[Mostly solved] Additional performance advice?


john_dennis wrote on 1/16/2025, 4:48 PM


With the machine in my signature:

Magix AVC/AAC Default UHD Settings

Voukoder AVC/AAC GOP30, No B-Frames Rate Limited

RogerS wrote on 1/16/2025, 7:01 PM

The 3080 is very power hungry with large transient power spikes so have extra power supply capacity for it if you go that route. I'd go for a newer generation at this point unless you see a deal.

ken-coughlin wrote on 1/16/2025, 7:21 PM

The 3080 is very power hungry with large transient power spikes so have extra power supply capacity for it if you go that route. I'd go for a newer generation at this point unless you see a deal.

The 7920T comes standard with a 1,400w PSU.

BTW, I found a way to improve my performance a bit with my current config. I have a second GTX 970 installed and doing nothing at the moment (no SLI support for the GTX 970 in the 7920T), so I assigned GPU Acceleration to that card.

RogerS wrote on 1/17/2025, 2:57 AM

Thanks Ken, yes it seems to have plenty of power for even power-hungry GPUs.

While there are many GPU options I think there are few bad ones, so you'll have a good experience with any modern GPU. More ram is good (12GB or greater should be enough for years for most uses).

If you want to try the second benchmark in my signature (VP 20 sample ad) it stresses the system differently than the first. You could see if CPU encoding using all your cores (Mainconcept) is faster than letting the purpose-built GPU do the encode (NVENC) under MagixAVC.

ken-coughlin wrote on 1/17/2025, 9:58 PM


You're leaving a lot of hardware resources fallow. Download and try AVC/AAC renders with Voukoder (Link: https://www.voukoder.org/) to see if you can make better use of all the processor cores you have sitting idle.

Report back.

Sorry it took a while to get back to you. I found and downloaded voukoder 13.4.1 along with connector-vegas21-1.7.1. I tried playing with it a bit. I usually need to render in WMV for a specific recurring project I work on, but it doesn't appear voukoder can render WMV files.

I run the videos for a film festival, and every video cueing package I've tried, with the exception of VLC, require additional codecs like K-Lite, and everyone has had problems playing multiple videos in the same session. In order to get consistent cue list results, I find rendering the videos as WMV works best for me.

VLC will play multiple file types without external codecs, but that causes even more problems. It does have a converter, but unless you're converting to the same files type & frame rate, the audio goes out of sync on some of the videos.

RogerS wrote on 1/17/2025, 11:41 PM

For Voukoder you'd want to render to the most common format these days which is AVC in a MP4 container. (It's common for film festivals as well). Try x264 through Voukoder to peg the CPU at 100% and see how it compares to NVENC, for example.

ken-coughlin wrote on 1/18/2025, 11:11 AM

For Voukoder you'd want to render to the most common format these days which is AVC in a MP4 container. (It's common for film festivals as well). Try x264 through Voukoder to peg the CPU at 100% and see how it compares to NVENC, for example.

It's my experience that video cueing packages generally require additional codecs to play anything other than the native WMV container. Everyone I've tried runs into a problem when there are multiple videos in a playlist. For the film festival I'm involved with, I sometimes have to play 8 or more shorts in a row, and there are times when one of the videos will not play. My most reliable result has been converting all videos to WMV and deleting my additional codecs. While VLC has all the codecs built in, I've run into problems with VLC as well.

I also run lights, sound and video for a number of theatrical productions, and some of those have upwards of 30 videos. I've tried using 2 different computers, one running the lights & sound and the other running a video cue package and still run into issues with the video playback.