
Red Prince wrote on 12/18/2016, 5:19 PM

I can't use my V14 right now as its crashing repeatedly....I want to move my custom CC fx from V14 to V12 so I can continue editing. I downloaded the Preset Mgr. but am confused on how to use it.
Is there a video that demos saving and moving an FX or FX chain via the Preset Mgr?

As I have mentioned in a recent thread, I explain how to use it in the .

Last changed by Red Prince on 12/18/2016, 5:21 PM, changed a total of 1 times.

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NickHope wrote on 12/18/2016, 9:58 PM

I doubt Sony Preset Manager works in VP14. Vegasaur's presets manager could probably do it.

Red Prince wrote on 12/18/2016, 10:25 PM

I doubt Sony Preset Manager works in VP14.

It does.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

NickHope wrote on 12/18/2016, 11:22 PM

It does.

That's a welcome surprise. I guess VP14 is still storing the presets in a Sony-branded registry location that Preset Manager looks at (would tell you what it is but registry search is hanging for me right now).

But actually, if VP14 and VP12 are on the same computer, FX presets and FX Chains created in VP14 show up automatically in VP12, at least on my system. Is that not happening for you teakart?

Preset Manager is still useful for moving from one computer or installation to another, but here I'm only seeing FX Chains in it. Is there a way to copy individual FX Presets from one computer to another?

Anyway here's a direct link to Sony Preset Manager 2.0k:

To use it, click on FX Chains (lower left), select the chains you want to move, click the "copy to file" button at the top, then Save As something.sfpreset. Then you can open that preset package on the new installation and copy it to the system.

And here are some links to more migration stuff:


teaktart wrote on 12/19/2016, 12:45 AM

I've been messing around for hours trying to figure out how to copy FX from V14 to V12. Where I'm gettng stuck is how to 'open' (get my custom CC FX per camera) into the Preset Package (top left corner)... I 'save' the FX in the Plug-in Chain choser, but don't see where to save to - so I can "open"

I do see what I've tested with showing up now in the "System Presets" LL corner...and the individual PS to the right.

I'm not sure how they got there though!

Also, like you mentioned, I only want one plug-in FX for the most part (CC) and not a whole chain if there were a simpler method to do so. I've missed it.
Also, when looking thru my C:/ program folders/ for the elusive Preset Mgr folder I'm finding my older Vegas's in a Sony folder C:/ and my V14 in a 'Vegas" folder....and I couldnt' find the preset folder at all.

If I can make them talk with each other that's all I need!

Meanwhile, my V14 is completely locking up on me doing multi cam edit....after working fine for days.... hence the desperation to continue in V12 best I can with my project..... feeling challenged in all directions lately!


teaktart wrote on 12/19/2016, 12:52 AM

It does.

That's a welcome surprise. I guess VP14 is still storing the presets in a Sony-branded registry location that Preset Manager looks at (would tell you what it is but registry search is hanging for me right now).

But actually, if VP14 and VP12 are on the same computer, FX presets and FX Chains created in VP14 show up automatically in VP12, at least on my system. Is that not happening for you teakart?

Preset Manager is still useful for moving from one computer or installation to another, but here I'm only seeing FX Chains in it. Is there a way to copy individual FX Presets from one computer to another?

Anyway here's a direct link to Sony Preset Manager 2.0k:

To use it, click on FX Chains (lower left), select the chains you want to move, click the "copy to file" button at the top, then Save As something.sfpreset. Then you can open that preset package on the new installation and copy it to the system.

And here are some links to more migration stuff:


"But actually, if VP14 and VP12 are on the same computer, FX presets and FX Chains created in VP14 show up automatically in VP12, at least on my system. Is that not happening for you teakart?"

I think that might be what happened now that I've read your post about a dozen times!

I expect restarting Vegas is when new plug-ins get scanned and added to the list available ? If that happens automatically between different versions of V....then is the Preset Mgr still necessary ?
I'm sure I'm still missing the big picture !

NickHope wrote on 12/19/2016, 1:14 AM

As far as I can tell, Preset Manager is only useful for copying FX Chains from one computer to another.