I've been interested in this camera for a while, and am now in a position to purchase, and would appreciate hearing the benefit of anyone's experiences with the camera.
Has performance met expectations?
Has "4k ready" become 4k capable yet?
To share what a backwater Perth, W.A. can be - I wrote to the only supplier in Perth that Sony told me existed, TWO MONTHS ago. They said they had a model arriving in a few days, so I said I was interested, please let me know when you have one I might purchase ............ haven't heard from them since. Call me old fashioned, but it used to be hard enough to find customers for oneself, and when one declared themselves, they were worth looking after!
Has performance met expectations?
Has "4k ready" become 4k capable yet?
To share what a backwater Perth, W.A. can be - I wrote to the only supplier in Perth that Sony told me existed, TWO MONTHS ago. They said they had a model arriving in a few days, so I said I was interested, please let me know when you have one I might purchase ............ haven't heard from them since. Call me old fashioned, but it used to be hard enough to find customers for oneself, and when one declared themselves, they were worth looking after!