Good enough for a Film festival yet?


Chienworks wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:03 AM
Yes, sorry about the download speeds folks. I had to restrict it to no more than 20KBps (about 180Kbps) for each stream to allow other traffic to still get through. Of course, if there are enough other downloads going on simultaneously you'll get less than that.
Lili wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:04 AM
Thanks Jay - I thought my computer was hanging or something.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:07 AM
On your Critisms of My Film I am Prepared to accept that it is not something you Like and will leave it there..

Mark, my comments had absolutely nothing to do with "like" or "dislike." My comments were based on knowledge and experience that I have gathered over 35 years in the field and in the classroom based on what I saw on the screen before me--no more, no less.

For my part I apologise if I have Misunderstood your intentions this time..

Thank you for the back-handed apology. What is "this time" supposed to mean, anyway? Like I've make it a habit of attacking you?

Frankly, I am stunned by all this and cannot, for the life of me, figure out why you're reacting to me this way!

It is as you say Subjective..

I was referring to film festivals, not how films are made.

mark2929 wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:22 AM
Jay the reason its Subjective is because One person can Interprate it different to somebody else.. So One Mans Meat is another Mans Poison.. I actually Truly Like this Film and hoped others would to.. There are many cases where Directors made Films They Liked and got slated.. Then other Times made More Mainstream stuff and won Oscars..

On that Basis then I have given you the benefit of the doubt...

Although you still seem to be playing a Tactical game...

If People just straight out dont like my Film Thats OK iF PEOPLE Find discrepencies in my editing thats OK I Started in My intro that I would call the cast back and refilm perhaps using 16mm even this time.. As I know there are things I could have done better..So far where I have bodged this has not been spotted and the stuff that has been critted has not been accurate.. Then again Im being Subjective..

I do think though that there is a middle ground one where we all can be aproximate But for now I have seen nothing that even comes to near to a fair go ...

As for the FX I Use cinema 4dle because you can buy it in sections Some of the other 3D Progs are too expensive for me at Present..
jkrepner wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:32 AM
Okay Mark2929...

You have three or four lines of voice over in the first 30 seconds, yet this entire credit sequence is 2 minutes in length. I like seeing my name in the lights too, but this opening doesn't read as part of the story, it reads like a really long credit sequence.

There's some music, it fades up, we see the "Alien Wars" logo behind the mountain and then we hear some voice explain stuff. That's bogus. No one wants to hear someone explain the back story, especially when they are trying to read the text and make sense of the mountains and other CGI visuals. This is followed by titles that stay on screen way too long. Next, there is an orange light flair that does nothing. Then it feels like the entire title sequence starts over with more lights, new music, and more visuals that do nothing to push the story along. Also, by leaving the visual effects on screen too long it starts to draw attention away from the story, and it also gives the audience too much time to see how good/bad they might be.

Here's an example of what I see that opening needing,
Make the opening flying mountain sequence 10-30 seconds long (tops), make a big flash with the orange flair, then go to total blackness. During this black period, when the audience has nothing to look at, hit them with the voice over (just punch up the highend freq. for clarity) then a flash few frames of space, space ships, and earth, then perhaps a flash dissolve to the people in the forest.
mark2929 wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:34 AM
jeff thanks for your comments
rmack350 wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:41 AM

While I'm waiting for it to download i'll give you a few thoughts.

First of all, go to film festivals. And I mean really GO. Get tickets to everything you can in the festival and see lots of films.

Now, there's festivals and then there's festivals. Some won't show much SciFi, others will. You may find that smaller festivals are more interested, especially if what you've got is a "short".

So, go to big and little festivals, see the films they selected, and then try to imagine yours in that group.

I used to be on the selection committee for a college film festival. Mostly we were interested in short art films so narratives and docs were at a big disadvantage. Still, if they were good we'd fit them in.

During screenings we would sometimes stop after a minute or two if it was obvious the film was bad. Our entry fee was pretty low so we got quite a few films that bigger festivals would never see because of the cost to get in. Crackpots and L. Ron Hubbard types don't usually want to spend a lot getting into festivals.

Finally, just make a hobby of going to festival websites and looking at what they say, how they think of themselves, and what they've chosen. That will help you to start thinking about audiences.

