
Grazie wrote on 2/12/2004, 10:42 AM
Zipps is wanting something - that is for sure.

It's a "neat" game we can all play - once we are on this Drama Triangle. We can "rescue" we can "ridicule" and we can do many many things . .we could even juggle snakes . . The Payoff? Attention . .no matter how bad or lacking in nutring that attention is . . . the "payoff" is some form of rejection. The result? "Ah, see! No matter how hard I try .. no matter how LOUD I shout .. it always comes back to me being <blank> . . " - This is a warm/cold familar place , but at least it is familiar, it's something that is "known" or even "comfortable" . . yup, I'll own up to that one . . .

Zipps, as far as I'm concerned, please stay around .. . I'll promise to read whatever you write . . . I've learnt to take what you say and think on what you mean . . .

My best regards,

ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/13/2004, 12:43 AM
Liam_Vegas wrote on 2/13/2004, 12:59 AM
I think we're all eagerly awaiting the next release. I think we're all (mostly) of the same mind that ranting and raving about it will make not bring the release date any minute earlier.
JonnyMac wrote on 2/13/2004, 4:37 AM
No, you idiot. You bought version 4. Sony doesn't owe any of us anything. If they choose to update the software, then we benefit -- especially if they offer an upgrade pricing plan. You bought what you bought ... now shut the f*ck up already.
Cheno wrote on 2/13/2004, 8:08 AM
I really don't think that even Vegas 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 will solve your problems, Zip.

My 3-year old has a toy laptop called "My First Laptop" - perhaps this is a better starting point for you? I'm sure it won't take you more than a few days to figure it out.

ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/13/2004, 8:46 AM
Grazie wrote on 2/13/2004, 9:08 AM
. . .Zipps .. I'm still here reading .. . Grazie
JonnyMac wrote on 2/14/2004, 4:30 AM
No, you're mistaken, things are going quite well for me. You choose to use all caps and a bunch of ranting to get attention, so I chose to use a colorful word to get yours. You're a f*cking idiot and a waste of forum bandwidth -- if you were as good as you imagine you would post something useful to enlighten us all with your expertise.
ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/14/2004, 10:38 AM
BD wrote on 2/16/2004, 4:36 PM
GET OFF IT ZIPPY! V4 works great for me.

If you really don't like V4, then buy a Pinnacle product. The last time I read their forums, the users were threatening a class-action lawsuit. You'd love it.

Brandon's Dad
rextilleon wrote on 2/16/2004, 5:43 PM
Does it have those huge keys with symbols rather then letters---That might work for Zippy!
pb wrote on 2/16/2004, 6:55 PM
Howdy Zippy,

What are your opinions of Rosco Tough WHite, Tough Rolux and Tough Silk? Please tell me which would work best with a two 1000 watt instrument tree and which one would you recommend for a 300 watt Mizer backlight about six feet from the talent at a 45 degree?

One of my subjects is a bit time worn, what filter would you recommend I use: Pro Mist 1/2, Black Mist 1/4 or Soft FX 1/2? Would you include an 812 as well? WHy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three types?

Answer these questions to gain instat credibility with the shooters in the groups.

ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/16/2004, 7:14 PM
ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/18/2004, 10:33 AM
beerandchips wrote on 2/18/2004, 11:31 AM
Zippy, You going to NAB in Vegas. I'll be there from April 18th - 22nd. If so, we'll have a beer or fifty.
Bill Ravens wrote on 2/18/2004, 1:18 PM
why does zippy always yell when he posts something?
maybe his cap key is stuck from spilling kool-aid on the keyboard
pb wrote on 2/18/2004, 7:05 PM

Some folks think you lack credibility so I wanted to give you the chnace to prove you are more than a handycam toting wannabe. Disagree on the Pro Mist vs Black mist though. The Pro mist 1/2 makes the image look like the black level is set improperly whereas the black mists soften very subtly without creating that hideous boosted contrast effect. I have a warm SoftFX 1/2 (812 combined with softFX) for my matte box but generally prefer to use just the regular SoftFX or Black Mist with an ND. I just set the camcorder to HiSat to get warmer colour. Fix it in Post? Nah, no time. It is cheaper and better to get the right image in the field, rather than screw around for hours in Post.

ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/18/2004, 9:59 PM
rextilleon wrote on 2/18/2004, 10:17 PM
Zippy---your background is meaningless--you are our Pinata--no need to get emotional.
ZippyGaloo wrote on 2/18/2004, 11:36 PM
pb wrote on 2/19/2004, 4:45 AM
Well, you certainly manage to keep everyone entertained. Must say that I'm surprised AVID hasn't sued Adobe over Premiere Pro's similarities to the AVID GUI. After watching my wife work with the Matrox X100/Premiere Pro I realized that with a few changes in icons and drop downs here and there you might as well be sitting in front of a Media Composer. Still prefer Vegas though, esepcially for audio work and the lazy man's way to making DVDs, gotta love the ability to export the clip with markers then just change thumbnails in DVD-A. Just wish I could afford to upgrade our AVID to work with 16:9 natively instead of having to squish the 4:3 to 16:9. Talk about rendering hell!

winrockpost wrote on 2/19/2004, 5:49 AM
no one cares about your background , so you got opinions on lights and filters WOW !----big deal you are still an extremely rude slimy dweeb
Cheno wrote on 2/19/2004, 7:10 PM
All I know is what I've read on the billboards in the post office and milk cartons... is there more?
bobojones wrote on 2/19/2004, 7:45 PM
I'd be shocked if you were over 14.

> I'm sure all of you would be shocked if you knew more about my background.