Handbrake 1.0.1 released - changes I made to Frameserving bat file


Red Prince wrote on 1/2/2017, 3:53 PM

Yes, the version 1.0.x of Handbrake now starts with the source window. I personally find it annoying, but not too terrible. However, at least for me, Handbrake immediately starts scanning the source file. When it is finished scanning, I just click on it to close that source window, select the name of the output file, and either pick the right settings or skip that (since I have my common settings as the HB default), and then I click on Start Encode. And then I go do something else because it takes some time to encode.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

ddm wrote on 1/2/2017, 3:56 PM

I uninstalled handbrake and installed the original one from Marco's links, way back when (HandBrake-0.9.9-1_x86_64-Win_GUI), now the old script works fine. That's reassuring. At least I know it will work if I revert back to that. I'll try the update again and see how it goes. Thanks.

BruceUSA wrote on 1/2/2017, 6:27 PM

I discovered that HandBrake 1.0.1 64 bit was released on Dec. 24, 2016. Call it a Christmas present!

I had installed and was using the excellent Vegas to HandBrake system found in this forum. I realized that I was using a 32 bit version of HandBarke, so I uninstalled it, and downloaded and installed the 1.0.1 64 bit version.
Vegas to HandBrake stopped working - Windows complained it couldn't find Handbrake.exe.

I dug into start_vegas2handbrake.bat in c:frameserver\batch\  to add the path to the 64 bit version, but the START command choked on the space in the path name 

Program Files\Handbrake

Google came up with this article on START's issues:

So I made the following mods:

start handbrake "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "Handbrake.exe"


start "" CALL "C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrake" "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "HandBrake.exe"

and the Vegas to Handbrake system works just fine.

Note that I changed not only the START command, but also changed "Handbrake" to "HandBrake" in the findstr function.

dxdy..  I am quite confused and not able to follow your instruction here.  Can you please make a few minutes youtube video tutorial and link here is much appreciated.   Like the old saying...  Picture/video speaks for a 1000 words.  :)

Intel i7 12700k @5.2Ghz all P Cores, 5.3@ 6 Core, Turbo boost 3 Cores @5.4Ghz. 4.1Ghz All E Cores.                                          

MSI Z690 MPG Edge DDR5 Wifi                                                     

TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 32GB DDR5 -6200                     

Samsung 980 Pro x4 Nvme .M2 1tb Pcie Gen 4                                     

ASRock RX 6900XT Phantom 16GB                                                        

PSU Eva Supernova G2 1300w                                                     

Black Ice GTX 480mm radiator top mount push/pull                    

MCP35X dual pump w/ dual pump housing.                                

Corsair RGB water block. RGB Fan thru out                           

Phanteks Enthoo full tower

Windows 11 Pro

rcarlton wrote on 1/2/2017, 8:19 PM

I have had a hard time following this thread. I have looked at Handbrake but could not see how it would work with my work flow. Could someone please explain the benefits of the program? Most importantly, since the instructions are difficult to follow, step by step directions to load the program if one has not used nor loaded the program before. Thanks.

NickHope wrote on 1/2/2017, 11:29 PM

The best minds in the world are on this forum . . . a solution is forthcoming. . .

We live in hope that someone will fix the audio issues with the Debugmode Frameserver code, which is now open source... or that the Vegas developers will give us native frameserving (and flying pigs) in VP15 😉

I have had a hard time following this thread. I have looked at Handbrake but could not see how it would work with my work flow. Could someone please explain the benefits of the program? Most importantly, since the instructions are difficult to follow, step by step directions to load the program if one has not used nor loaded the program before. Thanks.

In this scenario it's providing a GUI for the open source x264 codec, which will give you better quality per bit than the 2 AVC encoders in Vegas. It's also faster than the MainConcept AVC encoder (without GPU acceleration) and possibly the Sony AVC encoder too.

Handbrake also does other things, one of them being good deinterlacing with the "decomb" filter.

Once you've installed Handbrake, just try a few manual x264 renders, adjusting just the crf value between say 18 and 26 so you can see what it does.

