Poll for Vegas Users


scottvf wrote on 5/12/2004, 10:04 PM
Improve Making of titles. I use premiere pro and other programs just to make titles because vegas lacks this. Even in Videomaker magazine it lists this as it's only fault.
BWO wrote on 5/12/2004, 11:03 PM
1. Realtime audio event FX.
2. Support for multichannel wavs.
3. 5.1 reverbs and delays.
4. Dolby prologic downmix.
5. Rewire support
6. Ability to route low frequences to LFE in surround projects without creating extra bus.
Grazie wrote on 5/12/2004, 11:55 PM
Aplogies if mentioned above - but a central philosophy about seeing the convergence of Video and Audio. Okay, in real world experiences:

1 - Markers to beats

2 - FXs in Video responding to Fxs in Audio

3 - FXs in Audio responding to FXs in video

4 - Pan/Crops twisting to the beat - If you want it!

5 - AN idiots Guide to 5.1 - yeah I'm going through it know - only saved by my blind expenditure on the biggest and best MoBo back in November, that just HAPPENED to have features like 5.1 OR analogue audio. Meaning., if you want 5.1 Preview Audio you need . . . yes?

6 - Don't know if it's there but something like Scopes for Audio within Vegas? Yes I can "see" clipping" on the wave form . .

7 - HO! - neat one this, I think, Colours changing to audio frequencies ! !! ! Can you imaging, a piece making a change as the "mode" of the music changes -YES I know it's the realm of the editor BUT used creativily could be remarkable

8 - Something i'd like too would be a type of "Grazie you are presently watching this . .but in a second you will be hearing THIS . .so take note! You may want to do something . . " sorry if this is too vague, but it is about montoring more easily OR sexily WHAT will be happening . . yeah?

9 - I'd like to be able to "add" a clip or event on the Preview window, and have that appear in a new separate Track on the T/L - think I saw this on another NLE.

. .So, Guys and Gals, this is why I said at the top of this, about a central philosophy about recognising the convergance of Audio and Video . . I think if SONY takes this on board AND acts upon it they will have made "closure" on the realm of this multimedia stuff - Well, maybe not total closure, but at least along the way of reflecting back to US that they are not "bothered" by the present OLD style view that "Hear is Audio and Hear is Video . . . " if they can pull this on off, then I beleive they will have ran a touch down; got it in the back of the net; crossed the line; hit it for six and home-runned THE major World Series.

Again, apologies if any of this is mentioned above. I don't have the breadth and depth that others have hear - I can only respond in the ways I've learnt over the past 2/3 years of fumbling my way through this . .craft!

Great thread . .

Best regards,

TorS wrote on 5/13/2004, 1:21 AM
(The value of a poll like this is greatly decreased by inserting your opinion of other people's wishes. It makes it harder to read, even by the person who started it.)

1. I'd like a little something that can take selected impulses from an audio track and transform them to something going on in a video track, like adjusting a parametre in a generated media.

2. Vice versa. Vegas should analyse a video track based on my settings, and generate a clicktrack (Ex.: a click for every time certain levels are exceeded) which in turn could be used to line up events by, or even import in a midi application.

3. When I save a project and copy and trim all media with it, I'd like to be able to keep all audio tracks or groups separate, and the choice to save them as wav or w64.

Grazie wrote on 5/13/2004, 1:44 AM
Tors, please explain your, "(The value of a poll like this is greatly decreased by inserting your opinion of other people's wishes. It makes it harder to read, even by the person who started it.)"

Who are you referring to with your "your" - as I was the last poster, are you refering to me . .and if so please indicate where I may have transgressed . . without precise knowledge I will not be able to review or reform my approach here.

I look forward to your response on these matters,

Yours sincerely

TorS wrote on 5/13/2004, 2:07 AM
No, Grazie, I'm sorry you felt I was talking about you - being the last poster. Spot made a (rather unsurprising) remark about AC3 way up somewhere. Then Jsnkc took a different stand on that, which led someone else to say ... well, after a while Spot came back with a longer versin of his first remark - you know how these things develop.

I am saying this is a poll - and I think it's a great thing Sony's doing, asking the users for input on the further development of products. Let's at least keep such threads brief and to the point.

You (and I'm addressing Grazie now) actually got caught in it because when I had been fed up by reading all the unaskedfor words above I didn't take the time to read your post properly and discover that I was almost duplicating some of your wishes.
Grazie wrote on 5/13/2004, 2:15 AM
Accepted - no harm done.

Move on - G
p@mast3rs wrote on 5/13/2004, 4:50 AM
I would like to see AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) support.
BrianStanding wrote on 5/13/2004, 6:23 AM
"Why are you ungrouping the audio and video if you must have them linked? Sounds illogical to me."

I often use grouping to join together several related events (including synced audio and video pairs) into a sequence, so I can easily select the entire group of events (SHIFT-G) and move, cut, paste, etc. them. If I need to modify the grouping, I may need to ungroup first. Unfortunately, Vegas makes no distinction between this kind of "convenience" grouping and audio/video synced pairs. So, as soon as I hit "ungroup" I've lost the sync between the audio and video events. The only way to re-establish sync is to group them again. This is time-consuming, easy to forget, and can lead to nightmares (especially with ripple edit) later on.

