OT: How many got hosed by Win10 Anniversary?


Former user wrote on 8/8/2016, 12:32 PM
While I am not surprised that this turned into a PC vs Mac thread - I am surprised by all the folks that thought putting Windows 10 onto a production machine was a smart move?

While I like to mess round with new tech as much as the next guy - I would never put a production machine in jeopardy by sticking Win 10 on it. Anniversary Update or no Anniversary Update.

I cannot think of a single reason on how my use of Vegas would suddenly be "better" by doing a wholesale OS change.

Probably why Windows 7 is still the king out there on the Windows desktop....

NickHope wrote on 8/8/2016, 10:41 PM
Installed Windows 8.1 on my machine when it was new in 2014. Did the free in-place upgrade to Windows 10 months ago as soon as it was available. No problems at all. It's the most stable platform I've ever had and, I think, snappier than 8.1 was. Classic Shell replaces my start menu and Directory Opus replaces my File Explorer (as it has done for the last decade or more). I literally never see anything with a "Metro" interface.
JJKizak wrote on 8/9/2016, 7:48 AM
Windows installs an 8 meg file on each hard drive for control purposes that is not accessible. So if you want a clean Windows install you must double 0 each drive. But that's really clean, maybe too clean for me.
DGates wrote on 8/9/2016, 11:06 AM
For whatever reason, my Win10 upgrade would continually freeze up my computer. After a few attempts to rectify it, I went back to 8.1
Stringer wrote on 8/9/2016, 8:45 PM
I have three machines running on 10 for almost a year. Haven't seen anything about an anniversary update/upgrade...
monoparadox wrote on 8/10/2016, 9:55 AM
If you have an older box don't force the update. In general Microsoft updates newer, win10 certified hardware first and then works down the food chain. In theory, as problems are encountered fixes can be issued to minimize the pain. In practice, there will still be some.

-- tom
Cliff Etzel wrote on 8/10/2016, 10:15 AM
As a follow up: I ended up doing 4 fresh installs of the Windows 10 Anniversary update before my primary computer became stable. I had to forgo using Google Chrome each install - a browser I live in during my work day - because it would repeatedly crash Windows - lock it up solid with frozen mouse and keyboard. I defaulted to their Edge browser and that's still a joke of a browser IMO - but the computer became stable using it. I don't care what Microsoft says about Edge using less battery power compared to Chrome - websites these days more or less work best with Google Chrome. Even Firefox and Opera crashed the initial installs. Microsoft pushed out some Windows updates and gave Chrome a go again - now my computer is stable using it.

I've not had an upgrade go so badly before this hence my OP. Every upgrade I've done has gone smoothly once I was on Windows 7 when it was released. I even went so far as spending a day trying to get my desktop working as a hackintosh I was so desperate, but that was an exercise in futility trying to get it to work correctly - once again, my stating that the tight integration of hardware and software has a definite advantage. Now it seems the Windows updates released in the past few days has fixed the instability problems I was experiencing. I've been able to get back to work, but JR echo's my feelings accurately: I don't WANT to trouble shoot my computer. I just want to turn it on and get to work and know it will work the way I need it to. No software is perfect but TBH, I believe, no matter how I or others feel about Apple, that they are more on the mark with tight integration of their hardware and software - Even Avid has a very specific Windows based computer list that their tech people will support OOTB. SONY tried that awhile back with the Supermicro based desktop machines and at that time I was really encouraged by their release - until I saw the cost for even the lowest end model. I think it's a big reason why they never really took off being priced pretty much on par with workstation class MAC's which DO work OOTB.

Like JR has already done, I'm now researching getting a used Intel based Mac Tower by later this year. Purely by software specs - I still favor Vegas Pro feature list - especially for audio, but given my lackluster experiences with VP and we have no idea what Magix is doing to the code to make it more stable, fully utilizing the latest GPU's and doing it with no issues, I'm very hesitant currently of committing to another Vegas Pro upgrade. Then again who knows? Maybe Magix will get VP14 right and this conversation will be moot. Resolve 12.5 is a possible option, but it still feels like NLE functionality is bolted on after the fact and the learning curve, lack of being able to use an attached second monitor unless you have yet another piece of hardware, makes it not a serious option for editing, but will keep it installed for when I need to do serious color grading.

andyrpsmith wrote on 8/11/2016, 3:25 AM
One thing this update (and others I think) did was to mess up the detection of GPU acceleration with the option only being off.

Re-installation of the graphics driver restored the option again.

Otherwise Vegas is working fine.


(Intel 3rd gen i5@4.1GHz, 32GB RAM, SSD, 1080Ti GPU, Windows 10) Not now used with Vegas.