Rob Mack
mark2929 wrote on 4/6/2005, 10:56 AM

Yes some very good thoughts ! I have watched a fair few films from Trigger street and I did psot a couple there.. But the Upload quality was pretty Awfull..One thing that disillusioned me was I found a Kind of Artistic Snobbery There, which I had heard about existed from people but in all my experiences of Drama School and Shows ect.. I had never experienced Personally..Anyway I think learning your craft..Building a Portfolio then at some later stage look for a grant Or Perhaps find work with others is the way and help like yours is greatfully acknowledged.. Although there does seem a lot of singlemindedness, My way or the Highway attitude In the Business of Film..I guess for me this is still my Hobby and Im on a Journey of discovery looking for my Place if there is one..And If not.. I will still of had fun...

So I win all round yeyey..
MyST wrote on 4/6/2005, 3:24 PM
Yes, I did watch the film.
So here is my very amateurish review/input.

Your film needs more quick scenes explaining why things happen.
As mentioned, we don't know how the guy got behind the girl to catch her. A very quick shot of him making a sidestep, and then it's clear. A quick shot of him pulling out the gun from his coat would again help. ( I would have had him picking up a rock and striking with it, myself. But that's just me.).
I was left with the impression that he's running in a direction away from the car in the forest. He runs and runs and... he's back at the car? You don't explain why he felt it was safer to go back to the car. Maybe just showing him running and seeing 2 or 3 "devils" right in front of him, making him double back and realise he has a better chance of losing them in his car afterall.

So my input... needs more 3-4 second shots between scenes that explains what's happening, and why people are doing what they're doing.


trock wrote on 4/6/2005, 7:35 PM
"The audio voiceover, while it didn't clip when I loaded it into Vegas still sounded a bit distorted. Perhaps it is my setup."

Actually it is a problem with the audio in the film. I just listened to it in a recording studio and there is way too much bottom-end on the voiceover so that it's very boomy and will distort on many systems. Easy to fix by rolling off the extreme lows.
mark2929 wrote on 4/6/2005, 8:22 PM
trock the Voiceover was rendered using windows media audio9.1 48kbps 44khz stereo (A/V) CBR Not the best settings perhaps... The film will suffer from Compression ..It sounds OK with less compression...
mark2929 wrote on 4/6/2005, 8:46 PM
>>>Yes, I did watch the film.<<<

Thanks mario it does help!

>>>So here is my very amateurish review/input.<<<

Not at all

>>>Your film needs more quick scenes explaining why things happen.
As mentioned, we don't know how the guy got behind the girl to catch her. A very quick shot of him making a sidestep, and then it's clear. <<

Yes OK Perhaps

>>>>A quick shot of him pulling out the gun from his coat would again help. ( I would have had him picking up a rock and striking with it, myself. But that's just me.).<<<<

This scene is in need of more filming .."In the intro" I mentioned calling back the cast" this was an area I would like to do some extra Filming in Particular the Man getting thrown back and pulling ot the gun...

My decision to do this was going to be based on do you guys think it has the potential to be good enough for a film Festival ?

>>>I was left with the impression that he's running in a direction away from the car in the forest. He runs and runs and... he's back at the car?<<<<

Yes there are a lot of strange things happening all hopefully adding to the mystery and im inviting the viewer to ask whats going on and this is not right.. This is fully in keepinng with later revelations and style ..You have to understand this is an area where my universe my rules.. Your idea of reality just got turned on its head ..This is the premise and my aim...

>>>You don't explain why he felt it was safer to go back to the car. Maybe just showing him running and seeing 2 or 3 "devils" right in front of him, making him double back and realise he has a better chance of losing them in his car afterall.<<<

I think going back to the car is such an obvious move.. We all would do the same..Why does this need explaining anyway? Characters do things its the nature or progression of a story if its something that alters the plot or something so out of keeping then yes a little explanation but this is supposed to be unpredictable..

>>>So my input... needs more 3-4 second shots between scenes that explains what's happening, and why people are doing what they're doing.<<

I was thinking of asking the cast back to film a little more IF People here thought it could be Film Festival Standards..

Thanks for your input Mario not at all Amatuerish.. Perhaps a little Biased in favour of Jays view.. But some good points raised..

rmack350 wrote on 4/6/2005, 9:56 PM

I think you're going to have to define for yourself what festivals and what you hope to get out of a festival.

I watched a bit of it this afternoon. I think you might want to try a few thought experiments. Try watching and then just writing down in very simple sentences what you see happening. Next day read through it and see if it makes any sense.

