Pro 4K (BlackMagic)
4x Spyder calibrated monitors (1x4K, 1xUHD, 2xHD)
SSD 500GB system | 2x1TB HD | Internal 4x1TB HD's @RAID10 | Raid1 HDD array via 1Gb ethernet
Steinberg UR2 USB audio Interface (24bit/192kHz)
ShuttlePro2 controller


videoITguy wrote on 9/24/2013, 9:19 AM
From the title I would never have a clue which direction you want to take this thread.

1) The features of 714 build that do not work as advertised

2) The features of previous build versions that did not work but were fixed to customer satisfaction in build 714

3) The features that we all would like to see but never made it into build 714

4) The most troublesome bugs that keep the 714 build from being a viable purchase
NormanPCN wrote on 9/24/2013, 10:20 AM
AMD 7xxx(7950) series video cards (GPU next) are NOT supported by the Mainconcept AVC OpenCL encoder. My old 5xxx(5850) card worked just fine in the same installation. Reported to support a few builds ago. No acknowledgement my report can be reproduced. I have gotten confirmation from others on the web that it appears to not be just me.

OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines do not work in Titles and Text. Legacy text, protype and NewBlue titler all work with these fonts. Reported a few builds ago, and acknowledged as a known bug to be fixed in a future build.

Gary James wrote on 9/24/2013, 10:22 AM
There is also an entire category of issues that only manifest their presence in the 64 bit versions of SVP. I've seen several bugs in 64 bit v11 that simply don't exist in 32 bit v11.

I'm sure these are still lingering around in v12 and whatever will follow because they don't appear to be entirely code related, but rather code + OS related. Which is one reason why I never upgraded to v12. I could always fall back on 32 bit SVP v11 if needed.
videoITguy wrote on 9/24/2013, 11:47 AM
1) Build in support for the new Sony 4K camera codecs.

2) Enable timecode to be read from .mov containers with an assortment of professional camera codecs

ref: http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/forums/ShowMessage.asp?Forum=4&MessageID=869643




3) do major work to get an additional editor to interchange files and projects - for example choose FCPX and really build a workflow path that people can and would want to use - see the comment here-
buy a copy of Apple Compressor 4 for $49 for a Mac OS running on a PC? , drop all of your camera AVCHD files into it and select the ProRes 422 template and let it render away. and if they were using FCP X they wouldn't have to worry about this conversion of camera footage. FCP X will edit native AVCHD and even if they did want to convert it to ProRes 422 note that FCP X will do it in the background!!! That means you start editing right now and FCP X edits with the AVCHD file and converts the files to ProRes files in the background and as the render is done it swaps out the AVCHD in the project for the ProRes files automatically!!! more to invest for Sony to make this NLE interchange work well.

4) Make video levels processing in VegasPro more flexible


5) Create a great CREDIT ROLL PLUGIN. SCS has a Noise Reduction plugin that works very well and it is very professional so how about a credit roll plugin to make that work professional as well.
VegasUser_ wrote on 9/24/2013, 4:23 PM
Without warning the end-user, via the associated Dialogue Panel, [B]Help[/B] Documentation nor the Update [B]Release Notes[/B] -- no audio nor video will render out in a [B]DVD Burn to Disc from Timeline[/B] operation, unless a Loop Region is set on the Timeline.

Someone with Sony Vegas Pro 12 Build 714 installed, please confirm? This is likely the case (as it surely is with build 710, after a bug, causing an inability to render to DVD was addressed).

The Burn DVD Disc from Timeline [I]default operation[/I] should be: The entire timeline is rendered to DVD Disc, irrespective of whether or not a Loop Region is set up on the timeline.

Accordingly, there ought to be a user-selectable checkbox: [B][ ] Render Loop Region Only[/B] to provide the user this option, added to the Burn DVD dialogue panel, such as we currently have in the pleasantly more comprehensive [b]Burn Blu-ray[b] dialogue panel.

[I]If this will not soon be fixed as recommended above, there should be an ATTENTION call-out added to the Burn DVD dialogue panel, HELP documentation and possibly the program update Release Notes, instructing the end-user to drag out a Loop Region along the full length of the timeline, or for some other desirable portion of the timeline, else no render output to DVD will be effected.[/I]
Mark_e wrote on 9/24/2013, 11:40 PM
Overall stability and play back improved a lot with latest build and latest FirePro drivers and default settings on my system ( in profile)
Two new issues introduced are as below both reproducible on demand.

