There are a lot of software companies that stipulate not only Students, but also Faculty/Staff can purchase their products. I just purchased GigaStudio 3 and Arturia Moog Modular V and CS-80V at a discount because I work at a University.
"I work for the government. I can get educational, so I do.
I'm saving money. If they keep offering it, I'll take it"
It seems this thread is in regard to them not offering it and I say good for them. You work for the government, and probably get paid very well on top of what's make you any better than the rest of us having to pay full price when we don't qualify for a student discount? You're part of the problem of why legitimate Vegas users are sore over this subject. You're not a student and have a good job, yet you qualify for a discount. Well go f**k yourself from everyone else having to pay full price not qualifying under some niche umbrella, and probably making less money than yourself on top of that.
Boo hoo...your discount has been discountinued, how's it feel to be equal to the rest of us? Jerk!!!
IKwak, that is the policy of most software companies. SONY Media Software, on the other hand, seems to be more enlightened than most (no surprise there) and encourage continued use of the older version and even lets you sell or otherwise transfer the license to a different person. That new person will then have a full license to the older product in all respects except that they're not eligible for the upgrade discount.
I've got Vegas 3, 4, 5; DVD-A 1, 2; ACID 3, 4, 5; Sound Forge 5, 6, 7; Video Factory/Movie Studio 2, 3 all installed so that if there are questions about the older versions i can go experiment.
Why isn't DVD Architect 2 and the Sony Pictures Digital AC-3 Encoding software sold separately, apart from the Vegas + DVD Production Suite? From all of my searching on the Sony site and elsewhere, it appears that anyone who purchases the academic version of Vegas, or already has some other editing software, cannot get DVDA & AC-3 encoding software without buying the whole bundle at full price!
If AC3 is sold separately, what name is it sold under? Again, I can't find it anywhere. (Ditto with DVD Architect.) If these are Sony products and available separately, it seems they would make them known on their site. And if they aren't Sony products, whose are they--maybe I can look there.
Rednoll don't be so sour, this are just opinions of people. Take some prozac my friend. Are you sour over not having a goverment job? Everyone is entiled to their opinions.
If you had the chance to get a lower price using a loophole I'm sure you would take it. So limit your cursing. If you need counseling email me.
You work for the government, and probably get paid very well on top of what's make you any better than the rest of us having to pay full price when we don't qualify for a student discount? You're part of the problem of why legitimate Vegas users are sore over this subject. You're not a student and have a good job, yet you qualify for a discount. Well go f**k yourself from everyone else having to pay full price not qualifying under some niche umbrella, and probably making less money than yourself on top of that.
Working for the Government and being rich are two different things. I can assure you I am not rich. However, yes, I am lucky to have my job. I don't make the rules. I also DON'T bootleg ANY software. If you actually do this for a living, you can get somewhat of a deduction for your purchase. So, in fact you are getting a discount. Should that not be allowed as well. Sour grapes man.
Lots of class in you telling me to go f mysef too.
Lots of whiners on this site. Get over yourselves. There are a chosen few that aren't wannabees on this site that I respect. The rest are just that. Wannabees that know nothing about this industry. This is precisely why I hate DV. It has put to no nothings in video editing. Everyone who can afford a sub par camera, a computer and this software suddenly think they are proffesionals. Well, that bothers me.
Have a nice day. And, I would never tell you to go f yourself. Great thing about living in a free country. We can disagree. The difference is, I at least have the respect to be decent to you.
I'm pretty sure the separate AC3 package was discontinued because buying the full DVD-Architect package which included AC3 was just about the same price. It seemed kinda foolish to sell one small piece for the same price. Buying the 5.1 Surround Plug-in Pack only wouldn't have been any cheaper than getting DVD-A.
Chienworks: This still leaves the question of where one can find the "full DVD-Architect package" (unless you're talking about Vegas + DVD). Any hints?
You are pretty much a pompous ass aren't you? It's easy for me to understand why you consider the discount fair, because obviously you put yourself on a higher pedestal as the majority of us as you so righteously point out because, the majority of the users here are just "Wannabees". I've been using Vegas since v1.0 in a professionally working audio studio environment way before you even thought of using it for video editing.
The difference here is that I don't consider myself any better than any other user and expect to pay the same price for my software as every other user and be offered the SAME discount as every other user if it's available. So yes, I do appreciate a good discount and would jump at it, but I believe EVERYONE should be entitled to the SAME opportunity. This educational pricing discount is an unfair pricing strategy to users who don't happen to have government jobs, or even able to afford to send themselves to school to get the student discount. Why do these users then have to pay a higher dollar amount? Instead of acting like a jerk, and rubbing your government discount umbrella into the faces of users who don't have the same opportunity and further calling them "Wannabees", you should be thanking them. They're the ones paying full price so this product can continue to be developed.
Chienworks: You said that "[DVD Architect is] available either as a package with Vegas 5 or as an upgrade to Vegas 5. It's not available separately." Earlier you had said that "buying the full DVD-Architect package which included AC3 was just about the same price. It seemed kinda foolish to sell one small piece for the same price. Buying the 5.1 Surround Plug-in Pack only wouldn't have been any cheaper than getting DVD-A."
First of all, "full DVD-Architect package" seems to imply DVD Architect, not Vegas + DVD. Second, by putting together all of what you said, the implication is that spending $199.95 (price of the AC3 encoding software plug-in) is about the same as spending $799.96 (price of Vegas + DVD, the only way to get DVD Architect and AC3). A difference of $600 doesn't sound anywhere near "the same price" to me.
The price difference between Vegas and Vegas+DVD is only about $240 (was less during the initial upgrade timeframe)
The price of the AC-3 was about $180. So, for $60 difference (closer to $20 during the initial upgrade timeframe) you get not only the AC3 encoder but also a full featured DVD Authoring package.
jetdv: Chienworks was not talking about upgrades. If he was, he didn't specify it--which thus implies that the prices he is talking about are for the "regular" version.
The price that turned up for AC3 encoder in my shopping cart on the Sony site (I have no idea how that ever got in there, since I don't remember ever having clicked on a button to put it there) was $199.95.
So, at one time someone could buy the AC3 encoder alone--between $180 and $200. Now one can only buy it as part of Vegas + DVD--$799.96. I'm not talking upgrades, that's an entirely different matter.
+1, but I'm not so sure we should be proud of this particular thread reaching 100 posts, given the volume of bickering contained within. But apparently there is some news contained here though... I just learned a few posts back that if you all you can afford to edit is DV then you're a "no nothing". Unfortunate.
Let me just take this space to thank all of those out there who have genuinely contributed to the knowledge flow of this (usually) excellent forum, and who have generously assisted myself and many others to evolve from "know nothings" into particpating members of a community who collectively take pleasure in the creative adventure of video editing, regardless of our level of "professional" experience, government affiliation, or choice of editing media. Your kindness is appreciated.
.........There are a chosen few that aren't wannabees on this site that I respect. The rest are just that. Wannabees that know nothing about this industry.