
akwaaba wrote on 10/21/2010, 2:27 AM
Vegas 4,

[ Will upgrade from 9 to 10 next week when we are able to use faster internet connections]

Bought from Derek at Treasure Productions, Singapore.

I was thinking of buying Pinnacle and he changed my mind.....very pleased I listened to his good advice.
marks27 wrote on 10/21/2010, 4:59 AM
* First Vegas: 7 (then 8, now 10)

* purchased online (

* Prior: Premiere Elements 1 (after Ulead 7)

I love Vegas
Hogwild wrote on 10/21/2010, 5:38 AM
Vegas Movie Studio 9 platinum pro pack

Purchased from B&H photo online

Have used Pinnacle products from Studio AV/DV through various upgrades to Avid Liquid on a custom built B&H turnkey system.

Running the VegasPro10 trial version currently and like it!

Also have SoundForge and Acid

Also running FinalCut Express on a 27" iMac but preferring Vegas
logiquem wrote on 10/21/2010, 8:17 AM
Vegas 3
SF Web site
Adobe Premiere 6,7

Downloaded, installed, learned Vegas the first night and edited my project in the following 3 days...
Lost 4 weeks of continuous crashs with a Premiere/Canopus combo on the same project before...
bStro wrote on 10/21/2010, 9:51 AM
Vegas 4.0
JourneyEd (academic discount online store)
Was using Pinnacle Studio 8 which I bought to work on my first DVD project and just couldn't take the crashing any longer. Found Vegas, transferred the project there, and never looked back.

jabloomf1230 wrote on 10/21/2010, 10:10 AM
Vegas 4
Premiere 1.5 (I think)
decrink wrote on 10/24/2010, 5:02 PM
The wayback machine...
I had Vegas 1.0. Since I was from Vegas I thought an audio program from Vegas might be good. Seemed like a weird name, even back then in the Sonic Foundry days. I was using n-track studio which I really liked but was wanting something more. I had an Atari 1040 before all that and you could plug MIDI right into the side. I forget what I was using on that machine. Did Cool Edit have something for that?
earthrisers wrote on 10/24/2010, 5:39 PM
Vegas 1.0, back when it was an audio-only program.
I was already using Sound Forge and so I had a high opinion of Sonic Foundry. I was well pleased when they introduced the multitrack audio environment that was the first release of Vegas.
Can't remember where I bought it. There was no Internet buying at that time, so I probably ordered it by telephone from a dealer I found in one of the audio magazines I subscribed to.
GuidingLight wrote on 10/24/2010, 8:02 PM
Vegas 6

Direct from Sony website

Magix Movie Edit Pro
A. Grandt wrote on 10/25/2010, 4:36 AM
My first Vegas was VP 8.0. version "c" if I recall correctly.
I got it from the SCS online store.

Before that I tried several trial versions of consumer packages, Nero, Pinnacle, etc. And I found them pretty hard to work with, and unstable to boot.
Then I stumbled across Vegas Movie Studio and tried the trial version of it. I bought Vegas Pro 8 the next day. This was something I could wrap my head around, pretty easy and intuitive to start on, and lots of opportunity to tweak and have fun as you learned the details.
remembersrotarydialing wrote on 10/25/2010, 8:48 AM
Apparenlty, I move very slowly; I just unwrapped my retail box version of Video Factory Deluxe. Would you happen to know if this software can still be used toay? I have found that (so far) none of the video editiing software that I have can edit the recordings from my DVDR because the audio is AC3. Can VF Deluxe handle this? Thanks.
brianw wrote on 10/25/2010, 4:42 PM
Video factory 1, upgraded to VF2 soon after then Vegas 3 as a special offer. Never regretted it and have followed with most upgrades to now very happy with V10.
Incidentally that Vegas 3 was a 27 meg download on a very slow dial up. Did it late at night and warned family to stay clear of phones at all cost!!!!
scissorfighter wrote on 10/26/2010, 8:50 AM
Vegas Audio 1.0a! One of the best audio products out at the time for the PC What was that, 1999? When 2.0 came out, I remember thinking, "Video tracks? Why would I want that?