Thread title describes the issue. Vegas refuses to render in 4K for me, any higher than 1440p and the program just stalls after a minute or two. It always results in this error, no matter what the length of the project is, or the complexity, or the hard drive being rendered to or read from:
But as you can see, I am very clearly not out of RAM. I have more than enough to go around.
From that point forward it usually gives me this error that I can't find any search results on until I restart the program:
I'm sitting on an AMD Ryzen 7 2700x, a Geforce RTX 2080, and 32 GB of DDR4 RAM. My computer's specs are clearly equipped to handle 4K rendering... so what's going on? This is a problem in Vegas 17, but it also was in 16, 15, and 14, leading me to believe the issue is possibly not with the program. The render settings in question are shown here but they're pretty standard: