OT: Your Company/DEMO Website

[r]Evolution wrote on 12/10/2007, 11:54 AM
I work for a Production Company but also Freelance sometimes.
The Production Company has a website w/Demo & so do I. Lots of other Production Companies I've worked for/with also have websites. Some are pathetic looking sites that don't look professional or 'clean' and would basically turn me away from asking them to Design anything for me. Others totally attract me because of their design, colors, and how they are displaying their Demo Videos and such.

I've seen other threads to show your Edit Bay & Work Space... now,

Show us your Website
1. What program you use to create it:


[r]Evolution wrote on 12/10/2007, 11:56 AM
1. iWeb
1a. iWeb
1b. iWeb & Splash-Cast
2. Flash via Splash-Cast
dreamlx wrote on 12/10/2007, 12:07 PM
1. joomla (CMS)
1a. joomla (CMS)
1b. joomla (CMS)
2. flash (flv & h264)
dand9959 wrote on 12/10/2007, 1:28 PM

Rio Digita

1. Flash CS3
1a. Flash CS3
1b. Flash CS3
2. flv, created from avi source using Flash Cs3
jrazz wrote on 12/10/2007, 3:19 PM
j razz creations
1. Sitespinner
a. Same as above.
b. Same as above.
2. WMV, DivX

I plan on doing an major update in the next couple of months. I am going to leave the wedding portion as is, but clean it up and develop another site (comon index page) for corporate, promo, etc. jobs.

j razz
mrBun wrote on 12/10/2007, 4:52 PM
1. Dreamweaver
2. (yeah right!... no time for updates...long overdue)...but also dreamweaver.
3. iPower?... cute ftp... Not sure what you mean.
4. flv and wmv
JackW wrote on 12/10/2007, 9:38 PM

1. HTML Pro 2000
2. HTML Pro 2000 & WS_FTP Pro
3. HTML Pro 2000 & WS_FTP Pro
4. Link to client's website where our work appears
Patryk Rebisz wrote on 12/10/2007, 10:02 PM
Dreamweaver & Photoshop
Dreamweaver & Photoshop & FTP95
Flash 8 Video Encoder
TimTyler wrote on 12/10/2007, 10:29 PM

HTML created by hand.
FLV's for web video
DJPadre wrote on 12/11/2007, 4:04 AM
edit - snip...... doing a major rehaul
NickHope wrote on 12/11/2007, 4:59 AM
Bubble Vision
1. Dreamweaver
1a. Dreamweaver
1b. Dreamweaver
2. Flash for the latest stuff, some of it hosted by Brightcove. Previously WMV9.
kairosmatt wrote on 12/11/2007, 6:27 AM

1. Dreamweaver (all)
2. Quicktimes from Vegas
TomE wrote on 12/11/2007, 8:11 AM

I use Joomla, (www.joomla.org) I also hand code many of my sites using PHP MySQL
Also a lot of Dreamweaver and Fireworks.

I build sites for others and never get around to finishing my own. I only have website designs in my online portfolio at the moment. I will eventually post some flash video and some print stuff.

DGates wrote on 12/11/2007, 8:20 AM
You can't get much simpler than NetObects Fusion, which is what I use for my wedding site.

ushere wrote on 12/11/2007, 3:19 PM
mine's now legacy ;-)


my wife's is current


1 > 3 dreamweaver
4 divx in hidden folder for clients

[r]Evolution wrote on 12/26/2007, 11:23 AM
Wow... it's cool to see how you all represent yourselves on the web.
Lots of variety and many cool ideas.

I guess it's also safe to say that most of you that offer Video Services use Vegas to edit & deliver those videos... yeah?

Personally, I use a combination of Vegas, Premiere, FCP, & Avid (amongst other plug-ins and apps) depending on what I'm trying to accomplish. I could probably do most all of it in a single app but sometimes it's quicker & easier to just go to the app that you know and knock it out.

Interestingly... Noone mentioned Microsoft ExpressionWeb.
I do NOT like ExpressionWeb - it does NOT have Flash support!
I think MS is trying to push its Silverlight technology with this one.

Although my business site http://www.planet9productions.net was built and is maintained via iWeb I have found this awesome website building app. WYSIWYG Web Builder. It is by far the simplest website creator/editor I've ever used. Dreamweaver seems to be the most versatile and to me, the most complicated.

