Where is Sony? Mia or Kia?

Guitartoys wrote on 12/21/2011, 12:12 AM
What astounds me is that the 511 update was kicked out over the weekend, and it is now Wednesday.

Where the heck has Sony been for the past now 3 days?

Everyone is raising cane on this forum with issues about the update and not a word?

So what happened? Issue a release and take the week off for the holidays?

Do they think this is just par for the course?

Yes, I am finally working. Yes, I am actually working quickly. But I had to disable midi so no control surface, no transport controls.

Asio driver issues and folks having issues with differences between GPU and non-GPU rendering.

What is going on?



John_Cline wrote on 12/21/2011, 1:01 AM

You've been a member of this forum for 30 days, so it isn't surprising that you don't know how things traditionally work around here. There are a number of us that have been here for ten years or more.

This is a peer-to-peer forum and while SCS (Sony Creative Software) does read the forum, they rarely post anything here. Would I prefer that SCS participated a bit more actively in the forum? Sure, but that's not how it has worked. If anyone has a problem, the most effective means to let SCS know is to file a technical support ticket.
Duncan H wrote on 12/21/2011, 1:23 AM
You're frustrations and concerns re (a variety) of issues re VP 11 are shared. It appears that many of us ( some who rely on Vegas to produce commercial videos and many capable enthusiasts who just enjoy using Vegas for video making) have experienced similar issues to yourself.

Hopefully SCS are regularly reviewing this forum and from the occasions where the Forum Administrator chimes in with much appreciated advice, this does appear to be the case, so I am confident that your posting here will/ has been noted.

That said, John's advice, as always is appropriate, let's advise Sony directly of these issues by raising a ticket.

Like you, I feel SCS really need a concerted effort to get things stablised and operating smoothly, quickly. I realise that VP11 is effectively a major rewrite of the underlying code, but the impact of ongoing instablility issues is of concern

NickHope wrote on 12/21/2011, 4:04 AM
The Vegas team really don't endear themselves to the community by contributing so little to their own official forum.

It was absolutely fantastic when ForumAdmin visited my color curves tangency bug thread the same day I raised it, and confirmed that they had reproduced it and would address it. I wish that sort of response was more commonplace.
Guitartoys wrote on 12/21/2011, 6:19 AM
Thanks for the feedback guys. I thought that Sony participated more.

So how do I file a formal ticket?

I was trying to giure that out and couldn't see where to do it.


WillemT wrote on 12/21/2011, 7:26 AM
Under My Account on the top menu select My Support.

On the support page right at the end in small print you will find "....visit our support section" Select that and follow the instructions. Basically you file a support request.

I had to ask that one a while back as well.

farss wrote on 12/21/2011, 7:52 AM
"It was absolutely fantastic when ForumAdmin visited my color curves tangency bug thread the same day I raised it, and confirmed that they had reproduced it and would address it. I wish that sort of response was more commonplace."

So that's a bug, it's been there for as long as I've been using Vegas.
Golly gosh, I thought it was some wierd intended behavior.

NickHope wrote on 12/21/2011, 11:08 PM
Bob, that bug wasn't in 8.0c and as far as I recall it wasn't in previous versions. Fair play to SCS, they fixed it in 10.0d, and still fixed here in 10.0e.