Also, you could try making a render without any of the special FX and see how it strikes you. I think the narrative needs work and the effects work is totally distracting you from it. Also the audio. Drop the music and voiceover for a little bit and just see if it can carry itself.

The look right now makes me think of it more like an animated short or even a graphic novel. In fact, it strikes me as having a lot in common with graphic novels.

I was wanting a few wider shots in the more present-day scenes. There wasn't much sense of place.

Many festivals these days are verging on being trade shows. People are selling films. I just looked at the London Sci Fi festival site and the few running times I saw were feature length. Kind of funny for me because as a viewer I'd actually prefer a program of shorts. But I'm not a buyer.

It sounds like you'd go back and shoot more if you thought you could show it. So you don't feel that it's finished or complete. I think you're right about that. But before you go back to shoot, deconstuct what you've got, eliminate the distractions like music and FX and work on the story. You could tell it like a narrative, show it like a music video, graphic novel, or animated short.

And start looking at festivals to decide which one you want to submit to. That'll help you set deadlines.

Rob Mack
mjroddy wrote on 4/6/2005, 9:57 PM
This is a difficult thing for me to explaine, so please bear with me to the end.
I'm truely a big fan of yours. I don't much like your work (for reasons I'll go into), but you, I find to be very ambitious and an incredibly hard worker. Some of the things you do with your CGI is amazingly great and I couldn't do it for the life of me. The amount of work you put into your projects is truely inspiring. I mean that, inspiring.
That's why I was most dissapointed when you became so defensive above. I felt every point "against" your work was well thought out and carefully constructed. I agreed with almost all of it. Now, does that put me in someone else's camp, or am I just another person with a similar point of view as someone else?
Now, it's a though thing to say I'm not a big fan of your work. I've downloade EVERY thing you've put up on Cheinworks' site. Every thing. I've got a subdirectory called Mark2929. I think I have about 25 files in there.
I don't understand most of them. Maybe it's a cultural thing (I say that because, as I recall, you mentioned something about one of your works being an homage to Dr Who).
I'm one of the biggest Sci Fi geeks you'll know, so saying I am not a fan or don't know the genre isn't a valid argument to use against my unfavourable review of your projects. Basically, I don't understand almost any of the motivation behind the majority of your shots or your edit decisions. It's very choppy and disjointed. The story I just can't understand. I find it to be (and bear in mind, I'm a fan of yours in no sarcastic way) similar to your choice of cApitOlizations. I don't get it.
If you're cool with a portion of your audience being totally confounded, then you're that type of artist. That's fine. But when you ask for feedback, expect folk to give you their perspective and try to not take it personally. If nothing else, you can learn about the perspective of a stranger. If their opinions mean nothing to you, so be it.
If I were to re-release that "trailer" or promo, I would cut it down to about 3 min of the most exciting segments, starting off slowly and powerfully and then pick up the pace as the action takes over, cut to a dynamic and exciting piece of music and leave people breathless. But then, I'm American and need that kind of pacing, I suppose. (Spoken mostly tongue-in-cheek, so please, noone rake me over the coals for making broad generalities.)
If you'd like, I could go through your recent video scene by scene and give you my personal breakdown, but I don't think you'd like it and you almost certainly wouldn't agree. So I'll leave it at the fact that I concure with most of the above - and that I will continue to download and watch every piece of work you do from now until you hit the big time.
Keep working hard, friend. And stay true to your heart - weather that means changing to please your audience or please yourself. Hopefully you'll do both.
mark2929 wrote on 4/7/2005, 1:40 AM
Rob Amazingly perceptive crits...

{The look right now makes me think of it more like an animated short or even a graphic novel. In fact, it strikes me as having a lot in common with graphic novels}

Got it in one !

{It sounds like you'd go back and shoot more if you thought you could show it. So you don't feel that it's finished or complete. I think you're right about that.}

This is what my or Higher Goal was to Ultimately reshoot it in 16mm for Upmarket Film Fests..

{Many festivals these days are verging on being trade shows. People are selling films. I just looked at the London Sci Fi festival site and the few running times I saw were feature length. Kind of funny for me because as a viewer I'd actually prefer a program of shorts. But I'm not a buyer.}

WOW Yeah thats where Id like to be.. But this film..For This Time I was thinking along the lines of Trigger st or Atom Films ect.. Certainly not Cannes :>) what im after is trying to discover where I am at in regards to Ability and if this could be shown at Festivals...IE if Trigger st ect, are a recommendation of this Forum then I am about where I Expected to be.. NOT That I would show it there.. But I will then see this as the way ahead for a Possible 16mm more professional shoot !