Being a minimalist shop... I tend to have my hands on and in every aspect so I enjoy finding newer, quicker, easier ways of doing things.
xjerx wrote on 12/27/2007, 8:50 AM
1. Dreamweaver + Photoshop
1a. same
1b. same
2. its a mix right now of wmv and mov...but trying to convert all to flash
Guy Bruner wrote on 12/27/2007, 3:35 PM
Camcorder User Network

1. Joomla Content Management Software
2. same
3. same
4. Embedded video of almost any file format is allowed in articles/blogs. Process is simple use of meta tags in the article content to point to the video source. Can be on any server or streaming video site.

We are looking for members with a point of view on camcorders, editing/authoring software and digital video in general. So, if you want a platform, you can blog away.
Harold Brown wrote on 12/27/2007, 7:41 PM
I have used Coffee Cup to design 2 websites but I haven't started mine yet. Not sure what I want to do. I also have Web Easy Pro 6 but never really used it.

Have you used Coffee Cup or seen it? Just wondering how it compares to WYSIWYG.
UlfLaursen wrote on 12/27/2007, 10:15 PM
My site www.ezzenz.dk is made with sitespinner that I got recommended here on this forum some years back.

Sorry, but for now it's only in danish :(

craftech wrote on 12/28/2007, 8:32 AM
I also have Web Easy Pro 6 but never really used it.
I used it to create a website for an actress. Don't let the name web easy fool you. The program has some quirks, but does produce decent results. Web Host is moreweb.

[r]Evolution wrote on 12/28/2007, 8:39 AM
Harold Brown - I have used some of the Coffee Cup products. They have tons of apps that make it easy for a guy like me (that does not know web design) to visually design and post a webpage. I also took a look at Web Easy Pro 7. It too looks like a pretty straight forward WYSIWYG editor.

One thing I'm weary of when it comes to the WYSIWYG editors is whether or not the code is 'legal/standard' and how it will look in various browsers. So far all of the pages generated by WYSIWYG Web Builder have checked out as 'legal/standard'. Looks like the others you've mentioned may have a few more options... like direct code editing, similar to Dreamweaver. Although WYSIWYG Web Builder lets you add certain lines to the HTML code via 'Widgets', it does not allow for true direct editing of HTML. I can see where this would be frustrating for those that like to hand code their sites.

I like the concept of Joomla. It appears that you are able to build your website using whatever look you like then assign another CSS to it and have totally different looks, colors, & vibes. Something like this would come in handy when dealing with indecisive clients.

Anyone know of any other WYSIWYG Editors that will allow you to simply assign a 'look' to your webpage?

I'm amazed to see how many people here (Video guys) are using Dreamweaver (and creating cool sites). They must have a broad knowledge base to be Video Editors & Web Designers. I wish I was at that level then maybe I could go Full Time at my own business and not have to work for others to make ends meet.

craftech wrote on 12/28/2007, 9:00 AM
I also took a look at Web Easy Pro 7. It too looks like a pretty straight forward WYSIWYG editor.

One thing I'm weary of when it comes to the WYSIWYG editors is whether or not the code is 'legal/standard' and how it will look in various browsers. So far all of the pages generated by WYSIWYG Web Builder have checked out as 'legal/standard'.
Web Easy 7 and Web Easy 6 are virtually identical. Take a look at the website I created with Web Easy Pro 6 (linked above). Open it in IE and then in Firefox. They look essentially the same. It is a DHTML website. You are able to build the website and preview it in any browser you choose using the drop down list in the menu.

JFJ wrote on 12/28/2007, 2:53 PM
Mainly been doing our video/music/mastering biz via word of mouth but the new site is up and should be completed by the end of this month. Two video rooms and utilize a well-known, local recording artist/engineer to head up the recording/music locale.

Dreamweaver used here (but always looking for a better tool). Basically using a simple FLV media player for music and video - nothing fancy. Only a temp video ad in place as of now due to some recent flooding issues holding things up a bit.


We'd love to hear what you think.
Harold Brown wrote on 12/28/2007, 7:34 PM
Thanks Sync and Craftech. The 2 sites I created with Coffee Cup are:

I started off with one of their templates. EDAN required me to use Photoshop. CC works pretty good but you cannot get animated gifs using it. It converts them to jpegs.

I have used some of the artwork from Web Easy as required so it isn't a total loss for me.

I just started using Stage6 and I really like it. I do have some problems with time outs though when I am logged in. I also have a video stuck in stage 3 publishing that has been there for at least a couple of hours. The more I use YouTube the less I like it but it does serve its purpose.