One drawback with Handbrake is that you can't frameserve to it (frameserving meaning just passing video and audio to the encoder as they're needed, rather than rendering a large intermediate file). So Marco came up with Vegas2Handbrake which effectively makes that possible and automates the whole process. Unfortunately the changes in VP14 meant that these changes were required to get it working. And now, unfortunately again, updating to Handbrake 1.0.1 causes the Vegas2Handbrake process to return a "Windows cannot find handbrake..." error. So to remedy that, as per the first post of this thread, you have to change lines 22 to 26 in C:\frameserver\batch\start_vegas2handbrake.bat from

start handbrake "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "Handbrake.exe"


start "" CALL "C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrake" "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "HandBrake.exe"

For me it is still leaving a command prompt window open, but it's not a problem just to dismiss that when finished.

Maybe we can persuade Marco to update the Vegas2Handbrake download and instructions??? 😇

dxdy wrote on 1/3/2017, 8:21 AM

Updating to Handbrake 1.0.1 causes the Vegas2Handbrake process to return a "Windows cannot find handbrake..." error. So to remedy that, as per the first post of this thread, you have to change lines 22 to 26 in C:\frameserver\batch\start_vegas2handbrake.bat from

start handbrake "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "Handbrake.exe"


start "" CALL "C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrake" "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "HandBrake.exe"


The above snippet from Nick Hope should give you the information you want to fix the Vegas to Handbrake process when using HandBrake 1.0.1.

I am not expert on the entire process, I just knew enough about command line processing to create these small modifications (thanks to my DOS days - oh so many years ago.)

Be mindful that this is for Vegas 13 under Windows 10.

Good luck, HandBrake really does an impressive job creating low bitrate (and therefore, small) MP4 files.

BruceUSA wrote on 1/3/2017, 10:27 AM

dxdy and or Nick Hope.  So you guys are saying, I simply need to enter Command Prompt> and type the following;  and save?   Screen shots please.

start "" CALL "C:\Program Files\HandBrake\HandBrake" "C:\Volumes\vegas.avs\vegas.avi"
timeout /t 3 /nobreak
tasklist | findstr /i "HandBrake.exe"



Last changed by BruceUSA on 1/3/2017, 10:30 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Intel i7 12700k @5.2Ghz all P Cores, 5.3@ 6 Core, Turbo boost 3 Cores @5.4Ghz. 4.1Ghz All E Cores.                                          

MSI Z690 MPG Edge DDR5 Wifi                                                     

TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 32GB DDR5 -6200                     

Samsung 980 Pro x4 Nvme .M2 1tb Pcie Gen 4                                     

ASRock RX 6900XT Phantom 16GB                                                        

PSU Eva Supernova G2 1300w                                                     

Black Ice GTX 480mm radiator top mount push/pull                    

MCP35X dual pump w/ dual pump housing.                                

Corsair RGB water block. RGB Fan thru out                           

Phanteks Enthoo full tower

Windows 11 Pro

NickHope wrote on 1/3/2017, 10:30 AM

No you need to edit those lines in C:\frameserver\batch\start_vegas2handbrake.bat in a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++

dxdy wrote on 1/3/2017, 10:36 AM

BruceUSA: No, it is much more involved than that.

You need to follow Marco's procedure here:


The first post in this thread modifies one of the files installed during this procedure.

Marco's procedure is for Vegas 13. There are changes for Vegas 14 which I have not followed because I am still using 13. They are well documented in the previous post by Nick Hope in this thread.

My advice is to study Marco's procedure thoroughly before attempting to execute it. There are multiple programs to download and install, with some manual manipulation of files and subdirectories. And then if you are using HandBrake 1.0.1 then you have to make the changes in this thread.

BruceUSA wrote on 1/3/2017, 11:30 AM

Got it. Thank you guys. At first I was confused and did not understand what I was looking at. It was right in front of me and I just did not catch my eyes. Now it all good. :)

Intel i7 12700k @5.2Ghz all P Cores, 5.3@ 6 Core, Turbo boost 3 Cores @5.4Ghz. 4.1Ghz All E Cores.                                          

MSI Z690 MPG Edge DDR5 Wifi                                                     

TEAMGROUP T-Force Delta RGB 32GB DDR5 -6200                     

Samsung 980 Pro x4 Nvme .M2 1tb Pcie Gen 4                                     

ASRock RX 6900XT Phantom 16GB                                                        

PSU Eva Supernova G2 1300w                                                     

Black Ice GTX 480mm radiator top mount push/pull                    

MCP35X dual pump w/ dual pump housing.                                

Corsair RGB water block. RGB Fan thru out                           

Phanteks Enthoo full tower

Windows 11 Pro

SecondWind-SK wrote on 1/4/2017, 5:15 PM

Red Prince... Wish I could say the same. Still haven't got Vegas to Handbrake working. The OP of this thread motivated me to try once again to get this working. I've tried several times before on a previous computer and each time finally gave up and moved on. My computer is an i7-5960K/16 GB RAM, Cruzial 445 GB C-drive, another SSD of 465 GB for business docs, a TB spinning disc for current projects, and various external drives mostly for client archives. I've installed 64 bit HandBrake. I'd like to leave behind the render to intra and compress with HandBrake work flow. So, I downloaded and installed Debugmode, which is in the root directory of the C-drive in a folder called <frameserver>. I've installed Pismo File Mount Audit Package, which appears in C:/Programs/Pismo File Mount Audit Package. I've copied the files "Send2HandBrake.js", and "unmount.js" along with the PNG files for icons in Vegas Pro 14.0/Script Menu/frameserv_scripts. I;ve installed AviSynth 2.5, which appears in Program Files (x86). Curiously, there doesn't seem to be an executable file, other than "uninstall.exe" in the AviSynth 2.5 folder. Can that be right? I note that "Vegas.avi", which is called for in the Vegas to HandBrake script does not appear to be on my computer. At least a search doesn't find it. So....When I launch Vegas 14.0, build 211, the Vegas to HandBrake icon as well as the unmount icon appears on the tool bar. When I click on the V-to-H icon, I get the error message "Couldn't Find Debugmode frame server." Then, I have to stop the command line process manually with Control-C/Y and return. Got any clues on where to go next. I'm obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer, because I have failed in getting this going at least three times over the past couple of years and, each time, have just given up. Any help to be successful this time would be much appreciated. As another thought, if someone created an install program that would do the whole process, I would have been willing during my previous failed attempts to pay serious coin for such. Maybe I'm willing now. LOL

GJeffrey wrote on 1/4/2017, 5:48 PM


Does debugmode FrameServer appears on the list when you select render as button?

SecondWind-SK wrote on 1/4/2017, 6:08 PM

G.Jeffrey... No. It does not. I noticed that, but forgot to mention it. Which means?

GJeffrey wrote on 1/4/2017, 6:31 PM


Does debugmode FrameServer appears on the list when you select render as button?

It means that debugmode frameserver is not properly installed.

Run the installer again and change the path to Vegas 14 folder instead of the default Vegas 13.

Red Prince wrote on 1/4/2017, 6:38 PM

I've installed Pismo File Mount Audit Package, which appears in C:/Programs/Pismo File Mount Audit Package.

It should be in C:\Program Files\Pismo File Mount Audit Package.

Curiously, there doesn't seem to be an executable file, other than "uninstall.exe" in the AviSynth 2.5 folder. Can that be right?

Yes, that is right. AVISynth installs itself as a system driver or something like that.It resides as several 32-bit DLLs in C:\Windows\SysWOW64.

I note that "Vegas.avi", which is called for in the Vegas to HandBrake script does not appear to be on my computer.

It only exists while you’re running the script successfully. The Frameserver creates it in C:\frameserver\source when it starts running, and it is deleted afterwards. Additionally the Pismo thing (BTW, pismo means letter in Russian and writing in my language) mounts avfs.dll (from C:\frameserver\AVFS) as a file system in C:\Volumes (that should exist on your system).

I get the error message "Couldn't Find Debugmode frame server."

This comes from the following lines in the Send2HandBrake.js script:

    var outputDirectory = "C:\\frameserver\\source\\";
    videoOutputFile = outputDirectory + "vegas" + ".avi";
    if (null == videoOutputFile)
        throw "Process terminated";
    var aviRenderer = findRenderer(videoRendererRegexp);
    if (null == aviRenderer)
        throw "Could not find DebugMode FrameServer";

It means the script cannot find the FrameServer. If it truly is in C:\Programs\Pismo File Mount Audit Package instead of in C:\Program Files\Pismo File Mount Audit Package, that may be why.

BTW, what is your operating system? I noticed you followed the Unix convention of using forward slashes as directory separators rather than the MS DOS/Windows convention of using backslashes. Are you running straight Windows (and if so, what version) or is it a Mac or Linux or BSD etc with Windows emulation?

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

SecondWind-SK wrote on 1/4/2017, 10:12 PM

OK. My mistake...Pismo File Mount Audit package is, as you say it should be, in C:/Program Files. "frameserver" is in the root directory: "C:\\frameserver" with its associated subdirectories and files.

My operating system is Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. FYI Windows Defender is disabled Windows Defender Antivirus is enabled as well as AVG Free.

SecondWind-SK wrote on 1/4/2017, 10:41 PM

correction.... "frameserver" is in the root directory: C:/frameserver. Trying to keep my slash and back-slash correct.

Red Prince wrote on 1/5/2017, 12:30 AM

Then it should be working. I have just checked my system and see the Frameserver is in C:\Program Files (x86)\DebugMode\FrameServer (that means it is a 32-bit program) and C:\Program Files (x86)\DebugMode\FrameServer is included in my path environmental variable, which is probably how the script finds it. Is it included in your path? You can find out by pressing Win+X, then Y, then selecting Advanced system settings, then Environment Variables..., then under System variables clicking on Path, then on Edit. If you can’t find it there, click on New and type (or paste) it in the empty new line you will see. Similarly for C:\Program Files\HandBrake.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

3d87c4 wrote on 1/5/2017, 1:43 AM

I've been editing 360 View videos from Kodak SP360 4K cameras and their free stitching software. The stitching software creates Quicktime files which V13 didn't work well with. I've been using Handbrake to create proxy files, and full resolution versions of the stitched clips for editing in Vegas.

I loaded the latest version of Handbrake, and an update, and neither could work with the clips---it failed during the initial scan---so I ended up reloading the previous version. I wanted to get my video edited today, so didn't submit anything to their support forum.

Last changed by 3d87c4 on 1/5/2017, 1:44 AM, changed a total of 1 times.

Del XPS 17 laptop

Processor    13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900H   2.60 GHz
Installed RAM    32.0 GB (31.7 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch    Touch support with 10 touch points

Edition    Windows 11 Pro
Version    22H2
Installed on    ‎6/‎8/‎2023
OS build    22621.1848
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22642.1000.0

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU
Driver Version:
8GB memory

SecondWind-SK wrote on 1/5/2017, 9:53 AM

Red Prince.... I added the Environment Variables you suggested. Same behavior. I've captured a JPEG of the Command Window. Maybe that will help to understand what's failing.

I do notice that the first line calls for launching C:\frameserver\batch\enter.exe. When I attempt to manually launch enter.exe, I get a warning that "Windows protected your PC

Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk." Could that be a clue to where the process is failing?

Let me add my sincere thanks for you putting so much time into this. I really do appreciate the excellent information.

Red Prince wrote on 1/5/2017, 10:38 AM

No, don’t run enter.exe manually.

What your screen capture is showing is that the batch file is waiting for C:\frameserver\source\vegas.avi to be at least 160000 bytes in size. But that seems not to happen. Which means the Frameserver is either never called or it does not know it is supposed to create that file in that place. Did you follow point 2.2 in the online instructions? I know when I was first trying this, somehow I missed that point but once I did it, everything fell in place.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

SecondWind-SK wrote on 1/5/2017, 10:44 AM

Red Prince....DebugMode Frameserver still does not appear in my render list. I guess that's the first issue to solve. Got to go out for several hours now. Thanks again for your continued help.

Red Prince wrote on 1/5/2017, 11:04 AM

Red Prince....DebugMode Frameserver still does not appear in my render list.

I see. I had the same problem at first. What I did was uninstall Frameserver, then go through every step of the instructions again in the exact order as listed there. I also made sure (and that was the fix, I believe) that when installing Frameserver, I accepted the default location the first time it asked, but the second time, when it asked me where to install the Vegas plug-in and offered its own default location, I told it to install it in C:\Program Files\VEGAS\VEGAS Pro 14.0 instead (this, unfortunately, is not mentioned anywhere in the instructions, so the natural thing is just to click Next and install it wherever the setup program suggests, which, in this case, is the wrong place), and after that everything worked.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

GJeffrey wrote on 1/5/2017, 2:28 PM

DebugMode Frameserver still does not appear in my render list. I guess that's the first issue to solve

As I told you yesterday, run thd frameserver installer again and point it to Vegas 14 folder.

Make sure you are using the e right frameserver version 2.15 here