Poll for Vegas Users


RichMacDonald wrote on 6/8/2004, 7:41 AM
1) A *true* limiter, i.e., something that will absolutely guarantee the audio will not go over a certain db. This means lookahead, i.e., using the current limiter with a 1ms attack does not do the job. I sometimes get really ugly pops from my video camera onboard mic, and still cannot control them using 3 limiters in a row.

2) An ability to see the peak db automatically. By event, by track, and by project. For each channel.

Thanks for asking.
PixelStuff wrote on 6/8/2004, 10:08 AM
How about a visual reference for echo/reverb plugins that extend the audio past the original event boundries. In other words, have some kind of shadow region or something that shows up when you apply an echo which causes a 4 second event to play out for 6 seconds.

PDB wrote on 6/8/2004, 11:22 AM
Basically a pruchasable collection of royalty free loops/CDs to create different music backdrops to set to vids especially designed for the musically challenged (ie me)....you know, the "wedding collection"; "coporate motion"; "family times"; "baby play"; "the Graduate" type of stuff...call me cheap (I may well be...) but if there is something people keep posting about is "copyright violation" and "should I buy Smartsound Pro...? "ie. give the likes of Smartsound a real run for the money...

That would be a great start! or is it just me who comes across this problem...*scratching head here...*



PS. If these already exist, please pint me towards them: I haven't been able to work identify them to save my life...(yes, I have bought a few already....)

jkyoung wrote on 6/8/2004, 8:20 PM
Sorry if this has been posted, but there are 101 replies and I don't have time to read them all.

I would like to hear audio as I drag the cursor across the timeline. Premiere has this, and it was very useful. Audio scrubbing up to 4x (or 20x by changing internal preferences) just doesn't cut it.
dat5150 wrote on 6/8/2004, 8:35 PM
How about an easy to understand book that explains all of Vegas's audio features? There is so much to Vegas audio that I only understand a small percentage.
Sid_Phillips wrote on 6/10/2004, 6:16 AM
A single button to clean-up audio. Each time you click the button (one button per event) it cleans the audio up a little more. A combination noise reduction and sweetener for those jobs where you need to hurry the project out the door. Other than that, you already have one of the finest audio systems I have seen.
DavidPJ wrote on 6/12/2004, 3:34 AM
Apply real time audio fx to an audio event on the timeline.
Jackelberry wrote on 6/12/2004, 11:11 AM
how bout some new VIDEO effects
Fredv wrote on 6/12/2004, 11:27 AM

What would REALLY REALLY help me with both Vegas 5 audio and Sound Forge 7 audio, is if you allowed a save as using "WireReady" WAV format. WireReady is a program/system just like Scott Studios, except WireReady is keyed towards the All News and Talk Radio users, like myself.

What I presently have to do is work in Vegas/SF7 and create my production, then export it to the WR32 library system to edit the WAV file and add the appropriate meta data to specify fades and EOM triggers.

In a conversation with David Gerstman, President of WireReady, he said he would give Sonic Foundry any code information needed to add this feature. They used to sell their products bundled with Cool Edit for the production end.

Bottom line, Matt, if I could save audio rendered in Vegas or Sound Forge as a WireReady WAV file, it would kill about 1 hour of my time a day not having to horse around 2-stepping all the production. Plus, I could map the WireReady library drive to my DAW so when I save, I'm saving it right to the system. A bonus would be if I could open a file from their system in SF and then save it back with all the client information and attributes.

David's phone number is ... 800-833-4459, and his name is David Gerstman. His assistant is Greg. Website is http://www.wireready.com.

In closing all I ask is PLLLLEEEEEESE????!!!

mark2929 wrote on 6/12/2004, 1:32 PM
This my already have been mentioned..! I dont want to read all the Posts it'd take me all night..

I would like Improvements to real time viewing.. When viewing the picture I am seeing everything so small that its easy to forget about whats on the edges... What I would like is perhaps a Button on the view screen that you could click Once for a size increase perhaps 3 automated increases then carry on.. And Then three auto decreases..

mark2929 wrote on 6/14/2004, 4:21 PM
Would like to import footage and have the bin go straight to what I just imported... Also a toggle button to disable if not using...I know the Imported Footage has a blue outline around it at the moment... Sometimes when there are a lot of clips it still takes up time finding It..

I Would also like a way to make audio have a parent child relationship so that you could fold up and down the Parent track and disable... This way you could build up a couple of different soundtracks then Listen to each one and decide the Best one !
sacherjj wrote on 6/15/2004, 2:49 PM
Velocity envelope and the ability to link an audio envelope to "shadow" a video velocity envelope, so they slow down and speed up the exact same way.
DouglasClark wrote on 6/15/2004, 4:27 PM
1. Ability to adjust marker/region positions similar to the way one can trim event edges....with keyboard arrow-keys or jog-shuttle wheel.

2. Ability to move audio bus tracks and assignable effects tracks among the other audio/video tracks, rather than having them all stuck at the end after master. (this would also enable bus tracks to appear in arbitrary order on the Mackie control surface)

3. Ability to "hide" tracks, or at least lock them at minimum height.

4. On Mackie Control, keep master bus track tied to the Master fader, rather than having the master move onto a regular fader together with the other buses, when switching to the last bank.

5. Mixer/meter bridge for all audio tracks, and not just for buses.

6. Multiple instances of audio plug-in window...so plug-ins for several tracks can be monitored at one time, and while you're at it, how about allowing the separate plug-ins be visible in the plug-in chain window.

7. Variable tempo (tempo envelope?) with corresponding variable tempo-based grid-spacing -- for snapping events to. (Acid may be the place for variable tempo...but we don't edit video in Acid, do we?)

8. Region list/playlist (á la Sound Forge), providing selection and sequencing of regions for playback, preview, render or burning to CD (with or without gaps).
DaLiV wrote on 6/17/2004, 2:09 AM
availability to work with YUV in native mode without conversion to rgb
third party (such for adobe premiere/after effect/photoshop) plugin support
timestamp preserving when matherial not changed
Rosebud wrote on 6/20/2004, 1:40 AM
An Overwrite Edit Mode (Audio & Video):