13th gen i913900K - water cooled, 96GB RAM, 4TB M2 drive, 4TB games SSD, 2TB video SSD, GPU RTX 4080 Super, Windows 11 pro

deusx wrote on 8/11/2016, 10:22 AM
>>>> When the new Mac Pro's came out they had the latest AMD Radeon FirePro D700<<<

That is only true if you are lucky enough to buy it when both of those come out at the same time. A rare event that happened once this century. If you buy a year later it will still be that outdated AMD card they offer, even 2 years later. Today that is over a 2 year old card and that is the best they offer

On a pc, just buy a new card and off you go, any time you want.
And any better windows laptop will always have the latest card available as an option when you buy it. Apple, like I said only if the latest card's release coincides with their own release.

Apple still offers that same AMD Radeon FirePro D700 as a special top option and today that card is not even as good as nVidia 970 series, which is a year behind their 980 series
Former user wrote on 8/11/2016, 6:01 PM
I updated laptop and desktop to Win 10, SVP & Pluraleyes work still same as before. Both machines are general purpose, not dedicated for NLE work. Like Nick Hope I have for years used Directory Opus, be lost without it. The classic start menu was disabled by Win 10 upgrade, not compatible, I can live without it. My GTX 580 still works the same. Of course having to use a 6 year old or older Graphics card to get GPU benefit in render is a bit archaic, thanks Sony!

This really needs to be addressed by Magix, otherwise everyone will be buying a Mac!
Cliff Etzel wrote on 8/12/2016, 12:17 PM
@deusx - I understand your POV on your response, but let's face it - Vegas Pro is ancient in terms of working well with any form of GPU support - having to revert to fairly old tech of nVidia Fermi based GPU's (Ideal being the GTX-560 I believe). Anything newer really becomes a moot point and no benefit on the nVidia side of things. I'm not totally sure on the AMD/Radeon side of things - I have a Radeon 6970 sitting on the shelf going unused because I never saw any real performance benefit previously when I installed it specifically for Vegas Pro 13, so I've left the GTX-660Ti I currently have installed as PPro CS6 does utilize the GPU via the hack to detect the card. Personally, if I could get a solid working install of Vegas Pro 13 using the Radeon card I'd finally ditch the Adobe software - maybe I'm missing something in this process and even though users like @OldSmoke and @BruceUSA have posted many times about their positive experiences moving to AMD/Radeon, I have not seen those benefits so far. So I wonder what I'm missing in this? If I can actually get Vegas Pro stable and performing as well as PPro CS6 without all the system resources being sucked up, I'd make the jump completely.

Any thoughts or recommendations?
OldSmoke wrote on 8/12/2016, 2:02 PM
[I]users like @OldSmoke and @BruceUSA have posted many times about their positive experiences moving to AMD/Radeon, I have not seen those benefits so far.[/I]

The HD6970 is the last AMD card that is supported my the MC AVC and Sony AVC encoders which are the only two encoders explicitly supporting GPU acceleration during render. Anything else inside Vegas is handled by OpenCL which better implemented in AMD cards. If you are editing HD 60fps or 4K, the HD6970 wont be sufficient to show the benefits of GPU acceleration, especially FX processing. As for Nvidia, the GTX580 is currently the best card but again, only for MC AVC and Sony AVC encoding.
In general, I would wait and see what kind of improvements Magix will make in terms of GPU support but my money is still on OpenCL rather then CUDA.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

TVJohn wrote on 8/13/2016, 7:13 PM
Win 10 anniversary on al least 10 machines. The only one with some problems was an Asus eepc notebook with a 30 gig HD and 4G memory. Reverted to the previous 10 build without a hitch.
Ecquillii wrote on 8/15/2016, 10:56 AM
Article on ZDNet, Windows 10 Anniversary Update freezing: Microsoft offers temporary fix.

I installed the Anniversary Update on five machines, including a ten-year-old Core 2 Duo, with nary a hiccup, except that the C2D took two tries. Windows 10 is better in so many ways, but now to try to wrestle control back.

Tim Robertson

Desktop:ASUS M32CD

Version of Vegas: VEGAS Pro Version 20.0 (Build 370)
Windows Version: Windows 10 Home (x64) Version 21H2 (build 19044.2846)
Cameras: Canon T2i (MOV), Sony HDR-CX405 (MP4), Lumia 950XL, Samsung A8, Panasonic HC-V785 (MP4)
Delivery Destination: YouTube, USB Drive, DVD/BD

Processor: 3.40 gigahertz Intel Core i7-6700
RAM: 16 Gigabytes
Graphics Card 1: AMD Radeon R9 370; Driver Version: 15.200.1065.0
Graphics Card 2: Intel HD Graphics 530; Driver Version:
GPU acceleration of video processing: Optimal - AMD Radeon R9 370
Enable Hardware Decoding for supported formats: 'Enable legacy AVC' is off; 'Enable legacy HEVC' is on
Hardware Decoder to Use: Auto (Off)

Former user wrote on 8/15/2016, 5:08 PM
Just updated my main computer to latest Windows 10. Everything went well except I had to reinstall my Nvidia driver to get Vegas to see it for acceleration. Everything else seems to function as expected.