I already have the film in the Fridge some Primes and better lighting along with Some more Costumes I wanted to surprise you Guys with something big and Fun Perhaps possible Participation from some here..

Thanks Rob Great comments and definately made me think ;)

mark2929 wrote on 4/7/2005, 3:53 AM



{This is a difficult thing for me to explaine, so please bear with me to the end.
I'm truely a big fan of yours. I don't much like your work (for reasons I'll go into), but you, I find to be very ambitious and an incredibly hard worker. Some of the things you do with your CGI is amazingly great and I couldn't do it for the life of me. The amount of work you put into your projects is truely inspiring. I mean that, inspiring.}

mj This is what we do on Chienworks we learn and help each other to get better and thanks to guys like you this has helped me enormously!



{That's why I was most dissapointed when you became so defensive above. I felt every point "against" your work was well thought out and carefully constructed. I agreed with almost all of it.}

mj did you really agree with everything being said by Jay.. I Really had no Intentions of answering his comments but Its upset me to think that I may have offended you and perhaps those Who I regard as friends and whose work I admire and comments I know are designed to be helpfull.. I understand that a lot of my work you dont like which is fair comment.. BUT You do like to see what I have come up with next or what FX Ect I may using This is what we do at Chienworks and is all good stuff... Jay has in the Past been quite critical of me Questioning my intelligence and work sometimes in a derogatory demeaning fashion.... "My Opinion is" This was sealed when I had an Argument with Spot over copyright issues..It seems some people Opinions are right others are wrong.. In fact Judge jury and executioner pack style.. Jay is very defensive of spot..IS Quite often the Instigator of arguments with BB Or others..He is also quite friendly to those he wants as friends AND Quite often he tries to rally them IN on an attack... This does not excuse his bad behaviour and outbursts on the forum and he only succeeds in lending credibility to the pack Mentality here..He has put me on USER IGNORE in the past..Wish he could stick to his word but I guess not...

Anyway mj I have answered Jays Post I will not answer any more from him and I Have done this for your benefit.. I hope you dont agree with all of this {Jays Opinions} perhaps you do and that is Fine.. its Jays right all opinions are Subjective anyway..

Is this a "trailer"? If so, it way too long. The pacing was painfully slow.

{A 9minute Trailer cmon if people dont know the difference then I have it so wrong I may as well go over to Pinnacle}

The cgi landscape in the opening was too crude to be taken seriously. It looked more like the first "rough sketch" for something that was to be refined at some later date. Whereas the abstract image behind it was very well done. The two don't go together.

{The CGI Landscape was not that bad and was meant to be cartoony Robmac caught this}

When I thought it was finally about to begin, it started all over again with the star field and the chrome 3D text. The second was redundant and not nearly as well done as the first--lose the second intro!

(The Film Opens with a Narration of "The universe endless Timeless we are but stardust a small speck in a vast cosmos ancient beings fighting..nothing changes..It was only a question of time before they found us"} tHIS Intro gives valuable information although some is perhaps not clear or lost due to the encoding.. Then onto the Titles "A film by Mark Williams" Now a trip through to the alien space craft and a saucer fly by which is on collision course for an Object which hits and the saucer heads for a collision with earth.. Now I also have shown another set of titles" Mark williams presents" I thought this was OK Because not only did I Make it.. But im presenting it.. Also I had written it.. Produced it.. Directed it.. Starred in it.. Lit it.. Recorded it.. Edited it.. Wrote it.. Filmed it ect..I get the feeling that SOME Feel that me having my name up in lights" is Shameless self promotion" Is unacceptable for me..Well perhaps I should be more discreet and only use Titles suitable to my humble place in the forum pecking order ...Yeah right...I worked hard and think I am entitled to some credit but even so this is an area which I might listen.. if it wasnt the downright tearing apart of the intro which was integral to the story and as jay later says didnt understand.. well watch the beginning then Perhaps you may understand better ...}

(The saucer crash needs to be tightened considerably.}

The crash was never shown just an Explosion The camera did track slowly to the characters sort of the LULL before the storm.. Im sure everyone understood this....

{The reaction from the couple is inconsistant with what's happening. We see no reaction from them to this "fantastic event." }

This is the 18 Century to them they have no clue and not sure if its a dream GOD Magic what...So therefore A puzzled concern is entirely apropriate. as they wait for what happens next..