Colour curves causes graphical glitches in preview with FirePro 7900 renders ok makes using colour curves a pain rather than the pleasure it once was!
Rendering out to any format when project at 32bit with gpu acceleration on with FirePro 7900 consistently hangs, have to turn gpu acceleration off to render 32bit projects (8 bit are fine)
Carlos Werner wrote on 9/25/2013, 6:33 AM
Location of markers after rendering using Sony AVC/MVC output format without audio do not correspond to their positions in the timeline. According to SCS, this issue is "in the pipeline to be fixed".
ChrisDolan (SCS) wrote on 9/25/2013, 11:35 AM
I fixed several 64-bit crash bugs in 670 and 714 so if your bad experience comes from an earlier build, you might consider trying again.

We did some pretty rigorous testing of the specific 64-bit changes this summer. Using an awesome tip from Microsoft, we set up some test machines to instantly crash if they try to access the 32-bit portion of memory, which revealed a few areas that the team missed in the original port to 64-bit. This included a hard-to-reproduce bug in our bridge to the 32-bit plugins (VST and FileFormat) which should be rock-solid now.
larry-peter wrote on 9/25/2013, 11:42 AM
Chris, thanks for the info! I can't tell you what it means to me to see posts like this coming from the development team. It gets me excited about the next release (and I haven't been excited about new releases for a while.) So glad you're on the forum.
videoITguy wrote on 9/25/2013, 11:44 AM
Chris is watching this thread - get on it folks!
Grazie wrote on 9/25/2013, 12:09 PM
Chris, thank you very much for coming here and being so forthcoming and open. I'm most sincere when I say that you will only get good will from us Users as a result of your candour and transparency in relating your findings of the Microsoft issue on this Forum.

Best regards


Gary James wrote on 9/25/2013, 12:39 PM
"Gary, I fixed several 64-bit crash bugs in 670 and 714 so if your bad experience comes from an earlier build, you might consider trying again."

Chris, thanks for the reply and the status update. As I stated I never upgraded to v12 because of the instability I've experienced in the 64 bit version of v11. And unlike Microsoft, Sony appearantly does not continue to support recent versions of software that are not the absolute latest release. So I have no way of knowing if the problems I'm seeing in v11 have been fixed in v12. The last release of 64 bit v11 is Build 701, which I'm running.

Specifically, one of the problems I've seen in 64 bit v11 has to do with simply reading any value on the Presets Collection of a Sony PlugIn from a Vegas Extension program. If I do this for most Sony PlugIns inside 64 bit v11, more often than not when I close Vegas, I see the Vegas Phone-home error reporting form. If I only do this on 3rd party PlugIns, or Sony PlugIns in 32 bit v11, I don't get the crash report form when Vegas is closed. Your explanation of the steps you've taken thanks to the Microsoft suggestion sound good, but if Sony would release updates to all recent versions of software like Microsoft does, I could download the v11 fix and find out.
NormanPCN wrote on 9/25/2013, 12:47 PM
Chris, thank you very much for coming here and being so forthcoming and open. I'm most sincere when I say that you will only get good will from us Users as a result of your candour and transparency...

Very well said Grazie.
wwjd wrote on 9/25/2013, 4:37 PM
I wish upon a star that 64bit VP12 could wrap and utilize 32bit video plugins.
32bit audio worked fine so I ASSuMEd the 32 video plugs would work when I bought it.

[extended depressed sigh]
ushere wrote on 9/25/2013, 6:06 PM
+ 1 to all the favourable comments regarding chris's input, it really is most welcome and reassuring.

so, while we have your attention, maybe you (scs) could look at the whole gpu thing? after all, it's the basis of a GREAT MANY posts and frustration ;-)
Dan Sherman wrote on 9/25/2013, 6:13 PM
It means much to know you you are looking in Chris.


NormanPCN wrote on 9/25/2013, 6:58 PM
I wish upon a star that 64bit VP12 could wrap and utilize 32bit video plugins.

I wish for a pure environment. I am sure a mixed environment has and likely still does cause problems. Go pure 32 or 64. I fully understand reasons for such things. In the audio world, Vst I think. I don't like the whole FileIoSurrogate thing.

so, while we have your attention, maybe you (scs) could look at the whole gpu thing? after all, it's the basis of a GREAT MANY posts and frustration ;-)

I'll bet it is a top topic at all meetings already. Sony started and pushed the whole GPU accel thing, so we know it is important to them. Problem is that you give up some measure of control since you must use a GPU driver. You can only fix your own code. Vegas uses OpenCL and OpenCL is very new, and very little actually uses OpenCL. Games, the main focus of GPU vendors, use DirectX or OpenGL. Now that Adobe has jumped on the OpenCL bandwagon that should help push and promote driver stability due to a larger user base actually using OpenCL. Still who is to say where most GPU issues are sourced. The App or the driver.