There should be a way to make sync "stick" regardless of what groups I put events in and out of. I would prefer a user option in general preferences to always treat synced audio and video as a single unit for selection, cut, paste, deletion, trimming, etc. by default, regardless of what else I do with timeline grouping. Then there should be a simple keyboard shortcut, mouse gesture, and/or tool button to temporarily override audio/video sync in order to make J-cuts, L-cuts, etc.
Randy Brown wrote on 5/13/2004, 6:23 AM
- Ability to capture 4 channels of audio (from VIDCAP)
- Import Acid sessions
- "I would like event fX, like we have for video." (GREAT idea John)
Thanks for asking,
roger_74 wrote on 5/13/2004, 6:33 AM
I see.

If Vegas were to get some sort of nesting feature I suppose a nested sequence could replace what you are using as a group now. Problem solved and everyone is happy except the programmers? ;-)
BrianStanding wrote on 5/13/2004, 7:40 AM
Sure, that might work. Or, conversely, hierarchichal grouping might be a way to meet at least some of the needs of those looking for nested timelines, without as many programming headaches.

I still might like an option to (always) select or manipulate audio video/pairs together by default. Just one less thing to have to worry about. Even if you leave grouping turned on, Vegas sometimes works on both the grouped audio and video together (trimming) and sometimes doesn't (deleting).

I do intend to remap my delete key to automatically select and delete groups, as suggested by Sony in another post. That should help a lot.
Spirit wrote on 5/13/2004, 7:59 AM
VST effects
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/13/2004, 8:12 AM
You're right, Tors, I should have kept my opinion to myself. I'd forgotten it was a poll and not a thread of discussion. Apologies to all.
rmack350 wrote on 5/13/2004, 8:31 AM
It's finally occured to me why Vegas prerenders are so fragile-or at least how to describe it.

Vegas prerenders the timeline: it prerenders from position A to position B in the timeline.

If Vegas were prerendering events or groups of events (rather than ranges) then they could be moved around more easily. Take an obvious example: if you apply media FX to a clip why not prerender that clip-even while it sits in the media pool? The prerender wouldn't be tied to any coodinates on the timeline and could be moved around with impunity.

The downside is that users would need more space for prerenders since you'd be doing so many of them. Also, I suppose you might be at risk of generation loss. Imagine a stack of 12 clips in 12 tracks, each having a prerender and then, in the end, a final render.

Oh, and yes you could do this for audio as well.

Rob Mack
rmack350 wrote on 5/13/2004, 8:44 AM
It sounds to me as though piracy needs to be addressed in some other way than by limiting Vegas ability to import files.

However, it does disturb me that some people are blatantly asking for piracy help from Vegas users. Personally, I'd prefer to keep my work tools separate from things used to rip a DVD.

The thing we really neeed to do is impress on clients that DVDs are finished products and not meant for archiving footage-and then go ahead and extract from the provided DVD. And bill for it.

Rob Mack
rmack350 wrote on 5/13/2004, 8:54 AM
take selected impulses from an audio track and transform them to something going on in a video track, like adjusting a parametre in a generated media.

I seem to remember a tutorial for after effects that demos this kind of function. From one of the Chris and Trish Meyer books.

Rob Mack
Rosebud wrote on 5/13/2004, 9:05 AM
OMF/AAF Support

Audio Velocity Envelopes

Event FX
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/13/2004, 9:38 AM
Another feature I'd love to see is the ability to select all events in a track and export as regions to Sound Forge so I don't have to render to new if I want to take all audio from one track to Forge. I often end up with dozens of events in one audio track, they all need some finish processing, and I want to do it all at once in Forge. Currently I render the entire track. I know I CAN do all of this work in Vegas, but it's much faster and more intuitive in Forge.
So, exporting regions from Vegas to Forge, or even just exporting all selected events from Vegas to Forge and Forge seeing them as Regions would be awesome. Then of course, they'd drop back in order.
Ros wrote on 5/13/2004, 11:12 AM
It would be great to import Acid sessions.


Robert St-Onge
Jsnkc wrote on 5/13/2004, 11:15 AM
"Archive your work correctly, the way that broadcasters and recording engineers/producers have had to do for nearly a century, and you won't need AC3."

I'm not trying to start a fight here or anything, but what about if your buisness gets a lot of it's material supplied from other producers and editors like our does. I wish I could control what material other people kept, but most of the time people don't really save the source footage, thinking that they can edit the video off the DVD later if they need to. I'm not saying that that is the right way to do things, but there are a LOT of people in the world that know just enough to be dangerous...I'm sure we've all run into them at times. They think they know what they are doing, and they think you can easily edit the video off a DVD without quality loss so they don't save the source tapes. I don't know about other companies, but I know it happens to us all the time! I also doubt that Sony will implement AC3 import, but it would be nice.
dharric wrote on 6/1/2004, 7:51 AM
Yes please aaf support. There are many of us who use after effects pro and would like to be able to import into after effects and take advantage of the network rendering and effects without rendering out first.
gallois wrote on 6/2/2004, 10:44 AM
#1 on my list is the ability to export an ongoing audio edit via OMF to Nuendo/ProTools etc. for sweetening.
davidkwock wrote on 6/2/2004, 1:49 PM
1. Can it be possible to read and write Pro Tools sessions?

2. Add "MIXER" view.

3. My Amplitube Plug in from IK multimedia hangs/freezes up. IK multimedia is tyring to fix. Bombfactory plugs that work on Pro Tools LE don't work on Vegas.

OT: Please make it possible to read all posts on a thread in this forum on one page just like the DM forum (i.e. "READ WHOLE THREAD" so don't have to open each post just to read).