
plasmavideo wrote on 2/6/2013, 6:03 AM
One thing I have to be really careful about when I DJ for the kids (and adults) is so many of the songs contain the f word, b word, ho word and other themes that can be either very blatant or very subtle. Sometimes a perfectly good dance tune throws in a word or two at some point for no real reason except to appeal to the tee-hee and smirk value for the kids. I edit them out when I can catch them.

I did a dance for some older teens a couple of years ago, and they sent me a request list to play. None of the "songs" they wanted me to play would I ever, ever pop onto my laptop for fear of it melting in shame. It's a pity what some of the "tunes", and some of the otherwise talented artists have stooped to. Truly pure trash.

I enjoy doing gigs where I get to also play Glenn Miller and Artie Shaw, along with some Royal Crown Revue and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. Some of the kids get off on that stuff along with the adults. I enjoy it myself tremendously.
deusx wrote on 2/6/2013, 11:38 AM
This voice can cure cancer

John_Cline wrote on 2/6/2013, 4:56 PM
"This voice can cure cancer"

Once again, your subjective opinion.
musicvid10 wrote on 2/6/2013, 9:19 PM
Sings in one register only. No audible head resonance. Never finds her passaggio, if it even exists.
That's my objective observation.

Exactly half a singer.
That's my subjective opinion.

VidMus wrote on 2/6/2013, 9:33 PM
I wonder if this thread will last until the next Super Bowl?


deusx wrote on 2/6/2013, 10:02 PM
>>>>Exactly half a singer.<<<

That would make everybody else a 1/4 of a singer?

>>>Sings in one register only. No audible head resonance. Never finds her passaggio, if it even exists.<<<<

I guess she could never make it on American Idol or Glee. Poor Johnette. And all she ever wanted is to sound like everybody else so she could be on one of those shows. Oh well maybe in another life she'll be born with half her current vocal range and without that ugly raspy bottom end.

And if she's lucky enough to be re-born without a brain like Beyonce, Madonna, there will be plenty of head resonance.

larry-peter wrote on 2/6/2013, 10:09 PM
Re: Grazie’s comment: “everything that is monumental about the US: Guts, Finesse, swiftness of foot, strategic intelligence, all served up with a major tongue in cheek quality that redefines the ironic.”

You forgot to add our inability to respectfully allow another their own opinion. That’s one of our strong points.
AlanADale wrote on 2/7/2013, 2:26 AM
How many octaves - no idea. Has she got a 'good' voice - no idea. Does she rock my boat? You bet she does - this lady is full of energy and her body language says it all. And this is from someone whose entire CD collection is 'Classical' LOL.

Grazie wrote on 2/7/2013, 3:01 AM
atom12: "You forgot to add our inability to respectfully allow another their own opinion."

Well, I didn't wish to "big-up" the US too much, otherwise nobody would have believed that I was being serious.



deusx wrote on 2/7/2013, 3:04 AM
I agree. Pink has a good voice and is a good singer.
Terje wrote on 2/7/2013, 3:56 AM
@deusx >> This voice can cure cancer

If by curing cancer you mean it gives you the same side-effects as chemotherapy, I might be close to agreeing.

That is of course my subjective opinion.
Terje wrote on 2/7/2013, 4:01 AM
@deusx >> without a brain like ... Madonna

Like Madonna or not, this is just wrong, and more than a little dumb. The music business is hard-core business. It is very difficult to manage a career in it, which is why there are so many hard-core business people doing professional management (often to the detriment of the performer but not the manager).

Madonna has managed her career, her image and her music through decades of varying tastes and an ageing self. That takes a lot of talent and more than a lot of brains. Madonna is, provably given her stamina and relatively long relevance to her market, significantly more intelligent than deusx.
deusx wrote on 2/7/2013, 4:22 AM
According to your theory Kim Kardashian and Snooky are on par with Albert Einstein.

Madonna, brains and talent in the same sentence. Bravo! I'm speechless now.
musicvid10 wrote on 2/7/2013, 10:24 AM
Oh, we "respectfully allow another their own opinion."
It's decrees from the throne telling others how they should think that we can't stomach.
I understand this ended in England some time back . . .
Eh, Grazie?
John_Cline wrote on 2/7/2013, 4:56 PM
"I'm speechless now."

Thank god!