Super Loud Blip Sound on Clip Start/End on occasion


Jody-Nasworthy wrote on 8/18/2023, 8:14 AM

I have posted several times about this issue as well.

Jessariah67 wrote on 8/21/2023, 8:29 AM

Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. I also have sonic clicks at the beginning of audio edits - even with fading in (have to try to crossfade to solve). And there's also that thing where it will stop playing back the first part of certain clips at times (though it renders fine).

Jessariah67 wrote on 8/21/2023, 9:45 AM

Go in and fade that out before the end of the clip - turn off everything on the track. Rerender. The artifact is still there.

Cross faded with an empty audio event. Rerender. Still there.

Faded the end into a -40dB 1K tone for a good half second. Rerender. Original artifact is still there.

shovel wrote on 8/21/2023, 11:58 AM

Go in and fade that out before the end of the clip - turn off everything on the track. Rerender. The artifact is still there.

Cross faded with an empty audio event. Rerender. Still there.

Faded the end into a -40dB 1K tone for a good half second. Rerender. Original artifact is still there.

Yea. Vegas is not in a good reliable working state. I won't be using it for anything more than simple quick video edits because of this (sadly). I do a lot of action animation work which requires a LOT of sound fx. I'm not about to commit to a huge project in this software when it means possibly having to fix hundreds of files on the timelines due to this ongoing bug.

It needs to be fixed asap or its the final nail on the coffin. I would have moved on way earlier, but its better to reach out first and see if they will fix things (same for any software). But two versions later, here we are still.
Mainly because this was a lot of money and I don't want to accept it was a poor investment.

cyro wrote on 8/29/2023, 9:07 PM

Argh, I ran into this bug today when I had to re-render around 10 old projects in a different resolution. Every single f'ing time Vegas 20 would add loud audio spikes to the output files or mess up audio completely. So insanely frustrating. I get that Magix is focusing on cool new features to sell more product and broaden the user base but come on, fix these ancient infuriating bugs!

My workaround was to export the projects and then re-render them on a colleague's Mac, not my preference at all. But trimming the noises from the ends of clips wasn't a reliable workaround with V20 on a PC.

Please help: is there a reliable workaround that works with V20?

rraud wrote on 8/30/2023, 9:39 AM

is there a reliable workaround that works with V20?

Render the audio separately on working version of VP or other DAW and mux in the good audio. A work-a-round at best....reliable, but not as easy as a single A/V render.

Which brings up the question, does the noise happen when rendering the project as audio only in VP-20. If that is the case, it would be faster to render and mux in the sound to the existing video.

cyro wrote on 8/30/2023, 1:50 PM

is there a reliable workaround that works with V20?

Render the audio separately on working version of VP or other DAW and mux in the good audio. A work-a-round at best....reliable, but not as easy as a single A/V render.

Which brings up the question, does the noise happen when rendering the project as audio only in VP-20. If that is the case, it would be faster to render and mux in the sound to the existing video.

Yes, unfortunately VP20 still messes up when rendering Audio only.

The attached picture shows the two original audio tracks above and the re-imported rendered audio track below. 100% repro across a good 20-something projects now. Sources are clean and render fine in Premiere. I think I'll open a ticket with Magix, whatever good that may do.

john_dennis wrote on 8/30/2023, 7:33 PM

@cyro @shovel @Jessariah67 @Jody-Nasworthy @shovel @rraud @VEGASDerek

In Options / Preferences / File I/O tick "Enable legacy AVC decoding".

If you can live with compoundplug.dll doing the decoding of AVC-AAC in an mp4 wrapper, your audio problems will be gone for first generation renders. If you already have generation 2 through n renders that you might have to add back to a Vegas timeline, you're screwed and will have to resort to truncating the audio for each event before rendering again. If your video source requires the newer S04compoundplug.dll, then you're screwed until Magix fixes the audio decoding in that plugin.

Video at 5.

Edit: As promised Video at 5... err 6.

cyro wrote on 8/30/2023, 10:07 PM

If you can live with compoundplug.dll doing the decoding of AVC-AAC in an mp4 wrapper, your audio problems will be gone for first generation renders. If you already have generation 2 through n renders that you might have to add back to a Vegas timeline, you're screwed and will have to resort to truncating the audio for each event before rendering again. If your video source requires the newer S04compoundplug.dll, then you're screwed until Magix fixes the audio decoding in that plugin.

Well, that works for 3/4 of my scenarios - THANK YOU John!
Let's hope Magix will fix this soon, especially since it seems to be 100% reproducible etc.

john_dennis wrote on 11/10/2023, 9:34 AM

@cyro @shovel @Jessariah67 @rraud

My regression testing shows this problem appears to be fixed in Vegas Pro 21-187.

Video Here: