HDV users: please read


rzanotti wrote on 7/24/2008, 2:10 PM
Please count me in too. Where can we download the beta?

We use Canon XH-A1 camercas as well as HV-20s and cannot capture HD in Vegas at all. It captures 1 second increments as individual files!!! We work around it by capturing through HD-Link, but the files are huge!!!

If I downconvert from the camera to SD, it works perfectly. But HDV does not... By the way, I'm using 24F. Have not tried capturing with 50 or 60p...
John_Cline wrote on 7/24/2008, 3:04 PM
rzanoti, here's a hint: read the entire thread.
johnmeyer wrote on 7/24/2008, 4:45 PM
Here is a link to the post, earlier in this thread, by the Sony person who started this thread, describing how to download the fix. No one is going to contact you; all you need to do is click on this link, read the instructions, and then download the fix:

Instructions for downloading the HDV "reader" DLL

UlfLaursen wrote on 7/26/2008, 7:35 AM
Hi Sony

Here are my findings today:

am on 8.0b with new HDV plugin.

I have several m2t files I import captured w/o scenedetection on HDV Split with HV20 Canon. One file causes Vegas to hang on 31% of building peaks. It's a 10 sec. file. A ½ hr. file captured the same way is ok to import.

The 10 sec. file opens fine in 7.0d on another PC.

The strange thing is, that if I copy the sfk file made by 7.0d on another PC to the place where 8.0b tried to make its own, and windows asks for an owerwrite, the filezises are the same, 28.3 KB.

tried something. I loaded the clip in 8.0b on my test PC witout the new .dll file, and it loaded fine. There was one or 2 black frames though at playback.

The I installed the .dll and tried to import the same clip, and it froze again at 31%. So with either .dll I am stuck one way or the other.

I actually uploaded the 64 MB clip here if anybody would like to try it:


Joe Balsamo|LVX wrote on 7/26/2008, 8:09 AM
Sony Engineers,

My situation is such: With the New/Test DLL, I am able to edit and render files from the Panasonic HDC-SD9 with no issues. However, it causes definite problems with the files from a Canon HF10. The issues are severe pixelation and sound distortion. By replacing the New/Test DLL with the Standard/Shipping DLL, the Canon issues seem to go away.

So, it would seem that the new DLL helps some issues, but breaks others. Please feel free to contact me if you need to. My specs are filled in.

DRuether wrote on 7/26/2008, 9:33 AM

The Sony info with the beta .dll clearly states that it is intended to resolve problems only with HDV, and that it may not work well with your AVCHD or with any other format type (although it is interesting that one of your AVCHD camcorders is compatible with the new .dll, but the other isn't). Your information is useful in that it points out that it may be desireable for some to preserve the old .dll file within Vegas Pro 8 to avoid having to reload Pro 8 to change .dll files. To do this, I first added a ".old" suffix to the original .dll file and then installed the new .dll, adding a ".new" suffix. I could then at any time remove the unwanted suffix (AFTER first adding the appropriate suffix to the other .dll file to preserve it) to restore the desired file to usability without needing to externally preserve and install the two .dll files.

Joe Balsamo|LVX wrote on 7/26/2008, 9:51 AM

Let me be more clear. Without the beta .dll, Vegas will not even recognize the AVCHD files from the Panasonic HDC-SD9. In fact, if auto preview is checked, click on one of these files will CRASH Vegas with the shipping .dll. With the beta .dll, it works nearly flawlessly.

OTOH, with the beta .dll, Vegas will let you do anything with the Canon HF10 files, but the problem is that rendered results look awful. With the original, shipping .dll, they are nearly flawless.

I was hoping that by providing this information it might help the Sony engineers make the necessary adjustments to the .dll to make it work even better.

Of course, when I downloaded the BETA .dll, I knew that it was just that, a beta, a test and as such, I was careful to preserve the original .dll.

In any case, I am still hopeful that the provided information might be helpful.

My best regards,

DRuether wrote on 7/26/2008, 10:08 AM

Yes, I would think your reporting of results should be helpful. I'm guessing, but now that most HDV users of Pro 8 appear to have a satisfactory solution with the beta .dll that now exists, that another (different and separate) .dll may satisfy the needs of AVCHD users (without spoiling the current beta HDV .dll) - and that perhaps the formats (and .dll files) could then be switchable from within the Vegas interface...(?)

VidMus wrote on 7/26/2008, 1:37 PM

I downloaded and tested your clip. Looks like someone doing a video of the sky. Right?

Anyway, with VLC Media Player it plays but sort of snags about 3 fourths of the way through. Like it gets temporarily stuck. The audio stutters at that point as well. Windows Media Player does the same.

In vegas it goes to 31% on building peaks and stops.

I think you have a bad clip. There is a software somewhere to fix clips. I can't remember the name. Someone here can help on that. Try it and see if it then works.


I did some more tests while typing this.

I loaded the clip into Vegas and I quickly stopped the building of peaks before it got to 31%. I then played the file and at 73% of the way through it stopped playing and locked-up Vegas.

I did the procedure of loading the clip again and this time I tried to render it and it also stopped at 73% and locked-up Vegas.

Bottom line is, with the above players and Vegas having problems with this clip all at the 73% point I'd say you have a bad clip and no amount of fixing Vegas will help that. Why does vegas stop at 31% on the peak build, I do not know, there may be a partial bad point at 31% but whatever, the clip is bad!

Apparently the players can ignore the bad portions and skip over them. Sort of like a DVD player skipping over the bad parts. But Vegas cannot skip over the bad parts and thus gets locked-up.

Danny Fye
VidMus wrote on 7/26/2008, 2:06 PM

Just for kicks I opened your clip with GoldWave to get the audio portion and saved it as test.wav

I then opened your clip with Vegas, stopped the build peaks, used the 'U' key to and got rid of the original audio. I then put the *.wav file on the timeline and rendered it out and it now loads and builds peaks fine.

Note: If I render out your video without the replacement audio and then try to load it back into Vegas, Vegas will try to build peaks for it and lock-up at 31%.

Replacing the audio with an test.wav from GoldWave seems to fix the clip. Note, seems to fix it.

I was even able to normalize the audio. I was able to render it out and reload it just fine.

I noticed that there is a shift in the video of the sky at 73%. Could there have been a place where you stopped recording and HDV Split did not detect it or could there have been a bad tape? Or could there have been a sudden camera move causing the recording to be disturbed and thus be bad? Maybe your camera has a problem?

Some researched as to what is actually causing this problem might go a long way to prevent future problems.

Danny Fye
blink3times wrote on 7/26/2008, 6:15 PM
Well as far as I'm concerned, 8b is now about as solid as 7d. I just rendered 2 hours of HDV, 390 scenes (captured and split with HDVsplit) complete with titles, transitions and effects with not ONE issue during edit or render.... and the render took 1.75 hours..... faster than real time.

ushere wrote on 7/27/2008, 2:06 AM

good for you!!

have you tried ptt with the final edit? i ask cause if i render with 'no-recomp' i can never get ptt, if i render my t/l out without no-recomp, ie, no smart render it prints fine.

i only ask cause i don't have a finished project to try and i'd like to know before i start ;-)

BrianAK wrote on 7/27/2008, 6:19 AM

I cant see your second pic, only the first?

Tried before and after new dll to repeat scorpioprod findings (this is from EX1):

old dll:

new dll:

red spike is 4 degree shift and a decrease of intensity
blink3times wrote on 7/27/2008, 9:13 AM

Forgive me for appearing dense.... I can figure out "t/l" easy enough, but what is "ptt"?

At any rate.... there was a TRACK color correction so I didn't get into any "No Recompress" moments..... maybe another time.
apit34356 wrote on 7/27/2008, 10:51 AM
"2 hours of HDV, 390 scenes"" Blink, love to hear this good news! vegas8b is looking better. ;-) I was very slow at using 8b for any HDV projects but this new DLL is working out well. Guessing but I would think this dll reflects the new 64 vegas design. ;-)
Tom Pauncz wrote on 7/27/2008, 11:11 AM
PTT = Print To Tape
blink3times wrote on 7/27/2008, 2:28 PM
"Guessing but I would think this dll reflects the new 64 vegas design. ;-)"

YESSSS! Let's hope!

PTT= Print to tape
Ahhh yes....now I understand why I DIDN'T understand.... I don't normally PTT!
ushere wrote on 7/27/2008, 4:09 PM
thanks tom / b3t.

t/l timeline....

oh well, i'll just have to find out next time it arises....

have a good week one and all

winrockpost wrote on 7/27/2008, 6:02 PM
just did a project with the new thingy,, no new issues other than seem to s take a long time to open the project,, no black frames , a couple of freezes ( use to it with vegas and hdv) so improvement with no black frames , same bs with freezes and crash.
hdv project, 6 hours hdv tape captured with vegas, 350 or so clips.
NickHope wrote on 7/27/2008, 10:55 PM
It's generally good for me but I have one clip that has dropped frames/lost packets in the middle of it. With the old .dll the clip loads on the timeline and shows red frames. With the new .dll it "hangs" on the timeline and won't load at all. It just displays white and won't render the audio preview. So I had to change back to the old .dll to salvage the 2 parts of the clip either side of the dropped frames by smart rendering them to 2 separate m2t files before changing back to the new .dll. So error handling could be improved.

