For the teaser, I think I would've concentrated on the more interesting features of the titler. Strike through's and underlines aren't exactly what's piquing our interest.
i'm sure I could have picked any one aspect of the tool (or any other feature) and it wouldn't be what someone else wanted to see. Sorry to displease. Here is a screenshot of another tab on the titling tool.
Thanks for the intro - it very much whets the appetite for getting one's paws on the product! I also appredciate knowing that I won't get some of the more advanced features such as extrusion -- so I guess I can't go away from Grafitti totally.
Does anyone know if the "third party" interface to programs such as the Boris products has been improved at all?
Seeing this intro is very exciting. It just reminds me of the power of Vegas- to be changing those parameters in real time as the video continues to loop. I think that is something that is unparalelled in the NLE market- I mean, can any other software do that? We've had that capability all along- but now we have a titler that from the looks of things is extremely powerful yet maintains the flexibility of all the other Vegas plug ins. This was the best case scenario for users hoping for a new Titler.
(I actually haven't used Vegas for a while. I've been using Avid and FCP at various jobs and as Spot was making that title as the video continued to loop I was getting nervous "He can't do that...". It reminded me of the power of Vegas. Can't wait for V8.
You didn't displease, Spot. Just wanted to see something more exotic. And I don't mean extrudes, bevels or hairy text. Those are in the amateur's toolbox, not mine.
Having control over individual letters is a nice feature I'd like to see more of.
And I don't mean extrudes, bevels or hairy text. Those are in the amateur's toolbox, not mine.
Extrudes are certainly a useful addition to most any toolbox, at least in this mans opinion.
I also don't usually use much in the way of excessive designs to my fonts, but I never entirely say no, because there are times when these "silly things" can be just right for the situation (not often, but sometimes it makes the difference between good and just right)
"I also don't usually use much in the way of excessive designs to my fonts, but I never entirely say no, because there are times when these "silly things" can be just right for the situation (not often, but sometimes it makes the difference between good and just right)
Agreed, and that's fine. But we all know those who cover up lousy video and audio with over-the-top transitions, titles and so forth.
I want to know how well it copes with right-to-left languages like Farsi. Saw something mentioned about it, but am holding thumbs, since Farsi doesn;t play happily like Chinese, Japanese etc
currently i have to copy text from notepad into another app, copy out of that app and then paste into titler. Looks back to front on titler window, but correct on video. Real hassle.
Obviously one cannot judge this from a demo on Youtube so I'll have to ask. Does simple static white text on a black background render any better than the old titler?
The other feature that Cayman have that would have been very nice is font management. I have quite a collection and being able to define a subset of those per project / client would be nice. I know there's a number of system wide utilities that do this but having it just for the NLE would be nice. I don't know about anyone else but to me of all the things that set good text above the rest is the fonts.
Spot, thanks for the teaser. I would like to hear about the presets that come with, or can be prepared for the V8 pro titler. For example, are there animation presets to have text fly in, or drop in letter by letter, or twirl in, etc.
Sony Vegas 8 was used.
Presets are included with the titler, and saving your own is very easy. This is one of the features in the titler I really like.
Fuddam, send me some Farsi, I'll try it for you.
Aside from the gaussian blur slide bar, I didn't see anything demo-ed in this tute that you can't already do with the V7 titler. Or was the purpose of this demo to demonstrate that you could still do those things, and the new stuff will be shown later?
How do you do Strike-through? Underline? Scale font size at the font control?
The entire workflow is different. The stream is an excerpt from a discarded portion of the Vegas 8 Update DVD from VASST. The DVD covers all of the new parameters of the plug, but I don't think we'll post all 23 minutes dedicated to the titler tools.
Text on a path, text gradients, keyframes for opacity, position, scale, keyframe behaviors that border on the insane, presets, letter/word/line selection, customizing....these are all found in the full DVD. Just figured we'd share a little in advance.
with all due respect... YOU are one of Sony Vegas' best resources.
Your interest and understanding of this incredible software make it way easy for the rest of us to learn.
A most sincere thanks for your interest, skill and delivery.
I've never been at one of your lectures that I didn't learn something and your Vegas disc sets are the best around. It takes time and patience to master new software and hardware and then LOTS more time and patience to teach the same to the rest of us.
Don't ever think you're not appreciated.
ps - oh yeah! And a huge thanks to the software developers as well. Without you, we'd still be ediitning with scotch tape and glue. Hooray!