From Vegas to HandBrake


Yep wrote on 9/29/2015, 3:40 AM
Got it to work with my AviSynth slow motion script. I copied the text from my slomo script and pasted at the end of the text in the Vegas script. The only thing I had to modify after that was to remove the "AVI Source" reference that was in my slomo script. Then it worked just fine.

Thanks wwaaq ;)
Bodri wrote on 11/5/2015, 12:07 PM

Im only have Movie Studio Platinum and dont have script menu. Debugmode frameserver working with megui, but i want to use with handbrake. How can i use avisynth and file mount manual to feed handbrake ?
musicvid10 wrote on 11/5/2015, 1:20 PM
You are better off either:
A. Doing it all in megui (see extensive posting by Nick Hope); or,
B. Running Handbrake directly from the command line interface (CLI).

No need for a third-tier solution if you can't serve a script from movie studio.

NCARalph wrote on 11/13/2015, 7:01 PM
I got the Vegas to Handbrake script setup working and it is great! Thanks VERY MUCH for making this available, it's a really good job.

I do have a question for those of you who've played with this: What settings are you using for burning NTSC Wide DVD's using DVD Architect to avoid recompressing?

Also is there any way to get project markers passed through Handbrake to DVD Architect?

My project is set to 1920x1080 PAR 1/1

In Handbrake:
Picture Width: 720, Anamorphic Loose - Resulted in 720x380
720x480 No Anamorphic - 720x480 and squeezed

Video: MPEG-2, 29.97 constant framerate
Audio: Cleared

I tried changing the extension from mp4 to mpg.
NCARalph wrote on 11/17/2015, 8:31 AM

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to setup Vegas and Handbrake to produce the MPEG 2 file format acceptable by DVD Architect?
wwaag wrote on 11/17/2015, 8:48 AM
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to setup Vegas and Handbrake to produce the MPEG 2 file format acceptable by DVD Architect?

My suggestion is "don't". The quality of MPEG-2 renders from Handbrake is pretty terrible IMHO, much worse than using Mainconcept inside of Vegas. I did a couple of test renders some time ago and found the results completely unacceptable. If you want high quality MPEG-2 renders, try TMPGEnc's Mastering Works 6. You can frameserve from Vegas and there is an option to use quick-sync if you have an Intel processor. I still use Procoder for MPEG-2 renders, but it is no longer available.


AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

musicvid10 wrote on 11/17/2015, 9:32 AM


NCARalph wrote on 11/17/2015, 1:33 PM
Thanks, I noticed the MPEG2 was kind of poor, but with a high enough quality setting it was acceptable. The TMPGEnc suggestion sounds just right though.
NCARalph wrote on 11/18/2015, 5:52 PM
One more question about this: how do you set up Vegas and Handbrake to output a video file for DVD Architect to burn a Bluray without re-encoding? I'd like to use Handbrake because the Quick Sync rendering takes about 2/3 of the GPU rendering time.

My project is 1080 60i (29.97 fps) and I've tried several options in Handbrake, the closest being 1920x1024, Anamorphic off, all filters off, MP4 output, no audio. I've tried both X264 and QSV.

I've also tried changing the vegas.avs script file to AssumeFieldBased with no effect.

Frameserver is set to RGB32 no audio.

The project rendered by Vegas which DVDA accepts is 1920x1080x32 29.97fps upper field first, AVC

The Handbrake version that DVDA wants to re-render is 1920x1080x12 29.97fps progressive, AVC
wwaag wrote on 11/18/2015, 7:05 PM
The problem is that the Bluray spec, and consequently DVD Architect, require 1080 60i. In other words interlaced. AFAIK Handbrake does not support true interlaced encoding. If you want to use DVD architect without recoding, then rendering with the internal Mainconcept or Sony AVC encoder is your safest bet. You could certainly try
TMPGEnc, but I have no idea whether its output will match what DVD Architect requires.


AKA the HappyOtter at System 1: Intel i7-8700k with HD 630 graphics plus an Nvidia RTX4070 graphics card. System 2: Intel i7-3770k with HD 4000 graphics plus an AMD RX550 graphics card. System 3: Laptop. Dell Inspiron Plus 16. Intel i7-11800H, Intel Graphics. Current cameras include Panasonic FZ2500, GoPro Hero11 and Hero8 Black plus a myriad of smartPhone, pocket cameras, video cameras and film cameras going back to the original Nikon S.

QikoCB7 wrote on 7/31/2016, 4:24 PM
Thx for awesome scripts. I have a couple questions. I would like to change the default path from C:\ to a custom path.

Do I simply change all the C:\ to E:\ for the scripts & .bats? Also, did you use Aut2exe_x64.exe to create the stop_render.txt to stop_render.exe?

I also saw it points to C:\ path in the stop_render.txt.

Marco. wrote on 8/1/2016, 6:12 AM
The macros "enter" and "stop_render" were made and compiled to EXE with "AutoIt" version 3.

It's a long time ago now since I setup this workflow. I think you are right, what you should need to do is modifying each line of code which is "C:\" to your desired path and then be sure all the components directed to are moved to the new path.

So you'd probably need to modify following files/scripts:

- "Send2HandBrake.js"
- "unmount.js"
- "start_vegas2handbrake.bat"
- "unmount.bat"
- "stop_render.exe"
Gordon_Shock wrote on 9/18/2016, 3:06 AM

Thanks for all your effort. On my part even though I tried with both script handbrake never starts and I can see in the command window this endless loop. Any thoughts?

Marco. wrote on 9/18/2016, 7:21 AM

Gordon, which version and which build of Vegas Pro do you use?

Gordon_Shock wrote on 9/18/2016, 10:37 AM

Vegas 12 64bit and the right debug version.

Marco. wrote on 9/18/2016, 12:28 PM

If you have a virus scanner running you could try disabling it for a test run. A virus scanner could prevent one or two of the linked exe files from working. Then the frameserve process wouldn't start (nor the following processes like HandBrake).

Gordon_Shock wrote on 9/18/2016, 12:41 PM

I love to live dangerously so I don't have an AV ;)

chas-chas wrote on 9/18/2016, 4:46 PM

when is the 32bit version coming? :P

pham-dung wrote on 10/1/2016, 2:36 AM

Hi Mr. Marco, how can I use this script with vegas pro 14. Any updates in script. Thank you. 

Grazie wrote on 10/1/2016, 3:13 AM

Just had a V2H session in VP14, works very well indeed. Having that "Add One Second" script is Grazie-Proof too.

Predatorace wrote on 1/9/2017, 8:15 AM

Hi everyone,

Just this weekend I stumbled upon Vegas2Handbrake and I thought I'd give it a try (I'm running Sony Vegas Pro 13 on Windows 10 64-bit). So far I managed follow the tutorial that was provided and have it all set up. But... I'm running into a problem I can't fix.

Whenever I click the 'send2handbrake' button in the toolbar I get the pop-up and it gets to work, however when it reached the point that it needs to open Handbrake it always gives me the following pop-up with this error:
"Windows can't find Handbrake. See if you've spelled it correctly... etc.".

I have Handbrake installed in the default location, I'm not much of a scriptkid so I'm at a loss. Can you guys help me out?


Red Prince wrote on 1/9/2017, 9:15 AM

Whenever I click the 'send2handbrake' button in the toolbar I get the pop-up and it gets to work, however when it reached the point that it needs to open Handbrake it always gives me the following pop-up with this error:
"Windows can't find Handbrake. See if you've spelled it correctly... etc.".


Did you read the discussion at which talks precisely about that?

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

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                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

Predatorace wrote on 1/9/2017, 9:39 AM

Thanks, that did the trick! :)