
NickHope wrote on 3/14/2016, 2:15 AM
Fantastic. Entertaining as well as educational.
ushere wrote on 3/14/2016, 3:08 AM
+1 jolly good show
TeetimeNC wrote on 3/16/2016, 8:14 AM
Outstanding! Good video to review before next big project.

Photography • Video
Byron K wrote on 3/16/2016, 10:57 AM
Very interesting, thx for sharing.

I use straight cuts and x-fades. Seriously, I'd be interested to know who here uses all these different cuts and x-itions in their projects, besides maybe wwjd! (;
john_dennis wrote on 3/16/2016, 4:12 PM
I found the link fascinating. The Academy Award nominating committee didn't notify me this year for any of .
ushere wrote on 3/17/2016, 1:17 AM
funnily enough john, neither did they notify me. perhaps there's a glitch with their system ;-)
DGates wrote on 3/17/2016, 1:53 AM
Nice clip. And a good primer for those starting out in film making.

Most of my stuff is event work. For my transitions, I always keep it simple. A straight cut and occasionally a dissolve. I feel the more amateur a person is, the more they focus on unnecessary transitions or effects. Nail the video and the audio and you don't need the gimmicks.
flyingski wrote on 3/17/2016, 2:31 AM
I agree, the simplest way is usually the path to take but ultimately it's about telling your story so that nobody notices there were cuts and transitions. I find the project often dictates what I do. A retirement seminar and an extreme skiing clip may require different techniques but as DGates says "Nail the video and the audio..." and the rest is much easier.
Grazie wrote on 3/17/2016, 2:35 AM
I agree DG. I also do similar work with many interviews and the rush rush rush - stop, scenario. I use any movement across my lens, maybe blurred, and add a wooosh audio sting. This creates a great, natural transition. Also, careful attention to the "words" of the interviewee make the best transitions. I have many more.

Full Story boards aren't available. I use the verbs my client uses to govern/direct my video and edit process. The work I do is so urgent to what is present on the day, that we have to be very light/nimble on our "cinematic" toes to get what we want for the client. Having a client who can know what they want and the ability for that client to get involved with the dallies is what I truly enjoy. And as a video is all about getting from one shot to another, designing-in the options for transitioning is the best way I've found to keep the story moving on.

I do hope some of my words here make some sense?

I'm very fortunate to be able to do the work I do do.