Poll for Vegas Users


flashlight wrote on 6/2/2004, 2:07 PM
Spectrum analyzer.

Something that resembles a Mixer View... If you split the timeline window into 2 parts (the media and the track info) and allowed just the track information portion to be its own window, and also allowed it to be viewed up and down instead of left and right, (more like the bus window) and had the faders move. I don't need it, because I learned on Vegas, but I have some friends that might switch but can't get over not seeing a Mixer view with "Flying Faders" like PT and Nuendo.
roger_74 wrote on 6/2/2004, 3:38 PM
"Please make it possible to read all posts on a thread in this forum"

You can already do this, click on Edit Account.
davidkwock wrote on 6/2/2004, 10:56 PM
Thanks, Roger! This is way better!
SatanJr wrote on 6/2/2004, 11:56 PM
Audio Velocity Envelopes (So audio tracks with video velocity envelopes)

TorS wrote on 6/3/2004, 12:38 AM
I want to select a number of (continuous) audio events and Open copies as . That would merge the bits into one file for me to process with Noise Reduction and Dynamics. If I had to reposition the cuts, I could reverse the action under the Take menu item. But really I would wait until the last stage of editing before i did this.

As it is, I must move the bits to a separate track and process at track level. That's OK, but it does give me a "screen-hungry" project.
Zendorf wrote on 6/3/2004, 12:55 AM
As a user of Acid since version 1 and Vegas since version 3, there is really only one main reason that I now tend to do most of my music composition in Sonar and Tracktion and that is MIDI! I would love to have vsti and MIDI abilities in Vegas so that I could do everything in this one wonderful app, but I feel that this will not happen, since there will be no advantage left for Acid to fill now that Vegas also supports Acid loops.
I am very interested to see what direction you will take Acid in and how compatible it will be with Vegas....maybe having some sort of internal link between the two(similar to rewire) is the way to go that will please users of both apps by having the best of both worlds?
briz_dad wrote on 6/3/2004, 1:54 PM
Don't know if this has been stated already, but I'd like the ability to choose a different media source within a timeline.

For instance:
1. using a still (pic1.png) over a 2 second period with fx
2. right click on still within timeline and choose different media source (pic2.png)
3. all fx and time period are maintained while swaping out media sources
4. I do not mean to limit this to stills - obviously there would need to be a default for swapping out media that is not the exact length
briz_dad wrote on 6/3/2004, 1:56 PM
Oh yes...

Would like to 2nd Spot's request on importing multiple sound timelines into Sound Forge and exporting the saved files back into Vegas seemlessly.

Newf wrote on 6/3/2004, 2:32 PM
For Reason, pumping and penetrating Vegas on 4-8 tracks in bold and brazen color!
DavidPJ wrote on 6/3/2004, 2:48 PM
Audio event FX for basic cleanup and audio velocity envelopes.
rontvs wrote on 6/3/2004, 3:10 PM
I would also very much like AC3 import, if that's not possible I would somewhat settle for at least being able to play the AC3 file in Vegas 5. It just makes sense, why should you have to open DVDA just to listen to the AC3 audio file that I just encoded in Vegas.

rwchad wrote on 6/3/2004, 6:04 PM
NEVER can have enough audio - it is one of Vegas' strongest features.

Our wish list:
Ability to capture 4 channels of audio (from VIDCAP)
Improved support for 5.1/7.1 audio in video/film productions.
jdas wrote on 6/3/2004, 7:03 PM
For all those (including myself) who find the audio side of Vegas intimidating, how about a step-by-step,easy to understand guide ???
DataMeister wrote on 6/3/2004, 9:22 PM
Event FX
I would like to see Event FX in the audio the way they are for the video events.

AC3 Import
Also when a client hands you one of their past DVD's to use as content in the new project, it would be much easier to just import the video and ac3 audio rather than do a full capture through a DV device. Should be cleaner too shouldn't it?

Prologic Import
Something else I've had use for (though only once) is a way to decode a stereo Dolby Prologic signal into the separate tracks for use in a DVD. I had to basicly tell the client that it wasn't possible and ended up remixing the whole project from the said stereo file. It would have been much easier if I could have found some way to break appart those channels the way a prologic decoder does it.

Drag and Drop CD ripping
Is it not possible to implement the CD ripping as a drag and drop method? Shure would be simpler. Just have the file naming box pop up when the track is dragged onto the timeline.

NeilPorter wrote on 6/4/2004, 3:45 AM
Given the original audio birthright of Vegas, I would like to see it compatible with all the amazingly good free VST plugins out there. Othe rival products such as Sonar etc have allowed compatability with VST plugs for some time now. I have actually thought that Vegas would have a while ago already.