{At one point the man is looking down instead of up!)

Yes the craft flies over them as they look up through trees and out of vision they are in the woods after all

{How did the man get behind the woman to catch her?}

The scene turned white and as so many times happens in film Time can be distorted we all know this and accept it as film Language A Psuedo Cutaway.. Perhaps a real cutaway could be added here...

{The woman reacts before she looks over the alien, instead of after.)

The Woman reacts then cut to the alien appearing and moving in Yes totally cause and effect whats the problem?

{Where did the gun come from? Who is he shooting and why? This was unclear and confusing.}

C/U The Alien puts amulet round womans neck ECU The amulet round neck MS Of Man who has pulled a gun and starts to point CU Of Mans eyes then CU Of amulet MS Man aiming MS OF Alien Kneeling with Woman Alien looks at Man chanting an Incantation then an establishing shot of Man alien and woman Man fires gun at alien The gun is pointing towards the alien but even if you missed that visual clue You still have plenty of info to direct you to a logical conclusion...

>>The introduction of the amulet is vague and confusing. What is it? Where did it come from? What's it do? Who wants it? Why?<<<

See what I mean all the CLOSE UPS The 18 Century sequence all designed to show the Amulet and where it came from.. NOW the other questions are hooks.. "you know" those little questions we ask and the viewer has to watch to the end to find out.... Who wants it {The Amulet}well the title bar clearly shows PRESENT DAY And the Amulet has turned up in a box !

{You show the man putting on the amulet, then some unbelievable cgi devil thingie, then the man puts the amulet in a box. This was confusing.}

The amulet is established as now being in the present and in the possesion of a man who looks at the Amulet and feels a connection.. and the Gargoyle who is using the Amulet as a Gateway.. Although this is not clear at the moment..The Music and imagery is seductive and the choir is singing The words you know you want to... I know.. Because I wrote the Music This scene is to show the Amulet enticing and seducing the man who then is next in the woods

Why is the man in the forest? What led him there? Why are the devils chasing him?

THE WOODS OOooer wasnt this where we came in indeed and were not those devil thingies first seen in the man looking at it scene as for why are they chasing him well lets see shall we

{The scene with the critters chasing the car needs to be tightened a great deal. There was no sense of threat. It struck me as being funny, actually--felt like Monty Python--and I don't think that was your intent.}

AHAH There after the Amulet which one gets after making him crash The Gargoyle then flies off with the Amulet and goes underground where we see a skull the some Jiggery pokery and the Alien is bought back to life NOW Here is an Inconsistancy that I hoped someone might have noticed and that is the CGI Alien does not fully match the Alien in the Beginning ..This was something I felt needed redoing BUT No one noticed Ah well..I see Jays decided to do a Monty Python Comparison..

{There was no interaction between the man the devils. They looked like 2D cut-outs, rather than real, threatening creatures.}

NO Off course not only the Alien in the Car only the Man throwing the alien out.. Only the alien growling at the man.. Only the man running the alien over.. Only the alien taking the amulet from the man.. Zero interaction then ...

{The crude cgi (opening landscape fly-over, the devil-like creatures, etc.) was very distracting to me. It did not contribute or elevate the piece.}

A Distraction to you? Well sorry mate but this was what the film was about..The crude opening was supposed to look that way and not a realistic portrayal of an Island As for contributing elevating the piece IT WAS Integral to The Piece..

{videography was inconsistent. While some was excellent,}

This is so vague as to be meaningless accept perhaps as another swipe methinks..

{ the CU of the man and amulet, other was poor, the man in the forest. This was one of the problems in "Girl With a Pearl Earring."}

True the ECU Of the Mans eyes was something I meant on redoing some of it I dont understand the references to Girl with a pearl earing although undoubtably a clever swipe..

The music wasn't bad, but it didn't always work. In some parts it felt like overkill. It didn't always underscore the content of the shot/scene. There needs to be some variation and contrast.

I agree that certain places could be overkill BUT as for Variation and contrast CMON Please...

{It appears to me that you're more interested in playing with "neat software" and "special effects" than telling a story (a common trap for today's filmmakers).}

{One minute my CGI Looks like crude 2D Cutouts My Crude Island.. Now becoming neat software and FX..

{Going back to my original question, is this a trailer?}

Err NO look at the notes watch the film...

