Vegas 15 crashes at ''initializing gpu-accelerated video processing''.

eneshanerd wrote on 3/31/2018, 10:34 PM

I've tried other versions of Vegas Pro and they all result in the same crash. Been having this issue for a couple of weeks now and created an account on here in hopes of fixing it. I'm using a GTX 1060 6GB and I have an i5-8400 CPU running on windows 10. I bought my PC a month or two ago but had to save for the GPU because since the prices were up so much I had to save a bit longer. When I didn't have my GPU, I was using the intel HD 630 integrated graphics (core i5 8400) and Vegas was running fine.


NickHope wrote on 4/2/2018, 12:18 AM

That's a pity. You can submit a support request at Include as much detailed information about the problem as you can.

Brent-Holland wrote on 10/24/2018, 2:00 AM

have the same problem, put in 3 support requests and no response. Obviously a problem with Pro not the card as Hit Film works fine. After 10 years of Pro about to flip over to Hit Film, Awful learning curve but once learned I won't be back. Too many hic ups over the years has left me jaded with Pro. Sorry to hear that there is more of us out there with the same issue and nothing forthcoming. BTW I tried the trial version of 16 as well, still wouldn't open.

ooofest wrote on 11/28/2020, 4:15 PM

This is a couple years later, but I've hit the same problem upon starting Vegas after a fresh installation.
In my case, there are 3 GPUs (i.e., display adapter cards) in my system and an integrated GPU on the motherboard, but out of all those devices only one of the additional GPUs was attached to my lone display.  A newly installed Vegas would crash on startup during the "GPU acceleration . . ." step each time.

Going into Windows Control Panel -> Device settings, I would disable all GPUs except the one attached to my display, restart Vegas (which worked), go to Options -> Preferences -> Video -> "GPU acceleraton . . ." and select the currently active GPU card for future startups.

Then, I would reactivate the other GPUs (used to support 3D rendering calculations, so not needed as display-attached interfaces) and Vegas would start up successfully in future restarts, using only the display adapter's GPU.