Neil Porter
vegemite wrote on 6/4/2004, 5:48 AM
Wow! Well, I guess you must have expected a vigorous response! If even half of the features asked for are eventually incorporated, Vegas will be a magic programme indeed.

I shall keep my requests modest:

1. A larger set of audio FX (like SF), implemented by event.

2. What I would really like -- a means of placing a sound synch mark (or better still, marks) on both audio and video tracks to allow re-synching when the audio track has been moved in relation to its video.

It would be even cooler if this could be done automatically .......

Regards to all.
Sol M. wrote on 6/4/2004, 6:35 AM
Not sure if this was mentioned (as this thread is quite long), but with the added feature of being able to grab the playhead and scrub over the video by dragging the playhead, I think it would be great if we could get some audio feedback as well.

I'm not looking for complete audio feedback that speeds up/down in correlation to how fast slow you move the playhead (as you've told me Matt, that would bog things down way too much), but rather just *something* would be very nice.

The idea would be that there would be no pitch/speed change in the audio feedback but rather chunks of the audio at intervals as the playhead was dragged across the timeline. The faster you dragged the playhead, the larger the interval (however, it would/should sound like constant audio as the larger interval is being covered in a shorter amount of time due to the playhead's speed). The slower the playhead is dragged, the smaller the interval between feedback of the audio on the timeline would be.

I find it much easier to edit with audio feedback from my nle than without. This is something that I am continually getting used to in using vegas (that is working without audio feedback), but as I feel it is a benefit to the editing process, I would rather not do without it. For instance, especially when looking through footage with multiple takes of the "same" scene, it is far easier to quickly drag your playhead over the footage to find "the loud sound" or the like and then you can zero-in on the take that you want.

This is not a necessary feature, but I don't think it would be very hard (yes, I know you probably hear a lot of people say that "this or that feature should be that hard to implement", but in fact, you told me this feature would be fairly easy to implement, hehe).

For a better idea of what I'm trying to describe here, look at FCP (which has had this feature since v1) or Premier. Throw some footage on the timeline or in the viewer/trimmer, and drag the playhead over it. That's what I mean by audio feedback :)
wcoxe1 wrote on 6/4/2004, 9:37 AM
Built-in, easier to use Noise Reduction aimed primarily at camcorder noise. That is the main use I have for it, and it is a real chore for people who don't use it often enough to really remember all the steps and fine points of how to tune and use it properly. Noise Reduction 2.0 is a wonderful tool, but unless you use it a lot and really learn how to use it properly, it can cause more problems than it is worth.
JJKizak wrote on 6/4/2004, 12:16 PM
An additional start manual without explanations, just blocks and arrows
as steps to do a certain function since there are far too many to memorize and if not used frequently you have to go through a Vulcan mind probe to figure it out again. In other words, a master index of actions to perform, go to that page, follow the blocks and arrows without any explanations---action completed. This would not be for people using Vegas every day big time, but for newer users and dumb
people like me.

shogo wrote on 6/4/2004, 11:12 PM
Real time audio effects or some sort of pre-rendering for the audio FX
wcoxe1 wrote on 6/5/2004, 1:01 PM
I like JJKizik's Idea, two above. But, I don't think it is for dumb people. We don't use ALL features all the time. If you don't use something for several months, or only once in a year or two, that idea would be a great thing to have for a refresher.
DouglasClark wrote on 6/7/2004, 3:07 PM
1. ProTools import/export (I don't want to use ProTools...but alot of the of the pro audio/video/film community in Denmark runs ProTools...and I need ability to collaborate easily (and raise Vegas awareness).

2. Track velocity envelope (aka tempo track) including reverse. With ability to vary project tempo. Presumably track velocity could be with or without maintaining pitch. I guess audio velocity envelope could make editing of voice-overs alot easier (stretching words, etc.)
JJKizak wrote on 6/7/2004, 4:44 PM
There is also the "selective undo" thing thats been thrashed around before.
It would be nice to have the "automatic trackmotion jerking eliminator"
in the xyz planes to eliminate camera shaking in old films. "Vegas takes a snapshot every so many frames of a highlighted area then adds keyframe
corner markers and keys the track motion to correct the jerks. "
I saw this on another forum (not my idea) but its too hard to do manualy so have Vegas do it automaticcally to highlighted areas.

Lawrence_S wrote on 6/7/2004, 5:23 PM
As you have suggested, Vegas should:

Improve support for 5.1/7.1 audio in video/film productions.