{ If so, it's too long, too loose, and not very compelling. If it's not a trailer, there is no story, no structure, and I have no idea what is happening. Either way, it isn't clear what is happening.}

SO Basicly jays view is
Its to long
not compelling
no story
no structure
no idea what is happening

well I think that about covers it Nothing else bad that could be said although he surprises even me with a later post of swipes

{ Now, does that put me in someone else's camp, or am I just another person with a similar point of view as someone else?}

Apparently you are not alone !

Quite scary then art imitating life perhaps !
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/7/2005, 5:36 AM
Just for clarification purposes, because I do not appreciate being accused of something(s) I did not do...

Jay has in the Past been quite critical of me Questioning my intelligence and work sometimes in a derogatory demeaning fashion...

Do a simple search and show me the post(s) where I questioned your intelligence. I may have questioned your understanding, but not your intelligence. Do a simple search and show me where I spoke to you "in a derogatory demeaning fashion" and I will post a sincere apology.

"My Opinion is" This was sealed when I had an Argument with Spot over copyright issues..It seems some people Opinions are right others are wrong.. In fact Judge jury and executioner pack style...

You opened this door, not me. This sounds exactly like BillyBoy-speak, whom you have seen fit to support, which is your right. I choose not to support or side with hypocrites and ractists, and that is my right.

Jay is very defensive of spot...

You're 100,000% correct, and I would defend anyone who is unfairly attacked, even you, Mark.

IS Quite often the Instigator of arguments with BB Or others...

Please, provide a post, any post, that shows I have instigated an argument with BillyBoy or others. Have I stood up to him? You bet I have. But I have never initiated an argument with him. And again, if you can provide one thread or post that shows I have, then I will apologize.

He is also quite friendly to those he wants as friends AND Quite often he tries to rally them IN on an attack...

So now you're saying a person should not stand up for his friends when they are attacked? I have and will continue to "rally" people against those who promulgate misinformation, lies, hate, and racism. That is certainly nothing to apologize for.

This does not excuse his bad behaviour and outbursts on the forum and he only succeeds in lending credibility to the pack Mentality here...

Show me my "bad behaviour and out bursts" and I will apologize for such. As for "pack Mentality," that's more BillyBoy-speak. I had no idea that you and he were of the same ilk. Now it is clear.

He has put me on USER IGNORE in the past...

You do an excellent imitation of BillyBoy and you're learning his techniques, such as misquoting people, quite well. I have never had you on my Ignore User list. But, being that I am forgetful, I did a search. Here is what I found and it clearly shows what I said and, when you read the thread, it shows your skill at misquoting, too:

Subject: RE: But still only 8 bit processing?
Reply by: Jay_Gladwell
Date: 7/15/2004 11:03:56 AM

First of all, that was Bob's quote. So you're not paying attention.

Second, that doesn't say the camera isn't important.

Third, it DOES say the AUDIENCE doesn't care what camera you use.

Fourth, I'd appreciate it if you'd add me to your "Ignore This User" list.


Wish he could stick to his word but I guess not...

In light of the above, I think your remark speaks for itself, as does everything you've said in these regards. We all get frustrated, we all get angry, at some time or another. Most of us get over it. Most of us forgive and forget. Some won't allow us to.

Since you can't or refuse to handle the truth, Mark, I will not waste any more of my time with you. And since you "wish" I would leave you alone, your wish has been granted (with the exception of my promised apologies, when you have provided the evidence that would give me reason to apologize).

Jimmy_W wrote on 4/7/2005, 5:47 AM
Mark, when you asked for this forum to critque your film do that mean everyone except Jay?
I have seen the clip and I think Jay was very kind in his words. So be careful in what you ask for, cause you just may recieve it.
mark2929 wrote on 4/7/2005, 6:05 AM
>>>>Mark, when you asked for this forum to critque your film do that mean everyone except Jay?
I have seen the clip and I think Jay was very kind in his words. So be careful in what you ask for, cause you just may recieve it.

I think I outlined well enough What I meant..You think jay was very kind so If this is a prelude to a complete drubbing then go ahead have fun.. The Film cast and everyone involved are only people after all.. But Im sure your brand of Justice will no doubt vindicate jays Crits...

mark2929 wrote on 4/7/2005, 6:24 AM
Just for clarification purposes, because I do not appreciate being accused of something(s) I did not do...

Jay has in the Past been quite critical of me Questioning my intelligence and work sometimes in a derogatory demeaning fashion...

