
VEGASDerek wrote on 1/29/2023, 9:32 PM

Never manually change the registry setting.

Uninstall VEGAS and then reinstall selecting the language you want. If that fails, reset your preferences and clear the cached settings.

Leandro-Antunes wrote on 1/30/2023, 5:35 PM

Hi VEGASDerek / lan-mLMC.

Now its all in english language !  

I am very grateful for your help

Editora-Permanncia wrote on 1/27/2024, 1:19 PM

Nunca altere manualmente a configuração do registro.

Desinstale o VEGAS e, em seguida, reinstale selecionando o idioma desejado. Se isso falhar, redefina suas preferências e limpe as configurações em cache.

Hi, i have the same problem... how do i reset preferences and clear the cached settings?