
Earl_J wrote on 10/17/2010, 6:09 PM
Vegas 4.0 - Online from Sony . . .
I used a Prestige from MacroSystems. . .


I still have it out in the garage... not real sure how it works now, but it used to be menu-driven for each function - transitions, titles, and rendering... what a pain on the clock...!
One of the guys there, his username is okay2bclever, turned me on to Vegas, and I've never looked back. He must have been one of their beta testers with free versions of each model that came out; for the life of me, I can't understand how a person could have one of those machines and use Vegas only as a backup. . . (sigh)

It was a completely computer-like (not computer-based) proprietary operating system... no windows; no drag and drop; no file folders; and no external storage. . .
I don't understand how they can continue to produce and sell those things... they're forever chasing the technology. Each time a new chip comes out, it takes the a few months before they have another new machine ready for the market... any of you who think chasing a software package is goofy, imagine having to buy a new machine with each new upgrade... (lol) and no guarantees that the problems of the old machine were corrected in the new version (anyone familiar with that issue?)

Two German brothers run the thing - one does sales and the other does design ... great notions, just simple-minded implementation ...

Shoot, he may be a member of the forum here for all I know... (wink)

Until that time ... Earl J.
HyperMedia wrote on 10/17/2010, 6:14 PM
Vegas Video 3.0
Sonic Foundry web site

Avid DV for 2 years. Also, Adobe Premiere but it came with the computer. So... I worked with all three until Vegas took over.

Now Vegas and Avid. After understanding Vegas---Avid makes more since now.

Also, After Effect and Combustion. once you learn one the other becomes much clearer.
Editguy43 wrote on 10/17/2010, 6:36 PM
Vegas Movie Studio 6.0 Platinum or something like that, it came with Corel Photo Suite and something else.
Was hooked and went to 8.0 then went Pro 8 now 9 next week 10 wooo hooo.
Also have Studio 10 production suite and run studio on 3 other workstations, also use Acid studio and Sound Forge studio and even Photo Go 1.0 you can call me Sony Guy.

bought it at Comp USA (R.I.P)

Before that we started in 2002 or 03 with a brand new scratch built worstation and Pinnacle Studio 7 (still have the disk) and later on Liquid 6. Buried Liquid, still use Pinnacle 14 for some slide show stuff.

Paul B
teaktart wrote on 10/17/2010, 6:38 PM
Vegas Audio LE 2.0
Which came bundled with ACID 2.0
as well as Sound Forge XPStudio 5.0

Got me hooked early on !
And, it was the free intro to Vegas and Sound Forge that got me to purchase the real deal when I got into video cameras and such....
Kim Nance wrote on 10/18/2010, 1:41 AM
What was your First Vegas? Vegas 6
Where did you buy it from? New Magic Australia
What were your using previously? Discreet Edit
Rory Cooper wrote on 10/18/2010, 2:15 AM
My first Vegas “6” experience was with some Sound Engineers doing a live gig for broadcast on local network
I was working with Avid, and Pin with Hollywood fx and they were laughing at me.

Thanks Brent and Tommy never looked back
kkolbo wrote on 10/18/2010, 6:25 AM
Vegas Video 3
Sonic Foundry Website
Video Factory 1, & 2. Pinnacle Studio before that. Premiere 4 before that, Yuck
DavidMcKnight wrote on 10/18/2010, 8:00 AM
Vegas 4
Upgrade from the SF consumer product, can't remember what it was called <edit> it was called Video Factory </edit> only bought it because it did panning across photos

Prior to that had used Pinnacle Studio 1.x, 7, and 8. I've detailed my Studio experience in earlier posts but it probably mirrors most here - buggy, had to render small sections often. For the time, I really dug Hollywood FX.
daryl wrote on 10/18/2010, 8:09 AM
Vegas Pro (Sonic Foundry, 1999)
Here's the kewl part, Sony is the worlds greatest at customer support, Vegas Pro is STILL AVAILABLE to me in "my software" section.
Including the manual and tutorials.
Here is the tutorial video that came with it. The "edited" version of the video is first (it would not move on the time-line), and the "fixed" version is second on this video.

Ecquillii wrote on 10/18/2010, 8:34 AM
My first Vegas was Vegas Audio LE.

It came as an extra on an upgrade copy of Sound Forge 5.0 which I ordered in April, 2001 from the Sonic Foundry website. (I had previously purchased Sonic Foundry Audio Anywhere—for next-to-nothing on the discount table at Staples—which included Acid Style and Sound Forge XP 4.5.) In March, 2002 I upgraded Vegas Audio LE to Vegas Video 3.0. (Sonic Foundry's and later Sony's upgrade path has always been a marvel to the impecunious amongst us.)

Previously, I was using MGI VideoWave, the only video program I could find on local store shelves back in 2000. I remain fond of that program, however brief the romance, for initiating me into the limitless pleasures of digital editing.