Do a simple search and show me the post(s) where I questioned your intelligence. I may have questioned your understanding, but not your intelligence. Do a simple search and show me where I spoke to you "in a derogatory demeaning fashion" and I will post a sincere apology.


"My Opinion is" This was sealed when I had an Argument with Spot over copyright issues..It seems some people Opinions are right others are wrong.. In fact Judge jury and executioner pack style...

You opened this door, not me. This sounds exactly like BillyBoy-speak, whom you have seen fit to support, which is your right. I choose not to support or side with hypocrites and ractists, and that is my right.


Jay is very defensive of spot...

You're 100,000% correct, and I would defend anyone who is unfairly attacked, even you, Mark.


IS Quite often the Instigator of arguments with BB Or others...

Please, provide a post, any post, that shows I have instigated an argument with BillyBoy or others. Have I stood up to him? You bet I have. But I have never initiated an argument with him. And again, if you can provide one thread or post that shows I have, then I will apologize.


He is also quite friendly to those he wants as friends AND Quite often he tries to rally them IN on an attack...

So now you're saying a person should not stand up for his friends when they are attacked? I have and will continue to "rally" people against those who promulgate misinformation, lies, hate, and racism. That is certainly nothing to apologize for.


This does not excuse his bad behaviour and outbursts on the forum and he only succeeds in lending credibility to the pack Mentality here...

Show me my "bad behaviour and out bursts" and I will apologize for such. As for "pack Mentality," that's more BillyBoy-speak. I had no idea that you and he were of the same ilk. Now it is clear.


He has put me on USER IGNORE in the past...

You do an excellent imitation of BillyBoy and you're learning his techniques, such as misquoting people, quite well. I have never had you on my Ignore User list. But, being that I am forgetful, I did a search. Here is what I found and it clearly shows what I said and, when you read the thread, it shows your skill at misquoting, too:


Subject: RE: But still only 8 bit processing?
Reply by: Jay_Gladwell
Date: 7/15/2004 11:03:56 AM

First of all, that was Bob's quote. So you're not paying attention.

Second, that doesn't say the camera isn't important.

Third, it DOES say the AUDIENCE doesn't care what camera you use.

Fourth, I'd appreciate it if you'd add me to your "Ignore This User" list.


Wish he could stick to his word but I guess not...


In light of the above, I think your remark speaks for itself, as does everything you've said in these regards. We all get frustrated, we all get angry, at some time or another. Most of us get over it. Most of us forgive and forget. Some won't allow us to.


Since you can't or refuse to handle the truth, Mark, I will not waste any more of my time with you. And since you "wish" I would leave you alone, your wish has been granted (with the exception of my promised apologies, when you have provided the evidence that would give me reason to apologize).


Jimmy_W wrote on 4/7/2005, 6:34 AM
Any Opinions/Constructive Crits on this will be gratefully recieved.

All was constructive crits.

Good enough for a Film festival yet?
To answer your Question. NO.

You think jay was very kind so If this is a prelude to a complete drubbing then go ahead have fun.. The Film cast and everyone involved are only people after all.. But Im sure your brand of Justice will no doubt vindicate jays Crits...

No drubbing, I am not going to pick it apart. I happen to agree with him on his evaluation.
I could add to it but you have demonstrated that you cant handle it.

Just for clarification purposes, because I do not appreciate being accused of something(s) I did not do...

Jay has in the Past been quite critical of me Questioning my intelligence and work sometimes in a derogatory demeaning fashion...

I Didn't read his post that way. He just didn't sugar coat it either. That's what critque is.
All constructive.

I think you have great talent. It just think it's not ready for a film festival.
Don't get so upset and turn it in something it's not.
Keep working at and you will get.


mark2929 wrote on 4/7/2005, 6:47 AM
>>>No drubbing, I am not going to pick it apart. I happen to agree with him on his evaluation.<<<

Jimmy I have no problem with this.. If you agree then fine.. I have highlighted certain indescrepencies in Jays summary.. If even after logical thought you agree with him that is your opinion and thank you for watching ..

FuTz wrote on 4/7/2005, 7:04 AM

Heeeere we go again.

Just send the film to some Festival, have a seat in the place for the Premiere and you'll know if it was ready.

mark2929 wrote on 4/7/2005, 7:19 AM
>>Heeeere we go again.

Just send the film to some Festival, have a seat in the place for the Premiere and you'll know if it was ready.

What Trigger st?