Unfortunately I'm in a remote location with slow dial-up so I can't send the file anywhere in the near future.
malowz wrote on 7/28/2008, 2:41 PM

WOW, nice car..

try again now. i can open both pictures just fine.

as vegas does not have a filter to process coeficients, its better not try to fix with filters..

lets keep the old dll for xdcam ex ;)

depending on the hue/saturation, some colors may be VERY different
johnmeyer wrote on 7/28/2008, 3:57 PM
I opened the clip in 7.0d. No crash but just blue screen video and no audio. Sure seems to me like a bad clip, and since it was captured with HDV Split, I am not sure whether the problem with it can be attributed to Vegas, or used to test whether the new DLL is good or bad.
Xander wrote on 7/28/2008, 7:48 PM
I have found one issue with the new HDV Reader in Vegas 8b, which is definitely apparent if you look at the attached screen shot. I used a Sony HDR-FX1 Camcoder with the Sony DVM63 minute tapes. The clip was captured using HDV Split 0.77 Beta.

The top track is of the captured clip. The bottom clip is the same clip that I ran through MPEG2repair. In the preview window, you will see the green corruption. After that, the audio is no longer there in the top clip.

The bottom clip has the audio and if I were to mute the top video track, the green corruption would not be there. [Edit: On closer inspection, there are one or two small black blocks where the video couldn't be repaired - I doubt anyone would notice at normal playback speed.]

The properties of the top clip are:
Name: HDV_Tape_17-0040.m2t
Folder: G:\Rob's Scrapbook\HDV Tape 17
Type: MPEG-2 Transport Stream
Size: 7.22 GB (7,394,830,164 bytes)
Created: Sunday, June 08, 2008, 11:58:36 AM
Modified: Sunday, June 08, 2008, 12:36:24 PM
Accessed: Sunday, June 08, 2008, 11:58:36 AM
Attributes: Archive

Video: 00:37:44.162, 29.970 fps interlaced, 1440x1080x12, MPEG-2
Audio: 00:37:44.162, 48,000 Hz, Stereo, MPEG Layer 2

ACID information
ACID chunk: no
Stretch chunk: no
Stretch list: no
Stretch info2: no
Beat markers: no
Detected beats: no

Other metadata
Regions/markers: no
Command markers: no

Media manager
Media tags: no

Name: m2tsplug.dll
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Vegas Pro 8.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\m2tsplug
Format: Sony M2TS
Version: Version 1.0 (Build 1236)
Company: Sony Creative Software Inc.

The properties of the bottom clip (fixed in MPEG2repair):
Name: HDV_Tape_17-0040_Fixed.m2t
Folder: G:\Rob's Scrapbook\HDV Tape 17
Type: MainConcept MPEG-2
Size: 7.22 GB (7,394,832,420 bytes)
Created: Monday, July 28, 2008, 9:56:57 PM
Modified: Monday, July 28, 2008, 10:16:39 PM
Accessed: Monday, July 28, 2008, 9:56:57 PM
Attributes: Archive

Video: 00:37:44.195, 29.970 fps interlaced, 1440x1080x32, MPEG-2
Audio: 00:37:43.920, 48,000 Hz, Stereo, MPEG Layer 2

ACID information
ACID chunk: no
Stretch chunk: no
Stretch list: no
Stretch info2: no
Beat markers: no
Detected beats: no

Other metadata
Regions/markers: no
Command markers: no

Media manager
Media tags: no

Name: mcplug.dll
Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\Vegas Pro 8.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\mcplug
Format: MainConcept MPEG-2
Version: Version 2.0 (Build 4349)
Company: Sony Creative Software Inc.

bakerja wrote on 7/29/2008, 8:18 AM
Anyone had any problems with the plug and gearshift? I tried the beta plug last night and thought everything was fine until I tried a gearshift to .avi. The audio came out stuttering on the avi files. Switched back to the original .dll and gearshifts are clean.