Desktop:ASUS M32CD

Version of Vegas: VEGAS Pro Version 20.0 (Build 370)
Windows Version: Windows 10 Home (x64) Version 21H2 (build 19044.2846)
Cameras: Canon T2i (MOV), Sony HDR-CX405 (MP4), Lumia 950XL, Samsung A8, Panasonic HC-V785 (MP4)
Delivery Destination: YouTube, USB Drive, DVD/BD

Processor: 3.40 gigahertz Intel Core i7-6700
RAM: 16 Gigabytes
Graphics Card 1: AMD Radeon R9 370; Driver Version: 15.200.1065.0
Graphics Card 2: Intel HD Graphics 530; Driver Version:
GPU acceleration of video processing: Optimal - AMD Radeon R9 370
Enable Hardware Decoding for supported formats: 'Enable legacy AVC' is off; 'Enable legacy HEVC' is on
Hardware Decoder to Use: Auto (Off)

Maverick wrote on 10/18/2010, 11:18 AM
My Vegas experience mirrors that of Randy Brown....
Bought 3 online direct from SonicFoundry, then 4, 5, 8 and now 10.

I also started with Pinnacle 7. Managed a few problematic videos before Vegas made things so much easier.
je@on wrote on 10/18/2010, 12:18 PM
Vegas Video 3.
Switch from Discreet edit* (every Discreet product had an *)
Purchased from Safe Harbor on a competitive upgrade from Premier 2 which came bundled with a card from Matrox.
LongTallTexan wrote on 10/18/2010, 12:36 PM
Sonic Foundry Vegas 2
August 2001
Best Buy

Recieved as a gift from my bro. Was toying with Premier but was a cripiling experience.

I still have the printed manual in great shape. Read through it the other day. All core features almost identical. Great product then, Great product now. Never have I seen a product switch hands so smoothly.

fldave wrote on 10/18/2010, 2:08 PM
Vegas Audio LE v2.0
No clue where I bought it.

Then got Vegas 4 from Best Buy, price was mismarked $100 cheaper than it should have been.

I then upgraded directly from SF/Sony for 5,6,7,8, added Sound Forge and a couple versions of Acid along the way. Looking to go to v10 next month.

craftech wrote on 10/18/2010, 4:25 PM
- Sonic Foundry Vegas 2.0 (From Best Buy).

- Sonic Foundry Vegas 3.0 (From Sonic Foundry).

- Sonic Foundry Vegas 4.0 (Best improvements to date) (Again from Sonic Foundry). Bought the Noise Reduction 2 plug-in from them as well.

- Sony Vegas Pro 8.0 (From Sony Creative Software).

DGates wrote on 10/18/2010, 9:18 PM
Kev, are those relatives of yours in those sand buggies?
Kevin R wrote on 10/18/2010, 11:13 PM
DGates, A couple friends who are now 81 are on the film. The yellow Model T is the first "sand rail" ever built (in 1953)--by moving the engine back three feet and shortening the drive shaft. I had the original Kodachrome 8mm frame scanned to HD last week and have been playing with it. If you want to read more, check the November issue of Off-Road magazine. I wrote the article on page 70-71. I think it will be on the shelves another day or two, maybe. Film was shot with a Bell & Howell "Twenty-Two" wind-up 8mm camera.

I'd like to connect with anyone who has early sand buggy photos.

DGates wrote on 10/19/2010, 2:26 AM
DavidPJ wrote on 10/19/2010, 7:09 AM
Vegas 4
Sonic Foundry
EditDV (although I never really used it for much)
FixitMad0 wrote on 10/19/2010, 10:54 AM
VideoFactory 1.0 ( CircuitCity)
VideoFactory 2.0 (Sonic Foundry)
Was using Ulead VideoStudio but disliked it very much
Vegas 3.0 ( I do not remember where I got this boxed version)
Vegas 4.0 (Sonic Foundry)
Vegas 9.0 (Sony)

I still use a lot of older SoFo software like Siren Jukebox, SoundForge, Batch Converter.

Love this software and love the fact it is still around!
Dan Sherman wrote on 10/19/2010, 12:21 PM
Think it was version two, a stripped down version that came bundled with a Sony desktop computer.
But I was introduced through Sound Forge which I used to edit radio docs.
DustBunny wrote on 10/19/2010, 1:24 PM
Vegas 3 at a friend's house, bought Vegas 4 when it came out
Academic Superstore, I believe
in:sync Speed Razor 4.5
Soniclight wrote on 10/21/2010, 1:32 AM
-- Vegas 6 disk only for $99 (legal-legit) at
-- B&H online
-- Pinnacle Studio 8 (legit retail) for $20 on eBay

Yes, I have some Scottish genes.
Saving moolah when I can is in my blood.

And just prior to discovering and getting v.6
I only knew of Sony Vegas as audio software (Sound Forge).
Mahesh wrote on 10/21/2010, 1:44 AM
Vegas 4

Before that
FAST Video Machine V 1.1