OT: Removing the Stigma of Vegas


Chienworks wrote on 4/7/2006, 7:05 PM
I think i can sum up my Mac-objection to this: "it tries too hard to insulate the user from the process." The Mac's UI and programming style is just too abstract. When i try using it i spent way too much time trying to figure out what is going to happen when i click something. Windows software in general, and SONY's software in particular seems to link user actions to results much more closely. Windows is much more obvious in that when i want to do that i click this.
Patryk Rebisz wrote on 4/7/2006, 8:32 PM
I do agree that in their "user friendliness" Mac are very user unfriendly. I do work with macs somethines and am always baffled at how complicated some things are. And sacrificing design for practicality... i mean no button to physically open the CDdrive... come one...

What is amazeing though is the myth Apple keeps cultivating that supposely Macs don't crash and are so user friendly.