One thing most probably don't know is that OpenCL code can run on your CPU. Vegas does not allow this as it does not make sense, but I'll bet Sony does this internally as a diagnostic tool for OpenCL (aka GPU) problems.
NickHope wrote on 9/26/2013, 12:08 AM
I don't have V12 installed but, in the vein of "bugs" rather than new features...

1. When using the eye dropper in the Color Corrector etc., is the rectangular marquee still invisible? That bug spanned at least V9 to V11 so I suspect may still be there.

2. In V12, do icons for scripts and custom commands still occasionally go invisible on the toolbar? That glitch spanned at least V10 and V11, so may well still happen.
NickHope wrote on 9/26/2013, 12:20 AM
Also, did the nested downscaling interlace bug actually get fixed? ForumAdmin said it would in the first V12 update, but I can't see a notification of a fix in the release notes.
Grazie wrote on 9/26/2013, 12:51 AM
Nick, bit like the Curate's Egg . . ..

"1. Rectangular marquee still invisible?" YES

"2. Invisible Toolbar Icons on the toolbar? " NO, not so far . . . and not seen since the previous Build. But apparent in the previous build to that.

...and . . ugh . . .

"Also, did the nested downscaling interlace bug actually get fixed?" - I've not checked.


videoITguy wrote on 10/4/2013, 3:57 PM
Bump this thread - more new issues...
Subject: Build 726 Views --- Posted by: John Lewis at Date: 10/4/2013 11:17:39 AM-----
New Build 726 Views. Any views stored especially 2 or 3 monitor views will not function as in Build 714. I had to re build them and save again.
When moving the cursour on TL to a new position Preview monitors in GUI would disappear and TLwould move to top of screen
Reply by: Lovelight at Date: 10/4/2013 1:11:13 PM---
I've had stored views not work completely since the outset of V12. Sorry I can't help, but I am interested in solving this problem.

AND the Uncompressed Alpha file issue:
Subject: RE: Why Alpha Channel on Uncompressed only? --- Reply by: ritsmer at Date: 10/6/2013 2:16:22 PM

I wish that SCS would change that "Render alpha channel (uncompressed video formats only)" to work generally - I mean they do not need to check the selected codec (probably also not always possible) but simply make the check box unrestricted.
No big trouble if the selected codec does not handle the alpha channel - they could just change the text "(uncompressed video formats only)" to "(may not work with all codecs)" or the like :- ))--- It would be a really great improvement to Vegas.
videoITguy wrote on 10/7/2013, 11:11 AM

Subject: RE: Failed Audio playback large USB 3 Drive ---Reply by: DavidMcKnight at Date: 6/17/2013 9:17:14 PM

This is still a bug with a fairly recent build of 12 (I may not have tried it on the most recent build). It is a Vegas problem and acknowledged by SCS.

The specific problem is with WAV files from very large 3-4 TB drives. The one's I tested were external USB 3. I've since altered my production process / encoded to FLAC as described above.
Kimberly wrote on 10/7/2013, 11:31 AM
Still on Build 714.

Titler Pro 2. Solid for other users? Not for me. However Titler Pro 1 is solid and pretty snappy given I'm editing on a laptop.

GPU on in Vegas causes an instant crash in Motion Effects and Flash Remover Pro. GPU off in Vegas and all is well, products work great.

I've reported these to NewBlue and I have been working with them so this is not an attack on their products and service. More like a restatement of the Vegas GPU issue.
videoITguy wrote on 10/13/2013, 6:50 PM

Subject: RE: Build 726... have they finally gotten it right? --- Reply by: john_dennis at
Date: 10/13/2013 11:31:36 AM

There appears to be real problem in appearance of the Sony preview screen with the Mainconcept AVC Internet 480p Widescreen codec.

I tried it with OpenCL and with CPU Only and both fail. Going for a walk, now. Maybe later.

Build 714 is not fond of the rendered output from that codec, either. On another machine I get no preview. - This Message last edited on 10/13/2013 11:38:41 AM, by john_dennis.